
Jang Geun Seok’s Beautiful Man May Lose MBC Year End Time Slot to Miss Korea — 23 Comments

  1. New drama actually sounds better than Beautiful Man. It would’ve been interesting though if it was scheduled as I previously thought against KSH & KHJ’s dramas.

    Re: the contestants. Got dizzy. Except for the hairstyles, eyes, nose, smile all look the same. Reminded me when I was new to kdramas and couldn’t match the names to the faces of k-celebs as they all looked the same to me.

    • Lol at the last part! I had trouble myself with that issue.

      Miss Korea sound more interesting than the so called “Beautiful Man”

    • Yes, if you watch the video of the contestants, it’s super obvious that these images have been photoshopped. (And they’re actually Miss Daegu contestants.) However– Korea does have a particularly narrow definition of beauty and it is really disturbing to see how many actresses look similar thanks to the dominant plastic surgery templates. I hope that the Miss Korea drama pokes fun at the industry.

      As far as the JGS drama goes– I’ve come to expect WTF-news about him and his endeavors. I think he’s gonna have a really hard time when he does his military service.

      • You are totally right, I think most Koreans feels so insecure about their physical looks and they always try to abandon their Asian look for more western look. It is indeed disturbing.

        And I think this is something that needed to be shown on TV and I hope that they will indeed tackle that with some depth in this drama. This is a strong point show, USE IT!

  2. The contestants look so much like each other that its almost scary. Was it like a group thing!?! You know, the surgery?:

  3. This drama does sound more interesting and even though I’m not the biggest fan of the Pasta writer, I do like that PD a lot….but I have to admit that I’d be a wee bit disapointed if A Beautiful Man doesn’t make it to air though, I was look forward to seeing Han Ye Ri in a whole entire drama and maybe even looking forward to her duking it out with Jang Geun Suk

  4. This project sounds sooo much better! I can’t wait to see who’ll get casted. As long as its someone I like, I’d definitely check it out.

    As for ‘beautiful man’; good riddance! I hate the whole premise of that drama, what with a narcissist male and a doormat female lead. MBC finally did something right… Other than GFB and HYI, they’ve not had a single ratings hit this year. And BM isn’t one to change that record, I reckon.

  5. The rumors of course from SM and SM CC-all the possible actresses in that company and maybe one or two actresses that most of you didn’t like at all in here.
    For one thing the actresses must be tall.

  6. Okay so this is kinda unrelated but I thought of it the moment I saw the Pasta poster. I just read your last article about Park Shiny Hye about her amazing luck with male leads and I have to say that I feel the same about Gong Hyo Jin… except you know the ahjussi version.

    I have this secret list of ahjussis that I fawn over though my friends find it really weird because most of them are old enough to be my father or at least an uncle (I’m not that young though at 19) but seriously Gong Hyo Jin. Every single one of them. Jang Hyuk, Lee Sun Gyun AND CHA SEUNG WON??? How? Okay I know how, it’s cause she’s an amazing actress. But seriously my trio of sexy men who old enough that my friends think I’m weird for pawing the screen when I see them (well
    weirder than when I do it with guys who are more age appropriate). Hell, all she has to do is do something with Uhmforce and then I’ll just have to fly to Korea and maybe steal her phone just for the contacts….

    • Btw, PSH already worked with Uhmforce in the Cyrano Dating Agency movie so you can book that flight to Korea and plan the burglary already 😉

      I think the only ‘older’ actress who has luck comparable to PSH’s with flower-boy costars (as opposed to Flower Ajusshis, though she has a few of those too like pre-ajusshi Jang Hyuk and So Ji-sub) is Shin Mina – her list of costars is pretty mind-boggling too (when the most recent costar was Lee Jun-ki and the next one will be Kang Dong-won, it’s quite something). Though of course she is a spectacular beauty herself.

  7. I’m curious to see the ladies without the makeup. It might be the studio handling them and giving the same makeup style or whatever.

    I noticed the same thing in our yearbook pictorial, when you have one person work on 100 students’ makeup and post-processing. They all tend to look alike. :/

  8. This a concept that totally calls for hi jinks (if done right) and I will totally be checking out this show if it’s a done deal — it sounds unique, fresh, and silly.

    The poster of the contestants is frightening, really.

  9. i hope they will give Jang Geun Suk a good project and a remarkable character just like the Beethoven Virus. they’re just wasting his talent. he’s a very versatile actor and i hope to see him in a good k-drama soon.

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