
Lego Lee and Kirsten Jen Show More Couple Chemistry in New 7-11 CF for Rilakkuma Goodies — 16 Comments

  1. no to winding down! there’s hope that there will be more once the movie comes around again. im sticking to that hope.

    also love sassy rong rong. if and when settv matches this couple again, hopefully rong rong can play a similar character and lego can be more goofy like in real life.

    • yessss to this 😛 I swear when I saw the BTS I was like… omg he’s like a little kid xD I love their interaction off screen too~ SO adorbs. I seriously am not ready to let this couple go and wish the movie would come soon ;___;

    • haha that was the first thought that came to my mind!! pretty sure that this commercial would be lame if it wasn’t helmed by these two cutie pies!! 😀

  2. Ms. Koala, George Hu and Annie Chen were from Love, Now, not Inborn Pair! 🙂

    Rongrong and Guoyi are way too adorable!! Those Rilakkuma goodies are gonna be a hit for sure.

  3. i never knew 拉拉熊 is what they called rilakkuma! it’s adorable! but not as much as their derpy rilakkuma faces in the second video 😛

  4. These two are too adorable for words. I watched IAGW on a whim and fell absolutely in love with them as the OTP. These 7-11 CFs and that other couple “date” they filmed should be called Instant Smile. As soon as I see them together, all coupely I smile instantly. 😀

  5. RongRong and Lego should definitely do a romcom! Sassy RongRong meets nerdy-shy Lego..The CFs are such a tease! They have to do another drama! Please drama gods make it happen!

    • I agree, but it needs to be well-thought out and not something like Love Around. Those producers seemed to think that it could have a show based on the chemistry between George Hu and Annie Chen without really bothering with a real script or plot. Our adorable pair here deserve better. George Hu and Annie Chen deserved better. (Okay, anyone would deserve better).

  6. Wow, cuties! Rilakkuma reminds me of Office Girls, where poor Rilakkuma becomes a substitute for Roy Qiu’s character subjected to Alice Ke’s torture 🙂 Thank goodness 7-11 doesn’t promote Pooh freebies, which keeps my crazy hoarding tendency in check 🙂

  7. They are the cutest couple to come out of TW in recent years that I’m crazily shipping them…lol! Yeah, love the sassy RongRong too! It’s a welcome change from her innocent JiaEn character.

    Btw, another RY cf just came out and as expected, too adorable for words 😀

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