Categories: K-dramas

Lee Bum Soo and Yoona Show Off Unexpected Chemistry in Prime Minister and I

There is good and bad news about the upcoming K-drama Prime Minister and I. The good news is that the concept teasers and the first drama preview all look fantastic. Zippy and snappy, there is a lot of energy and the cast is all sparking onscreen. Even better news is the just released first couple still of leads Lee Bum Soo and Yoona and I actually stared for a good long while because of how unexpectedly good they look together and the fact that the chemistry is palpable even in still pictures. I never had a problem with onscreen couples with a wide age gap in either gender reversal and here it factors into the drama storyline since he’s a single father of three kids while she’s an eager to make a name for herself tabloid reporter. I was mostly concerned that Yoona has never impressed me with her acting whereas Lee Bum Soo impresses me in each and every outing but so far everything I see has left me happy and relieved. With all this good news, the bad news I mentioned at the beginning is less a concern for the drama and more a major worry for male lead Lee Bum Soo. He is currently filming the movie God’s Hand with Jung Woo Sung and two weeks ago he fractured his left hand during an action sequence.

Due to the tight filming schedule for Prime Minister and I, against the medical advice of his doctor who recommended immediately surgery, Lee Bum Soo is electing to wear a full hand cast for the duration of this drama and get surgery after the drama wraps. He’s being commended for the decision while I am screaming “What the hell is wrong with you people!” for those Korean netizens and media reports claiming he’s so professional for pushing through this drama filming while sporting a full hand fracture. That is crazy talk! KBS should have written in a hand injury and have him sport a cast for a few episodes. As is, Lee Bum Soo needs to wear the cast all the time and he plans to only take it off during official takes. I selfishly want to see him in this promising looking drama badly, but not at the expense of his pain and suffering. I wished he would have gotten the surgery no matter what, even quitting the drama, but since he’s doing it all I can do is be supportive even though I cringe when I see BTS pictures and his hand is wrapped up like a Christmas sausage. Prime Minister and I premieres in less than two weeks after Marry Him If You Dare (Mirae’s Choice) finishes next week. Check out more stills below including ones of Yoon Si Yoon showing off a slapped cheek courtesy of Chae Jung Ahn as well as being a competent aide to the Prime Minister.


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  • What makes this worse is that they've apparently written in a hand injury for YSY's character. Like seriously? "Adding insult to injury" never felt more appropriate a phrase.

  • Oh man that's horrible. I hope they're doing a media play and exaggerated his condition :|

    This drama piqued my interest more and more with each teaser/preview. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

    • i agree their is zero chemistry :( and it made me cringe watching their kiss at the preview . i dont know why would yoona always get a very older guys as her leading man exp for jgs in love rain . what did korea run out of young actors ?!!! i know their are a 100 young actors who are dying to act with korea num 1 ideal girl C'MON ?!!!!!! >_< ?~~!!

      • Are you for real? In which fantasy land you're living that their Prime minister is a young man? This drama is NOT about Yoona, the major issue is the Prime Minister and those around him, among them is Yoona. Besides, Lee Beum Soo is FINE man and outstanding actot. She should thank thousands of times a day to casting agent of the series who gave her a golden opportunity to play with someone like LBS.

      • I agree with subject, Yoona is very fortunate to work alongside Lee Beum Soo. He is not called "Koreas Giant" for nothing. In general, Yoona got a great cast around her from whom she can learn a lot and I hope she will. I also hope that the drama stays in the rom-com department and does not make a turn into a mess of melodrama and rom-com.

        Anyway, I can see some chemistry and I am relieved that I am not feeling weird watching the stills. It is not the epic couple chemistry, but I guess that is not the point of the drama and it could become quite fun to see these two character interact.

      • This is the story. The writer intended for this age gap! I would actually say why did they cast Yoona?! Did korea run out of young talented actresses! She might be the ideal girl but let's be honest here, there is no way she's near LBS, speaking of acting wise.

        Hmm. I'm more interested in LBS since he's one of those you can't ignore his talent nor his present. I may check this one if drama land failed me with the upcoming dramas! Nothing really promising except Warm Words which I'm a little excited for but merely because of the cast.

    • I see more chemistry between Yoona and Lee Boom Soo in these stills and teaser than between Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye in all the episodes of The Heirs tbh.

  • Does he need the surgery? or they need improve the rating of marry him if you dare .A fracture is something very important, more important than his drama , kbs , viewers . nobody can work in pain.

  • Loveeee Yoon Si Yoon <3 I may just watch the drama for him, but knowing how second leads always end up .. I probably should save myself the tears ..

  • That is insane. Why couldn't that be the reason he needs Yoona's character to take care of his children? If not the main reason, then at least the straw that broke the camel's... er, back.

  • I love Lee Bum Soo and i hope their are exagerating about his condition, 'cause just seeing him with that hand cast makes so sad!!!! And I also see the Chemistry between them. Hopefully the drama will be great!!!

  • I love Yoon Si Yoon. But I do feel uncomfortable about age gap. That is just a personal opinion. But I will watch this drama for Lee Bum Soo and Yoon Si Yoon.

  • I hope the writer(s) will be flexible enough to incorporate the wrist accident into the story. Hate to see PM&I making the pain worse for LBS. I think there is chemistry from the stills itself. Would be interesting to see how it actually translates on the screen. By the way, will YSY bee-lining towards Yoona or is he more into CJA in the story?

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