
Park Shin Hye and Miura Haruma do a Cross-straits Pictorial for Ceci Magazine — 40 Comments

  1. I love both of them and they are ultra cuties and look great together but you’re right…the pictures above have no spark or chemistry between them. There was no real eye contact or interaction between the two. It’s like they were both posing for the camera lone. Although it sorta looks like Miura Haruma tried harder to engage Park Shin Hye but who knows..maybe it’s the direction they got from the photographer. *shrug* It’s almost as if even if one or the other wasn’t in the picture it’d still be a great solo photo shoot. Either way both look great!

  2. To me, he’s acting in the photos with his eyes and she’s just…occupying space with hers as if it’s just another paying gig. She does not come off as passionate.

  3. Nice…they do look beautiful, but it looks boring because they lack chemistry. The photographer could have directed them to engage with one another a bit.

    • They’re cute in the shots with the cupcakes, but the rest, they just seem so distant from each other. Their body language really doesn’t say ‘I want to be with this person’ at all.

      (love the clothes though, if the styling had been done in a photoshoot with better direction it’d be fantastic)

  4. PSH is good at acting alone and showing us she is in love, however, when she needs to do physical contact with her co-stars she lacks chemistry with them and seems too stiff…. and there is no Attraction… so her couple gets a lot boring.

    Maybe that is why she and Lee Wan had such good chemistry! because they couldn’t get much closer and longed for each other LOL

    Since then I don’t see such good chemistry with PSH…

    • Ha! Perhaps that is the reason why they had such good chemistry! I think the only person she ever had chemistry with aside from jang geun suk was Lee Wan, which interestingly enough, was in her much younger years…

      • More than age I think it was the role she played in what has to be the saddest story I have ever seen….Shinhye along with Lee Wan complemented each other extremely well in portraying their characters that left a lasting impression……and if I may say so without any kiss. By no means was she cold and aloof there ……and definitely did not act alone.
        It has always been my believe that the script and story has to be good enough with depth in characterization for an actress/ actor to show their true worth. It would be fair to assess them on the basis of the scope of the role played by them.

  5. i wonder what language they talk when they’re together since I read somewhere that they have been having a good time while working together…

  6. You said it perfectly. I like PSH a lot; she is a talented actress, but I’ve never perceived her as having much chemistry with her co-stars, romantic or otherwise. She doesn’t bring much passion to her roles, so it’s difficult to connect with any of her characters. But when she’s alone, she’s great.

    • I have to agree with almost all of you.She is a ok actress but when it comes to her chemistry with others is a big ….grrrrr “so cold bring me my blankets please”.I like her in BTS clips with JangG Suk.

  7. @Nilchoclat Thanks Now i get why they seems to have ZERO chemestry. It’s two people being in the same space and not aware of each other being which explain what you guys said above. Thats a Weird concept, don’t like it. I love to see sparks and sadly there are none and it’s on purpose… I would like to see the making héhé

  8. rly ? I Actually liked last cinderella alot, the lead actress overacted but overall the story ws great and the drama had rly some awesome touching moments

    • LOL it’s true she is certainly the luckiest actress in korea in terms of actors she has been working with:D

      i saw a picture in my local forum that was saying:D if i translate it, it would mean ‘Please God give us Park Shin Hye luck in this world’ 😀 lol

  9. I totally disagree with you. I think she nails her drama characters to a tee. She is not cold on screen. If what you say is true why are there so many shipping her with previous drama partners. Watch and see “Heirs” will
    be another blockbuster drama overseas for sure. Park Shin Hye is appreciated for her choice of works and the warmth that radiates from them.

  10. I find psh is rather stiff in her dramas. She’s one of the stiffest kissers in drama land, can’t remember if she did a passionate kiss before, same for other actresses such as mgy. Suzy, really showed a lot of chemistry with lsg and really surprised me with the deep kiss.

    • Really I find your comment funny but after you mention MGY & Suzy I find it more funny than first time shin hye the queen of chemistry and the kisses is like something secondary actually not confirm the romance if you really see through shin hye’s roles almost of them the girl shouldn’t know how to kiss which convince me she isn’t stiff but who doesn’t understand the story, the characters and the only thing that matters is kiss really!

