Nicky Wu Brings Girlfriend Liu Shi Shi to Taiwan Over Lunar New Year to Meet the Parents
Talk about putting the skeptics and naysayers to rest with one very heartwarming cross-straits trip. TW-actor Nicky Wu brought his C-actress girlfriend and frequent co-star Liu Shi Shi to Taiwan last week to spend Lunar New Year in his hometown. They visited his parents as well as spent time with people who are like an extended family to Nicky. Above is the pic snapped at a dinner attended by Nicky’s mother figure the godmother of Taiwan entertainment variety programs Zhang Xiao Yan. She is a familiar to any Taiwanese person as Americans would recognize Oprah Winfrey on sight. She’s hosted a successive string of variety and talk show programs and runs her own management agency that is uber-successful and twenty years ago she found three teenage boys and packaged them together to create the first modern day Taiwanese boyband in The Little Tigers. Nicky considers her his mentor and mother figure and she wrote after the meeting that it was the first time Nicky introduced a girlfriend to her and she was so moved by the meeting and how impressed she was with Shi Shi. Also at the girlfriend introduction dinner was Nicky’s fellow Little Tiger and A-list actor in his own right Alec Su, who is himself back in Taiwan recently to promote his movie Sweet Alibis with Ariel Lin. Alec and Nicky remain super close friends and Alec has been gushing in his own press interviews about how envious he is that Nicky found such a wonderful girl in Shi Shi. Other TW-celebs at the dinner are all part of the same agency including popular comedian and variety hosts Huang Zhi Jiao and Pu Xue Liang along with singer-host Zhang Ke Fan. It was Zhang Ke Fan who posted the picture above on his weibo with the compliment that Shi Shi was so beautiful even without a lick of make up on. TW-fans were the first to spot Shi Shi and Nicky in Taiwan even before this picture was released, with folks doing double takes in the touristy area of Tan Sui when spotting them strolling the streets and eating snacks. A fan asked to take a picture and Nicky sweetly declined asking for privacy and was seen very solicitous and protective of Shi Shi. Some pics are surreptitiously snapped by fans and posted online but for the most part they were left alone to be an ordinary couple out on a sweet date. At the rate these two are going, I’m going to predict wedding announcements by year end.
Shi Shi fan here!!!
Awww… How cute!!!
wedding and kids? Hehe… So sweet, so glad he found someone as lovely as her.
And wow, in this particular photo, both Nicky and Alec don’t look like they have aged much.
Thanks for the news.
I get choked up seeing them pursue their happiness together.
I know it’s a hangover from BBJX, but I am so rooting for them.
Bringing the family in? It’s a wonderful thing to witness.
They both seem like genuinely loving people who do each other good together, if that makes sense!
They will forever be 4 and Ruo Xi to me, so I actually tear up anytime I see happy updates from them.
Not sure about the weddings by year end but I feel that this relationship will go far until the end and they’ll marry some day. They look good and comfy together, just so heartwarming. LSS seems like a nice girl and Nicky Wu seems like a gentleman, perfect couple.
I was a shipper of HongShi but I like this couple as much as HongShi.
I am so love for them!
Very sweet couple. I am so happy for them.
Meeting family and friends is another step toward the wedding! ^^
Awwww, she looks sweet. ^o^.
Didn’t even recognize that, that was Alec. He was so FINE in ” Love in Agean Sea”!
LONGSHI is so adorable. I want them to get marry soon too. But first, I want them to enjoy this free time that they have before both got busy.
Alec looks so small and young and boyish in this photo, you’d hardly think he’s the same guy who’s been trying to grow hair and act like a 大叔 for the past few years xD
Average looking couple..meh.
They are dubbed the best looking couple onscreen in china right now. And it agree. Not only that, their relationship are keep on the download and private which defines how much they treasure this relationship. They are so in love and sweet together
Hoping really happiness, blessing each other until getting old as husband& wife
sweet couple.. ^^