
Two Weeks Episode 12 Recap — 7 Comments

  1. OMG. CLONE??!! WTF. How is that even possible? A hologram? A life-size picture stand??? WTFFFF. I can’t wait until next week. I actually still liked this episode, it was a bit slower but we really only have 2 weeks (tee hee) left so I figure we need to get SOMEWHERE.

  2. Is this some kind of conspiracy plot? Episode 12 in three dramas delivers a twist that changes things. Who Are You, Master’s Sun, now Two Weeks.

  3. I am curious about the relationship between Moon Il suk and Teacher KIm, are they really father and son? Thank you for the recap, off to read!

  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I think…well…umm…it’s gotta be…ahhhhhh…
    I have NO IDEA how he could be in two places at the same time.

    I hope it isn’t some trick where he was just released and high-tailed it over to his house. That would just mean they played us as far as the timeline.

  5. I was also like WTF!!!??? Maybe boss lady had him released early, or he has a twin somewhere or maybe he had someone undergo plastic surgery so that he looks like him to take the fall or its a flashback.

    Poor SW, he needs to tell IH the truth about the shooting before someone else does if he wants a tiny chance to stay with her.

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