
In A Good Way Ending Theme Song MV and Episode 4 Cute BTS — 35 Comments

  1. Is her name Kristen or Kirsten? I think it’s k-i-r.

    Anyway, I love love love this drama!!! Thank you for introducing it to me Koala unni!!!!!!

    • It’s Kirsten, I corrected it. No one ever calls her Kirsten, everyone calls her Rong Rong even fans so I sometimes forget. I wonder if she’s changed her English name because I’ve seen it written on some IAWG posters as “Lorene”. Oh wells, she’s just adorable as kittens Rong Rong to me.

  2. Yup. My cheeks are hurting. These two are so adorable together that I want to adopt them. I hope they keep releasing the BTS scenes even if the plot itself gets sad. These are so warm and mellow like good soup on a cold day. I love the opening and closing credits. Often, I really hate the credits for rom-coms because they quickly becomes grating with cutesy Hello Kitty riding my Pretty Pony antics. But these credits I could watch all the time.

    • Want more BTS adorable?

      Rong Rong turned 25 at the end of November and Lego posted this on his facebook page.

      The caption reads:

      “Liu Chuan ~ tomorrow is my birthday can you take me out to play?

      No! Tomorrow at 10 pm I have something important to do which is watch TV. [IAGW airing time]

      Ren Rong Rong, Happy Birthday.”

      Lego did a selca with Rong Rong on the bike scene? <333333 forever!

      Eagle-eyed fans have noticed that he's been replying to her FB posts sometimes in very cheeky ways.

      • holy moly! When they release the dvd version, they need to add all of these clips and pictures. In fact, they could just have a photo album of the pictures with the dvd like all the kpop bands have picture books included in their cd releases. You know they are cute when I literally squeeled at the screen and clapped myhands even before I read through your response!!!!

      • HA. ha, Jomo. I did a “holy moly” above before even seeing your post! I love these two and we have them through February, which means my entire winter break which means I will have even more time to be squeely and come here to be squeely with all the other fans. I hope we are in for a long, warm journey with these two.

  3. The translation of the BTS had me kicking my feet in delight!!!
    Gosh I love this drama! Been watching from the very beginning and it hooked immediately. Never seen Lego is a drama before and I’m astonished at how hot he is…. Ok, pissed. Lol.

    Thanks for all your hard work. Hope we have tons of BTS adorableness in the future!

    • I just want to second the thank you, really love your regular posts on IAGW. TW dramas are a little less discussed than Kdramas, so I barely have anywhere to go to talk about this drama

  4. How old are they!? I’m soooo hocked on this drama.. It’s no joke!! I’m like a puppy waiting for the next ep to come out.. wagging tail and all!!!

  5. Gosh I know I am addicted when I am making happy noises just reading this post.

    Yay for a new addiction and currently my top addiction. How cute are those 2. She has a thousand watt smile where else he just lights up like a slow fire. They are so adorable together.

    • Haha i feel you. I am smiling like mad man when I read koala’s description, but making happy squeeing noise and hugging my pillow watching the BTS. Just adorableee !

  6. I don’t think anyone’s done it yet so….Lego Li is MINE! Just thought you all should know 😉 ahem
    So I’m totally a RongYi shipper now and praying hard that this drama keeps up the way it’s going, fingers crossed. Finally, 2013 has brought me my drama crack and not a moment too soon. Still seeing stars from that adorable as heck BTS *_*

    Thank youuuuu Koala for being our crack dealer! I love how you fangirl in your posts haha

  7. <3 this OTP so much!!! thk u koala for translating the BTS video!! i can't stop smiling. this drama is very refreshing, love the vibe and all. thx too for the BTS video after the ending credits. it cheered me right up

  8. I didn’t even notice that she almost said Jia’en and Guoyi instead of Jia’en and Liu Chuan! Hehehaha, who would’ve known that a Freudian slip could be so sweet?

  9. yeay bring it on fairy koala, I appreciate your updates very much~
    We know how the drama will end, the couple and everything, but their life transition journey is very well depicted; realistic. This is truly what I want from school/college drama, the friendship, club, competition etc that is not complicated but is still engaging.
    Woah bts li guo yi so cute; again omg jo jung seok (is it only me?), i cant get my mind straight. Thanks for the bts translation too unnie.
    Anyway, long journey ahead, 22-25 episodes? sigh… why only once a week.
    Hopefully they will keep on feeding us with bts, stills, more bts lol

  10. Thank you so much for getting this into my radar. I finished all episodes in one setting. And the bgm is just love. I was too young to appreciate the singers when they were active but it is definitely gold.

  11. I just want to say…
    Lego feeds Rong Rong the chocolate from her cake after he has taken a bite of it @3:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeee!
    He is just so playful around Rong Rong, I never knew he could be so cheeky!

  12. I wonder if there are going to be any subplots similar to “You’ve Got Mail” in the upcoming episodes. This show has become my crazy obsession and I can only hope you are able to find some spoilers because live filming makes it almost impossible. Once a week is too dreadful for such a good drama!

    • It does seem like that! And yes, I agree with the live-filming once per week schedule… if we go according to a 20 episode run, we’re looking at this madness lasting at least until February >.<;; This show will be the death of me TT_TT

    • i know right? i’m so addicted i can’t get enough. it’s an awfully long wait since it’s only aired once a week.
      i keep looking for bts videos, interviews etc. TT.TT

  13. Don’t shoot me but personally I find Liu Chuan (and Ren) too skinny. I like guys to be fatter (like Liu Chuan’s playboy room-mate). Liu has a handsome face though. From some angles I am thinking Edison Chen.

    • Preferences are preferences, nobody should be shot for them uvu But yeah, both of the roommates aren’t exactly shabby themselves… I’d confess to having a mini-heartbreak when RiQi and the new chick (forget her name) have a moment if someone asked… good thing no one’s asking xP

      I never saw the Edison Chen resemblance until you mentioned it and now I can’t unsee ^^;; (not that it’s a bad thing)~

  14. Lego may be a bit skinny but as long as he is not stick figure i am cool with it..and for some odd reason hehehe i was fanning myself during the bike race-hahaha never thought i will be gushing over Lego during those scenes lol

    Lego looks like a mixture of Go Soo and Kimura Takuya for me..good good combination hehehe

  15. omg i’m so glad i’ve found a page and people who also love this drama and ship the couple too. ; ; i thought i was the only one.
    otp ftw! <3

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