
C-actress Zheng Shuang Drops Double Shocker: Dating Hans Zhang and Admits Plastic Surgery — 17 Comments

  1. Yay! I didn’t finish all of Let’s Go watch the Meteor Shower, but those two are pretty much the only reason I stuck with it so long. Glad to see they really are together.

  2. Whoa. The change is a bit extreme. She wasn’t that bad looking and cutesy to begin with. At least with Yang Mi one can still recognize it’s Yang Mi. Not so sure I can say the same here.

  3. I don’t know. I mostly feel like ones natural born beauty is better. I thought she was cute and lovely just the way she was before. But PS is a personal choice and it doesn’t really matter what I think. In an industry where looks matter a lot, I can’t fault them for wanting to look prettier.

    She’s so young!!! Goodness – going under the knife at such a young age, the poor thing. well, I wish the happy couple well! I’m sure this will also help their upcoming drama a lot. 🙂

  4. I really give her props for admitting to PS. It was way too obvious, and while the results aren’t too plastic, I have to admit that my heart broke. She was so beautiful and angelic-looking before, and that was what made her stand out amongst the many Chinese actresses with pretty much the same cookie cutter features. I wish she never did it, but at least she has the guts to admit it.

    I’m happy they’re finally making things official, but we could all see it coming once he posted that on his weibo. They are adorable together and I wish them the very best.

  5. Awh. They’re so cute together. I was always rooting for them. Lol! But girl looked pretty before the plastic surgery. Proud she wasn’t afraid to deny her surgery though. Good luck in the future and to the happy couple.

  6. Ah so some eye surgery at least. She was pretty before, and at only 22 looks older than her age now. Hope she doesn’t need more surgical revisions.

    However they make a cute couple.

  7. I’ll admit I totally am dying to see YangMi’s face when ZS admits to her surgery, just to get a taste of how awesome YM used to be in my books…as a bona fide Actress. XD

    I still love her old face with her old nose better, this is more refined, but aging her and she looks unrecognizable. Of course I would’ve stood and applauded right beside you for her balls alone.

  8. Yay!! I really enjoyed their chemistry in LGWTMS. I think this couple had the best chemistry out of all the drama versions of Hana Yori Dango ever made. It was kinda obvious in the BTS that they really liked each other. Hope to hear more official good news from them soon.

  9. Oh yes, I remember checking out LGWTMS a while back, earlier this year. I didn’t watch it properly, but found the OTP had cute chemistry. So happy that they are dating!

    I totally did not recognise her in those first 2 pics above at the press conference. Usually, with PS, there are still recognisable features before and after, but here…. nope. True, she does look more sophisticated than before, but appears to have aged a lot(at least with the make up she wore at the press conference). She looked natural and cute before the PS. I don’t think she needed the PS to be honest.

    However, the character still you have of her in Ancient Sword Fantasy (3rd pic) is really pretty. I still think the first 2 pics of her at the press conference makes her look too old though.

  10. She looked very pretty before and she looks just as pretty now.
    I really applaud her for her honesty and bravery. This really made me want to watch her dramas.

  11. Is it wrong for me to ask in what part of her face did she get her PS?.. etc? I’m trying to compare the before and after pictures and can’t figure out what’s different to them..eyes bigger? Cheek lift? If someone could put a side by side picture of her that would be great! but if not, it’s okay.. its not important, I’m just curious (from a girl to another girl perspective)

    wow.. didnt know SOP is doing a sequel, guess we’ll get to see that soon.. I’m guessing its airing after Lan Ling Wang is over? Gosh that drama went by so quick 🙂

  12. awww those two!! I love them together! and good for her for admitting plastic surgery, she was fine before but it’s her decision.

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