Lee Hong Ki and Oguri Shun are a Matching Grey Couple on the Cover of AJ Magazine
I’ve already got a great jump start on my weekend full of fun but I have an inkling it’ll get even better because I ran across something super lucky. What are the chances that two of my faves will cross the strait and land in the same magazine cover? Pretty slim, especially since one is a seasoned actor and the other a rock star who occasionally dabbles in acting. In the May issue of AJ Magazine, Japanese actor Oguri Shun and Korea star Lee Hong Ki share a cover and the same grey suit trend. This isn’t the first cross-over magazine cover and one very similar combo happened last year with Japanese actor Sato Takeru and Korean star Jung Yong Hwa. Only one in that pairing incited excitement from me but seeing Shun and Hong Ki together had me making incoherent noises of glee. They are soooooo gorgeous and cute wrapped into one squishy delightful package to watch onscreen.
Lee Hong Ki just wrapped the well-received cable drama Bride of the Century while Oguri Shun is currently on the airwaves in the supernatural police thriller dorama Border. I’m loving Border so so much but just haven’t had time to write about it, suffice to say Shun is awesome in it and the story is interesting to watch. Lee Hong Ki is going on an Asian tour with his band F.T. Island so no acting projects lined up for him in the near future, plus he mentioned in an interview that he doesn’t want to act as the leading man anymore. Andwe Hong Ki! He proved himself ably as the leading man in BotC and should keep challenging himself in acting whether the role is a lead or supporting based on fit. This magazine shoot must have happened about two months ago since the suit Hong Ki is wearing is the same one he wore during the wedding scene with Doo Rim back in episode 10 of BotC. Heh, I can’t believe I recognize it on sight.
See? Same suit, right? Below is the magazine pic from Hong Ki promoting Bride of the Century.
I saw that cover and I thought of koala right away. Lol I knew you would like it.
I want to see hong ki act more. He is good at it but needs confidence. I hope he changes his mind about not doing lead roles because that would be a shame. But this cover rocks. I am going to check out border because you mentioned it.
Just finished watching the 2 episodes of border and me likie likie. Oguri shun is really a great actor.
OMG~ This is sooooo cool! XD Shall check if Kinokuniya has it!
I’m watching BORDER too and loving it!!! Looking forward to see a post about BORDER to help spread the BORDER love! Thanks Ms Koala!!^^
I also recognised the suit.. LOL.. thanks for sharing Captain!
I recognized the suit too!! Haha hong ki looked so good in the wedding scene that i remembered his groom attire.
I would love to see Lee Hong Ki act more. He’s got the talent for it, he proved it on “Bride of the Century.”
Hongki…why?! Act more!
Congrats on the baby OgoShun
He’s having a baby?!!!!!!!!! Aww, my Ogushun.
@Koala, I ran across a article that was from 2012, saying oguri cheated on his wife? Do you know anything about that?
Shun oguri!!!
I miss your post on anything about him, is there anyway you could update on his upcoming movie Lupin III? I’ve seen the character stills and I am just dying here more on the movie since I am both a fan of Shun as well as Lupin III….
Anyway He looks so handsome in that grey suit!!!
As soon as I saw the thread in Soompi, I knew you’d be on it like the Oguri Shun detective you are, Koala. Thanks for the post. Does anyone know where I can find Border with english subs?
And I recognized the suit, too. it is too bad that he does not want to do leading roles anymore, but I can understand not wanting to deal with that pressure when youa re already successful doing something else. We will always have BotC memories, right?
Dramago. Hush ok.lol
Ohhh thanks for the tip about Border, off to watch!
Jeremy !!!
Hongki yaaaa Oguri Shun <333
I didn't know Oguri Shun was staring in a drama. I need to check this out!! Thank you!
About Hongki who doesn't want to be a lead anymore. He was great in BOTC, why does he think that way? His acting skills may not be at his best "yet" but Hongki is so georgeous and adorable on screen. Well, Since we won't see him acting in the near future, let's enjoy Hongki the Cool vocalist with his band FT ISLAND. Their performance are so GOOD & Fun, here a link ! https//www.youtube.com/watchv=DmLTtvDM9pA&feature=youtu.be
[Sorry for my limited english skills you've got a french follower ^^]
both are my favorite ! okay, actually till now I still can’t leave Bride of the Century. everyday I’ll watch my favorite scenes on BotC and flip over every episodes and moments of JuRim couple.
Yeah. I think I need to start watching Border too.
same. i keep re-watch my fav scenes at ChosunTV Youtube channel. i think i’m obsessed.
Happy Saturday to you, too, Koala !!
I will be checking out the supernatural thriller cop show this weekend!!
Oguri shun…..the man oozes charisma
I’m surprised to see Oguri Shun and Lee Hong Ki in the same magazinecover too. But I have heard that this magazine brings together different artists from Asia. Another “couple” that will be featured in this issue will be Masami Nagasawa and Show Luo, that’s another collaboration that I have never imagined before.
yay! I’ll be watching Border! I love Hongki’s last pic.. that smirk/half smile….
Does anyone know where I could purchase this magazine? Or if it is available to purchase in the US (for example in a Japanese bookstore)?
Shun was my oppa back when Hana-kimi days. now, Hongki is my oppa because of BOTC.
Heh. Koala and her obsession on throwing shade at Jung Yong Hwa. That aside, really like this look on Hongki 🙂