
Lee Dong Gun and Yoon Eun Hye Save a Puppy as Their Time-travel Drama Gets New English Title — 25 Comments

  1. Koala Unnie, I long for the day when you become cured from the Joowon allergy. 😉
    But, too cure that allergy, you’d probably want to stay far away from GD. I’m part of the minority tho, because I can’t stand Joowon in Good Doctor. I don’t want to be misinterpreted, I like the character, just not the way the actor is portraying him.

    I’m looking forward to this 🙂 I really like person vs. fate/destiny dramas. I hope, I really hope this would be worth the wait.

    • Title (romaji): Juunen Saki mo Kimi ni Koishite
      Also known as: I’ll Still Love You In 10 Years
      He goes to see his wife from 10 years ago to prevent them from meeting and falling in love.

  2. What a mouthful…I much rather prefer Mirae’s Choice or Future’s Choice. Kind of puts more of the emphasis on the husband storyline (which is definitely a big part of it) rather than Mirae’s story and finding out whether she wants to be with her husband. Mehhhhhh I’ll check it out but Yoon Eun Hye has been lackluster for me as of late.

      • I had a laugh about the title, too – of course she is going to dare to marry him, future self or no future self. Marriage is always a leap into the deep end of the pool, and people are always flinging themselves in regardless of the well-intentioned and often quite reasonable warnings of their friends and relations.
        Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t, but it seems few human beings can resist the journey. My husband and I were warned that we might not be suited for one another – 30 years ago, LOL (yes, we are still together).

  3. I little disappointed with “Good Doctor” so i put it on hold.I m looking so forward for YEH’s new drama.I have big hopes for this one.

  4. The choice of casate with Mirae or if you dare, not matter what the title, the only thing I care about is that either October, The Choice of casate with Mirae or if you dare, I do not care what the title , the only thing I care about is that either October, I can not wait to see this drama….

  5. OMG, they are going to be so cute together. Both actors have this grown-up puppy feel to them. Very sweet and wanting to please.

    She has come a long way since Goong, hasn’t she?

  6. I am excited to see them. I really hope writer-nim do the ish justice and not waste Yoon Eun Hye’s and the others talent. I mean, just a solid story, that’s all. Don’t have to be fancy, just solid. You have actors who can pull it off. I love YEH no matter what and I will always watch her rom-coms (I hate melo, so I skipped through a lot of MY–but I still watched her) and would just wanna see her on screen. Gah, Koala it looks like your website is going to be my home come oct 14. I really hope it goes LTM crazy up in here hehe. Darn, dont take me from my homework.

  7. I’m excited to see the premiere, I’ve been waiting for YEH’s project since IMY finished and now this and October is coming fast, I can’t ask for more, lol. I wonder if that is an actual taping with that cute dog in it, I noticed some extras around. At any rate, I wish it is October already but I can wait a little. Good luck to YEH on her comeback project.

  8. So envious of S.Korea this October, they’ll have an OctoberFest of drama. Just noticed that Joo Ji Hoon will be in MBC’s MTT drama. So, they’ll see the ‘Goong’ Royal couple on TV every week; Mon-Tue w/ Yoon Eun Hye (KBS) and Wed-Thurs w/ Joo Ji Hoon (MBC). Awww! Daebak!

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