    • Really? Because the complete lack of romantic chemistry with LSG is what killed my interest in the main couple in GFB, they seemed more like siblings/friends instead of lovers. She had it with Kim Soo-hyun in Dream High, but here….no.

      And chemistry is about a lot more than what the kiss scene ends up looking like. Having a couple fall on top of each other a dozen times, or even a proper, open-mouth kissing scene, is no substitute for an actual spark with a costar – otherwise that Pottery Nightmare show with Moon Geun-young would have us totally convinced the idiot prince and idiot potter were a true OTP, and the purported OTP in The Moon That Embraces The Sun would not be so painful to watch as adults.

  11. Si claro, por eso es que a ganado tantos premios y tiene tan buena trayectoria, por favor creo que necesitas mas experiencia para hacer este tipo de publicaciones y no hablar por hablar.

  12. Yeah right, that’s why that won so many awards and has such a good track record, please think you need more experience to do this type of publication and do not talk for talk.

  13. I don’t know, Koala. She’s generally had a bad track record with kiss scenes, but for me, chemistry is really about whether I find the two characters interesting to watch together and want them in each other’s space – and that’s a thing that is apparent long before any kissing happens.

    She had great chemistry with Jang Geun-seok in You’re Beautiful and their two CFs together, and her performance in YAB was actually nowhere on the ‘cool’ side at all, though I can see why you might think that for FBND. And I liked her chemistry with Yonghwa (non-actor though he is) in both their series together, and with Yoon Shi-yoon in FBND.

    But Heirs makes me seriously nervous, because from the one previous CF she and Lee Min-ho did together, they really had no vibe at all – they looked cute, but that was it (I do wonder how she’ll be with Kim Woo-bin though). And I dread the prospect of more dead fish kissing now that she’s returning to network tv.

  14. It’s always interesting to see and try to understand things from others point of view. …….specially when it’s different from yours. Personally, I got pulled in by Shinhye into liking and then progressively admiring her solely because of her portrayal of different roles played by her throughout her career. Initially, I found her chubby actress when I started watching YB out of boredom. By the end was fascinated by the endless expressions, charm and charisma of her as Gominam…….the chemistry between her and JGS and that with Yonghwa was truly amazing and had lots to do with the success of that drama. She went on to have another great one in HS.
    I feel that she is able to give what is asked of her in any particular project……..may it be with Lee Wan, JGS, JYH, YSY, LSGetc.
    In this photo-shoot, the selcas with ice cream is portrayed extremely well by both bringing one to smile also with them enjoying the moment. The other one are more understandable when one actually watches their short MV released by CeCi. The pictures are in keeping with the same feel that we get from it. I did enjoy looking at them together in both and have no doubt they would be great in a drama too…
    The only thing that may have some substance is the kissing scenes…………..but do you think that the director and writer may have SOME hand in how they were conceptualized for that particular role?
    I will reserve my judgement once I see her playing a role which actually demands that.

    • Maris – you took the words out of my mouth. I agree with you! I think Shinhye is an amazing actress. I have compared her emotions and presence with some of the actresses others keep bragging on and do not find Shinhye lacking at all.
      I really find it troublesome when someone starts out “I really like PSH, I really do but….” then lists that she has no charisma or passion. I don’t know what shows/dramas/movies they watched but it must not have been the ones I watched. I find it very amusing that she is given thumbs down on her kissing. We have all seen the CF she did with JGS and that was not dead. And as for her kissing in YAB, she kissed like I imagine a very naive, nun-in-training would kiss. What do people want her to do jump on someone and act like a slut or something? would be out of character with the part! The girl has chemistry with every actor she has been paired with from my viewpoint. And a lot of people keep saying there was no chemistry between PSH and LMH during their CF but if one would re-check the CF from their ETUDE House making of the commercial – the one where they both have pink and they are posing different shots. There is one scene where LMH raises his head and brings it down slowly to look at her and she is pulled in closely to him and there is definitely a sizzle there.
      But I guess it is all in the audience’s perspective.
      And how do people that say “I can’t stand PSH or I hate Her or I never watch her shows because she can’t kiss” know so much about her shows? I would never watch someone act that I thought so little of that they bored me to tears? Another peeve is when people state she isn’t at all pretty…duh again who are they watching? She absolutely is gorgeous. There is nothing fake about her at all. And she has developed from an adorably cute girl into a drop dead gorgeous woman…..just my thoughts.

