
Kim Yoo Jung Joins Ryu Seung Ryong and Ahn Jae Hong in K-drama Adaptation of Dak Gang Jeong the Sweet and Sour Chicken Quirky Webtoon — 40 Comments

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  2. Korea will turn every webtoon into a drama and China will turn every web novel into a drama. America will reboot every old tv show to keep the entertainment machine going.

    I am going to tune in to see how the hell they pull a show about a piece of chicken into something entertaining.

    • Flat-faced KYJ toxic fans at it again πŸ˜‚
      Get back at me when your plastic flat-nosed girl has Baeksang Best Actress nomination for her overacting πŸ˜‚
      Imagine wailing like a fool in her last drama Red Sky and still not getting nomination from prestigious award πŸ˜‚ No wonder her fans spreading BS everywhere πŸ˜‚
      Don’t worry, our girl has two dramas lined up and she’ll get nominations again as usual unlike your flat-faced girl who now had to resort to playing a damn talking chicken πŸ˜‚

      • Flat face? Did you know that she’s one of the actresses with the best profile picture according to Kent?

        Kim Yoo Jung 22 years old looks like a true goddess, possessing both beautiful beauty and an attractive body, ideal height. It is known that Kim Yoo Jung possesses outstanding beauty since childhood, but it was unbelievable that her visual in her 20s could be so explosive. With big eyes, a nose bridge along the coconut tree, red lips, and a smile that shines, Kim Yoo Jung fascinates viewers at first sight.

        You can also check her two siblings and her parents for you to know if she came from flat-nose genes πŸ‘ƒ haha. By seeing the faces of her mother and siblings you will never doubt where she gets that beauty.

        And please do you even know the meaning of “flat face”? Haha, you can’t see any flaws on her face you just say flat face even though you can’t see where the flat face is. Lol, Check out her sister in google.

    • Flat-faced Kim you jung toxic fans at it again πŸ˜‚
      Get back at me when your plastic flat-nosed girl has Baeksang Best Actress nomination for her overacting πŸ˜‚
      Imagine wailing like a fool in her last drama Red Sky and still not getting nomination from prestigious award πŸ˜‚ No wonder her fans spreading BS everywhere πŸ˜‚
      Don’t worry, our girl has two dramas lined up and she’ll get nominations again as usual unlike your flat-faced girl who now had to resort to playing a damn talking chicken πŸ˜‚

      • can you just shut up LMAOO? you’re such an embarrassement to the fandom 😑 i don’t want to recognise u as one of my fellow fan. you hate her sh right? otherwise, you wouldn’t tarnish her name like this. f*ck off! well, im convince you are a HATER pretending to be my fav’s fan

    • wow her fans really can’t celebrate a casting news without dragging other actresses. living up to your reputation as the most toxic fandom in all of kdrama, i see. bravo lol

    • hit? lmao clean with passion for now with 1% rating says hello 😎
      just face it, this girl’s last hit was in 2016, stop living in some delusional past. she’s a one hit wonder. only suzy, han so hee, iu, and kim tae ri are on top now, not one of three kims

    • I mean, I’m not siding with anyone. But I just don’t understand why anyone can still comment so confidently that this and that’s actor’s new drama will be a hit or a flop. Haven’t people learned? Lots of rabid fans here always proclaim their fave’s drama will be a hit and lots of antis also saying a certain drama will flop…

      But the reality is, no one guessed it right. I remember everyone hyping up a certain drama by a star writer, but that one ended up a failure too. Meanwhile something like A Business Proposal was bashed for a lot of things including the terrible posters, but that one ended up becoming a surprise hit.
      Can fans and also antis just calm down and stop being so arrogant? None of the A-listers comeback dramas did well either, which is proof we literally can’t tell which dramas will be a hit or flop. I get secondhand embarassment when people here are overconfident and then their prediction was wrong lmao

    • I mean, I’m not siding with anyone. But I just don’t understand why anyone can still comment so confidently that this and that’s actor’s new drama will be a hit or a failure. Haven’t people learned? Lots of rabid fans here always proclaim their fave’s drama will be a hit and lots of antis also saying a certain dramas will fail…

      But the reality is, no one guessed it right. I remember everyone hyping up a certain drama by a star writer, but that one ended up a failure too. Meanwhile something like A Business Proposal was bashed for a lot of things including the terrible posters, but that one ended up becoming a surprise hit.
      Can fans and also antis just calm down and stop being so arrogant? None of the A-listers comeback dramas did well either, which is proof we literally can’t tell which dramas will be a hit or failure. I get secondhand embarassment when people here are overconfident and then their prediction was wrong lmao

      • same goes to me. too overproud, overconfident. very embarrassing. these toxic and delusional fans should be more humble

    • ROFL It’s always funny when people, especially dumb toxic youjung fans, tells you to β€œsHuT uP” πŸ˜‚
      Okay, make me 😘
      And why should I sHuT uP, I’m just telling the truth, she’s always overacting but still no prestigious award that’s why all you can boast are her CFs πŸ˜‚

      You all should just be grateful your 1% rating queen is still being cast lmao, but no, you’re all obsessed with the β€œother girl” that you just can’t be happy with this news.

      How about next time don’t make shady comments towards another actress who literally has nothing to do with this news, huh? Funny how no one is calling out the commenter who made the shady comment in the first place. Hypocrites.

