
First Look at the Swashbuckling Joseon-era Movie Pirates with Son Ye Jin and Kim Nam Gil — 15 Comments

  1. So we’ve moved on from sharks to whales, have we? Love the way Kim Nam Gil looks in this, I totally agree that hr looks his best in sageuk ware….I’m totally up for this….its refreshing to see Son Ye Jin in a sageuk as well

  2. This looks… different. I havent seen shark past 4 episodes because it was such a snoozefest but the chemistry between the leads were good. I like how SYJ looks for one, and sorta liked dancing queen too, so I’ll probably check it out.

  3. WOW Kim Nam Gil really looks in his element. The long hair shaggy look suits him perfectly, reminds me of the Queen Seon Deok days <3
    in the modern drama, shark, he just looked like a really creepy pedo, especially with that mustache (except when he pulled his trade-mark smirk hehe)

  4. He looks so sexy. I never thought of it but you are right – sageuk-smarmy suits him better than present-smarmy.

    All I hear in my head is the Pirates theme:


    • I love that I could follow the Pirates theme just by reading the last line of your comment.

      @koala (and everyone who thinks KNG looks greasy in modern fare), you’re right. But I think it’s the stylists’ fault. Haha

      They keep putting him in that pornstache. He looked plenty decent and clean (and cute!) in his Kim Sam Soon cameo and as a side character in Lovers.

      Plain KNG = looks great anywhere

      KNG + stache = sageuk only, please


  5. I… really don’t know how I feel about this movie. I guess it’s a case of wait-and-see.

    Son Ye Jin is my favorite K-actress but she can really pick the worst projects for dramas. Not even my love for her can make me endure her dramas.

  6. Aww, Alone in Love is one my favourite dramas. I think that’s her one good show, and she was amazing in it. Made me a huge fan of hers. Though thank god she has her awesome movie career bc otherwise her choices are bad, or she’s just plaing unlucky idk. Shark was such a dud, you’re right. The writing sucked but the two had chemistry so I’m praying for a hot kiss scene in Pirates too. I’m sure this is just going to be a fun movie, pure entertainment, nothing more. But I’m definitely looking forward to it.

  7. Koala do you think they’re dating? (since you seem to have a hunch on all things chemistry in Asian dramaland AND you seem to have inside sources haha). I caught a bit of Shark and thought they sizzled, but didn’t stick around long enough to know if that translated offscreen (potentially).

    • Son Ye Jin is a great actress and I really look forward to watching her movies. Too bad that not many Korea movies are being shown out of Korea. However, the Korea dramas are very popular in many Asian countries.

  8. Kim Nam Gil and Son Ye Jin have that chemistry. Their looks compliment each other not to mention they are both good actor/actress. I wish they would end up in each other’s arms in real life hehehe..Love them both….

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