      • Enonane – if you’re referring to me indirectly as a doubter of the LMH/PSH chemistry, can I just say straight-out that she’s one of my favourite young actresses in that age group, and the main reason why I plan to watch Heirs. And having a ‘cool’ vibe in FBND doesn’t mean she didn’t connect with her costars, it’s just a major change from her previous roles in HS and YAB.

        I actually find the carping about her kissing scenes somewhat unreasonable, because the PDs are usually more to blame, people are acting as if she is the one taking those decisions. (and I hope she and LMH have more spark together once they’re in character and have more to act out, because while he himself is very charismatic, he doesn’t always have good chemistry with his female leads- e.g. BOF)

  15. Pogo – I wasn’t. Please don’t think I was directing my comments at you. My thoughts are an accumulation of reading comments from multiple sources that make me want to hit my head and go “duh – what show were they watching?” I think Shinhye has amazing chemistry but it is my opinion. And for those that state she only has one or two expressions in all her dramas….eh? are they really watching her shows?
    On another thought …. I watched the Ceci photo shoot mv and my take on it was of 2 lovers ….. Shinhye revisiting the place where she once met with her past love. I think Haruma is perhaps a spirit. Shinhye is thinking about all the places he once stood. It seemed as if longing, regret and lost love were in both their eyes and moodiness. I don’t know how everyone else interpreted it but that was my take….. and I think she expressed it well and so did Haruma.

    • ah ok. I occasionally find myself annoyed by people who try to trash her as an actress (usually in the defence of far less skilled idol-actors) by claiming she, like idols, is only cast because of ‘popularity’ while ignoring the fact that her popularity doesn’t come from MVs, CFs or variety show aegyo, it’s because she is actually capable of portraying a character well, not just putting on the costume and saying some lines.

      The video for the shoot is nice, but I still feel like the concept didn’t translate so well to stills except for the cupcake/ice cream one which is great.

      • Shinhye is my favorite actress in the world. She has that rare talent to become every character she portrays. It is an amazing talent and I think she will get even better in the years to come.

    • Very well said about the CeCi shoot. Both did a good job in expressing the longings and loneliness. It’s not about chemistry, it’s more to the expressiveness both of them are able to expressed through their eyes. Frankly, I don’t see much “so called A listers” actors/actresses pulling such deep emotions in their acting.

  16. I think it’s completely possible to like an actress/actor individually but find them lacking in the chemistry department for whatever reason. Sometimes you may enjoy everyone on a cast separately — but realize there’s no synergy to go around.
    Park Shin Hye has formed good rapport with all of her costars. I’m assuming what people mean by ‘chemistry’ (where there are plenty of different types) is in the passionate kind. The romantic one, or even the sexual one. Granted, all of her characters that she has portrayed so far is not the type to exude “sexy”(the introverted type, ditzy-nun-in-training, traditional college gal to name her more popular ones) so I will give her the benefit of the doubt and say that there will come a day where she’ll take that passionate chemistry to the next level in a role that really calls for it. Until then, i don’t think it’s fair for anyone to bash the poor girl for her lack of passionate chemistry, neither do i think she’s a ha ji won — who apparently has romantic chemistry with anyone she works with, no matter the age.

  17. Ok guys,let’s change the subject.Some we like her and some we dont, and some we’re so-so with her as we ‘re with many other actors .What about Miura Haruma?I found him delicious and very yummy.Oh boy,after my Yamapi crush I m going to have a new one .OH BOY!,OH BOY!The Cougar Inside me Woke Up!.And his last drama “Last Cinderella” gives me too much hope.

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