      But what’s new, that has always been the method of this toxic Kim Youjung fandom β€” bash, insult, degrade, shade other actresses and then cry and play victim when it’s done to them lmao. Always the professional victims, as if your fandom isn’t the freaking bullies lol you’re literally known as the most toxic kdrama fandom, let that sink in. But okay, as always play victim again πŸ™„

      Next time don’t shade other actresses if you don’t want your flat-faced girl to be dragged, k?
      As they say, don’t dish out what you can’t take 😘

      • I’m the one who told u to shut up. and guess what? I’m an oris lol. i really wish you aren’t her fan and really a tr*ll like that tomsso whatsoever coz u do sound like her. u should do a reflection. seriously. even if u want to fight so much, don’t drag sohyun in ur agenda! no fans will appreciate for what u did for ur so called justice coz it’ll only embarrass sso.

    • If you’re smart enough you know this hate comment is nonsense. Tsk tsk tsk. Too bad some people still entertain this kind of comments….

  3. Was there an offer to Kim Se Jung for this role? I only read Cha Eun Woo being offered the male role and not KSJ. But this PD really loves chicken, Extreme Job also centered on the a chicken shop. jk

  4. Was there an offer to Kim Se Jung for this role? I only read Cha Eun Woo being offered the male role and not KSJ for the female role. But this PD really loves chicken, Extreme Job also centered on the a chicken shop. jk

  5. Before anyone continue insulting my girl, have you all considered this cristal person is just a troll who hates our girl so she made that comment to invite hate to out jungie? Like that joane or whatever 😭😭😭

  6. Before anyone continue insulting my girl, have you all considered this cristal person is just a tr*ll who hates our girl so she made that comment to invite hate to out jungie? Like that joan or whatever 😭😭😭

      • That KES too 😭 Maybe same people who want the two fandoms to fight because they hate the two kims 😭

      • Yeah. Sidus is the real culprit of these unnecessary hate and comparison. They made a lot of cash from these girls. Glad that they already walked away from this bad agency.

    • I agree. I think that person is just a troll trying to create hate towards her. I’m not even going to comment under that to give that more attention. Ignoring them is the best path method in my opinion.

      • Yeah, it’s tiring at this point. As a longtime fan of our jungie, I’ll be the first to admit we’ve had some problematic history, but lots of those immature fans have grown up now. And our fandom doesn’t claim those who didn’t, believe me. Real fans will never send hate to Sohyun, she follows jungie on IG and it’s obvious they’re friends. Why would us real fans hate her 😭 That cristal person is most definitely a tr*ll 😭
        We just want to be happy about this and tr*lls are ruining it 😭😭😭

      • @hong ra on Hello, So Hyun fan here and I agree with everything you said. The thing is, both of them have spoken out about feeling hurt by all the comparisons made by fans and media about them, so I genuinely can’t understand why some toxic fans still contribute to that and continue perpetuating that sh*t even though they know both actresses are hurt by it. Are they even true fans when they do that? I’ve interacted with some yoojng fans on twitter and we are all so nice to each other. Really surprised by the toxicity and fanwars here. I’m so sorry you all have to deal with tr*lls (why is koala filtering out the word tr*ll? I had to rewrite my comment and censor the word for the comment to be posted lol)

        I will forever blame Sidus for all this. Plenty of same-batch child actresses don’t get compared to the degree that these two are, all because Sidus marketed them as rivals, ugh
        And for the record, I think LMAOO is a tr*ll too. Plenty of commenters here hate the Kim duo, probably threatened by them so they get their satisfaction seeing them both get hate, mostly fans of early 90s gen actresses from my observation (won’t name names, but you know who they are, those who are always making gloomy “predictions” about the careers of the Kim duo)

      • @justacommenter Thank you for the wholesome reply πŸ€—
        Us non-toxic real fans should stick together and call out any tr*ll comments to hopefully avoid more fanwars

  7. Aww I love KYJ! She’s so pretty and a great actress!! I hope all her projects get a lot of support from true fans and positive vibes!! Fighting!! Bring in all the good projects for her !! Love her in youth retreat, red sky, moon etc. dramas!!

  8. Wow… What’s with the comments here? LOL. Story sounds weird, ok as a webtoon but how to act as a piece of fried chicken is intriguing. AJH is a bit weak in his visuals… maybe he is the one turning into the fried chicken instead?

  9. Is this the one directed by Director Lee Byeong Heon? I love his works from Twenty, Be Melodramatic and Extreme Job. He is known for working repeatedly with the same actors – RSY from Extreme Job and now AJH from Be Melodramatic. Can’t wait!

  10. LOL It’s funny how there’s always fanwars on articles about Kim Sohyun and Kim Youjung. Meanwhile here I am, a cultured man who loves and appreciates the two beautiful and talented ladies. I don’t mean to be sexist, but why can’t you all women do the same? Why are women so obsessed with comparisons and sh*t lmao you all just be doing this to yourselves πŸ˜‚

    • Also, all my guy friends agree with me they’re both beautiful and great at what they do. I swear it’s only women with this “If I stan the other, I should hate the other” mentality when it comes to these two ladies It’s hella weird. You realize you can love the other without hating the other, right? πŸ˜‚

    • Man really make a comparison. The most common example is in sport like football. My football fav players is better than yours. It’s the same thing. What make you thing messi vs ronaldo is the most popular discuss in football? Women and men is just the same.

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