
Miss Korea Episode 10 Recap — 29 Comments

  1. I am saving both episodes for when I have a free mind to just properly savour the drama. I just realised that was the difference for me between this drama and YFAS. I enjoy and am entertained by YFAS and I can’t wait to see what happen to the story coz it has this addictive component to it but with movies or dramas I really live, I need to have time to savor the moments.

    thanks for your thoughts. you capture what is so great about the drama. stirring is truly a good description of how one feels watching it 🙂

      • I am also the same, I like YFAS and find it entertaining but this one just touches my heart, I find every moment so precious and poignant and the characters so real. When they were announcing the first three at the Miss Seoul pageant, I was so nervous as if a pageant was actually happening lol.

    • And don’t you love that scene where Dr. Ko asked Teacher Jeong to give them until the end of the year to repay their debt? That she would give him the sample and component analysis if they still can’t pay at the end of the year. Very touching to see her being so protective of HJ.

    • I can tell you that when i wach this show, i feel like i am raw emotionally. Something stirs deeply inside and i am moved by most scenes. I loved that scene when she came home and she demanded that the omma apologised and the omma said yes.

      Both LSK and LYH makes me believe their love story so much.

    • yes agreed! YFAS is shallow crack but I’m so connected to this drama deeply. It’s just so real and all the characters are so interesting.

  2. Aaah OMG that was a good episode…thank you for the fast recap now i just have to wait for the viki team to finish the subs! Hyung joon has really stepped it up – him and ji young are so perfect together kkk

  3. i like that the show is developing naturally on an ok pace..i find it more entertaining than Heirs, which is more bark than bite, so to speak.

  4. Thanks for the recap.
    I LOVED the whole Kaibaibo deal. The personalities in that scene were so completely OUT there for us to absorb in a flash. I must have replayed it 5 times in a row to see Mdes Ma and Yang smile and whine.
    The look on Yang’s face trying to decide what she would play was perfect.
    She had no idea that she had already lost.

    I know I am greedy, but I would love to know more of Ma’s story. She fascinates me.

    Sigh. I need JY to not be crushed by all these mean ladies before this show is over.

  5. Thanks for the recap!

    I love the OTP.

    I feel kinda sorry for Yoon though… just hope that he doesn’t turn villainy as the drama progress. One villain in the form of the Bada Cosmetics Kang Shik is more than enough.

    • It’s even harder now with the premier of Age of Feeling. Two high-cost production dramas playing at the same time. How can this drama compete?

  6. I kinda like it better when JY’s and Vivi’s fates were tied together. The stakes seemed higher that way. Now that they are severed, I do wonder how the story would progress from here. I just can’t predict anything with this drama.

    • I agree and disagree with that. I did feel that the stakes were higher and I originally liked it from a stakes perspective because that’s how I was looking at the show, but at this point I’m just too emotionally invested in these characters and I’m so happy that the company will live even if Ji Young doesn’t get 1st. I feel like at this point the writer assumes we’re so invested in Ji Young that we just want her to win so she can have a second chance and some control over her fate and not just because it would keep the company alive. And I still feel like she’s in such a bad place career wise that this is her last shot, at least she feels that way so I feel that way.
      But this drama is hard to predict so who knows, the stakes may be raised even higher next week.

      • I don’t think I’ve ever been so invested in a kdrama female lead before. Everytime that Lullaby like song comes on (edit: Hero by J-Min which is just BEAUTIFUL)I automatically want to comfort and hug Ji-Young.

        I think I almost cried when Mom was explaining why he’s ok with her participating in Miss Korea.

  7. Finished watching and can’t wait to see where we go from here. So is Yoon actually okay with HJ stepping down as president to help Ji Young personally? If Yoon’s intention is primarily to separate the two, could he just withdraw the investment offer altogether or is there a written contract already? It seemed like he could do whatever the hell he wanted so why did he go ahead with the investment? He must have a lot of faith in that BB cream. But what happened to Hyung Joon now? Is he unemployed?

    • I think he actually wants them to succeed to a degree and he wouldn’t back down from a product that’s good out of pettiness. He’s not a petty person, which I appreciate. I think his motivation was split and the investment meets both his needs because he genuinely wants the investment to work out and see the product come forth; he doesn’t want energy wasted on a competition he thinks is corrupt and foolish when they can be working to make the product better. But he also likes her wants a chance at a relationship with Ji Young so he doesn’t want to see her “brought down” by this type of competition and he also wants Hyung Joon to not have to spend so much time with her by taking away the “reason” they’re together. If one half of the reasons wasn’t there I don’t think he would’ve done it. I can’t even call the suggestion devious because he doesn’t have ill intent like many second leads would, he’s just straightforward with what he wants is all.

      And yeah I think Hyung Joon is unemployed now. I’m not completely sure, we’ll see.

      • Thanks for the reply. That makes a lot of sense. I like that Yoon is not completely evil, or even a little evil. He is jealous and will do what he can to get the girl but I guess his effort has fallen short time and again.

        I did not see it coming at all that HJ’s stepping down from leadership would both save the company and Ji Young at the same time. Quick thinking, Hyung Joon. I love it.

  8. I love this show so much!! Thanks for recapping because I really been looking for someone to recap and your recaps on other shows have always been good, quick, and speedy.

    I love president Ma and Ji Young..I think a part of president ma wants to see Ji Young become Miss Korea because watching her is like watching herself. I think in a previous episode it was mentioned she grew up just like Ji Young, so I get it.
    🙂 can’t wait to watch how their relationship turns out it’s such a “mother-daughter” relationship (just they aren’t related). They both understand one another.

    And I love the pace of this drama way better then other dramas I’ve watched and more down to earth without all the crazy hocus pocus dramas sometimes throw in there like random heart diseases and amnesia etc. Lol

  9. OK, I’m watching this on Hulu Plus and I’m guessing they are MBC America subs. The issue is that some lines you translated directly are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from what they showed.

    Dear Miss Koala, from your experience which site has the most accurate subs? I mostly watch from Dramafever, Viki and MBC America (via Hulu). This is the sort of drama where I need to know exactly what is being said. Like someone above perfectly said, it’s a drama you savor and it’s really annoying to get incorrect subs.

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