
Dr. Stranger Episode 8 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. Thanks for the super fast recap Miss Koala, great episode, are they gonna kill Seung hee? I know the PM preferred Jae Joo to do his heart surgery, which complicates things with Park Hoon and Seung hee. I am sure that his chill buddy Seong Hyun will fall for him, as Hoon is the only one not using her for any of his own gains. next episode will trigger Hoons amazing skill.

  2. This drama is the best drama ever in the history of humankind. I hope it wins ALL THE BAEKSANGS next year.

    Thanks for the recap.

  3. This is one of the craziest plot but quite captivating series for me. I don’t know how it works out, but I’m in even though the strangenest is unstoppable.

  4. Thanks for the recap!
    I agree about the musical surgical team chairs.
    What was that for?
    Why’d that poor guy have to ruin ALL his future surgeries with the door? Couldn’t he have just taken ipecac and puked spectacularly all over the place?

    Wait, I mentioned last time that it was confusing that we had Jae Joon and Jae Hee. Are their last names really the same, too?
    Han Seung Hee? Han Jae Joon? It can’t just be another coincidence?

    I like what you said about him having the same split personality as the show…I guess that helps us get in his head a little. It’s rather unsettling in there.

    And why does the PM want this kid whose Dad he murdered to put a scapel in his heart again? So confused.

    • But wuri jealous JJ is an adopted name. His real name is Lee Sung Hoon. But then again Han Seung Hee is also a fake name. Her real name is Song Jae Hee. Could the same force behind Seung Hee also have helped in creating Jae Joon?

      I do also wonder why the three names line up as Jae Joon-Jae Hee-Seung Hee. Perhaps the mere result of a script writer that didn’t want to waste time on picking unique names so he could spend it devising even crazier plots.

      If this drama was makjang instead of just being wildly crazy, then I would definitely say JJ and JH/SH are siblings who don’t know it. And she’s sent on a mission to seduce him into doing the surgery! And then Hoon and SH are in love with a pair of siblings and then find out they also have some feelings for each other, making it a messy fourway plus fauxcest!

      • it will never go that way we all know that this drama is not afraid to show craziness.

  5. That momment between seunghee and hoon was captivating and sad it kinda of showed how they couldn’t touch or hold eachother hands but they could stare at eachother. It probably hurts to see your love interact with another women. I feel like hoon will be a cold person to her until she admits she’s jaehee and tell him what she’s up to as a hoonhee shipper I see their connected in many ways. I really can’t wait to see how this unfolds will. I’m just hoping she won’t die or become evil casue she such a nice young women.

  6. Oh man, Hoon and SH/JH – so much love and emotions wordlessly conveyed and communicated to each other in only a few shared stolen moments. It was nice to finally see SH/JH break a little in this episode for us to see a glimpse of her true feelings for Hoon. I like how she manipulated the situation to stay on Hoon’s team when she was order to go to Jae Joon’s side. Looks like there may be two different clashing agendas/ conspiracies between the PM and NK. However for SH/JH, protecting Hoon seems to be her main objective even putting her like at risk for him. I hope to see her in role reversal of protecting Hoon and kicking some ass in the upcoming episodes as he did for her in the first two episodes. Hoon seems aware of her precarious situation enough by having her tailed. He’s not taking any chance with her and it’s lovely to see how protective and worried he is of her. Hoon- SH/JH fighting to the end!

  7. I personally like I Hear Your Voice better, however this drama is also fun to watch. I’ve read that Soo Hyun is the 2nd lead, and if that’s the case I’m getting 2nd lead syndrome for the first time in a drama. Her acting is so strong. And it doesn’t help that they are making her such a likable character with a one-sided love.

  8. So they decided to use the JJ card instead…at least according to the translations on Viki.. Wonder if that means the PM also knows he’s the orphan already? The plot sure moves fast.

  9. The quiet scene between Park Hoon and Seung Hee is also my favorite from the episode. I love that in the brief moment they shed the pretense and returned to being sweethearts, Hoon-ah and Jae Hee. Of course, any form of bliss in this drama is always interrupted by a reminder of some foreboding doom. The cray-cray makes me laugh at times but keeps me interested.

  10. wheeee, i liked this 2 episodes. I felt like this show could’ve done away with episode 6 and it’d have been better, but whatever. I’ve been really emotionally disconnected with Jaehee/Seunghee the first few episodes but this 2 episodes made me like her more. At least she’s not just a block of wood anymore, she has a story and yeah. Watching the PH?JH interactions make it so much easier to like JH because of PH’s love, as compared to previously where we just saw how memories of JH was actually torturing PH so much and causing him so much pain.

  11. I think I’m going to take a break from forums from now on, and stick to here. Koala seems to be one of the ONLY ones to understand how a triangle works…. Hoon has to actually be moved by Soo Hyun, which isn’t happening right now. People keep asking why the heck Hoon isn’t falling for Soo Hyun yet…. IDK maybe cuz you don’t simply get over someone that easily when you’ve got so much deep history?? -____-
    And now people even wish death upon Jae Hee… starting to disgust me =.=
    I think more attention needs to be brought to Jae Joon too. It’s Park Hae Jin helloo!?!? Glad more of his story is revealed, and it was pretty obvious that there’s some backstory to him. I really hope things kind of start getting to the “climax” and the “main point” cuz I kinda feel like the story is starting to be a bit slow…

    • Anon, I totally agree with you. Anybody who really watches the show and watch the actual plot line should easily see who the OTP of the drama is set up for. I swear, every little interactions between Hoon-Soo Hyun seems to be blown out of proportions and given every romantic bents when’s there aren’t any – at least not from his side. Sometimes I wondered if I’m watching the same show as everyone who are shipping H-SooH. We see SooH falling/swaying but never Hoon. Hoon is always single tracked as ever when it comes to JH. Koalas seems to be the few that can analyze the drama purely from it’s storyline/ plot movement view point.

    • Yeah exactly some people in the fandom go overboard with their ships. I mean, how could years of history and love at first sight be replaced that easily by someone he met not long ago? And the adoring look in his eyes and that trust between Jae Hee and Park Hoon just tells us how strong their bond is.

      Tbh, to me, it seems that the story will play out as Hoon and SH/JH as the main otp, then perhaps with Soo Hyun liking Hoon one-sidedly and Jae Joon liking Soo Hyun one-sidedly. It’s interesting, such a rare combination. Interested to see more of this totally not makjang drama.

  12. I realised who JJ is during Dr Choi’s flashback scene and was pleased that I got there *JUST* before it was revealed openly, but annoyed that it took so long for the obviousness to be clear. But I was just over the moon because now I’m certain that the OTP I actually CARE about is on! Over at soompi, there increasing desperation of those who are hoping for an OhTP and the strident rebuttals of the Jae Hee fans all sail right over me, I’m in this for LJS and the bromance, and now it looks certain that we’re going to get one. YAY! I also love how the Drama has totally embraced the crazy and stopped pretending to be interested in having even a passing resemblance ot anything that might be mistaken for medical reality. With LJS’s irrepressible grin, who needs reality and an OTP – just give us bromance and OTT.

  13. This episode went down almost 1 point…

    Either people are tired of the writer playing the game with viewers over who the OTP is or most people who wanted the OTP Hoon/SooHyun are starting to leave the drama as they realize that their OTP might not happen.

    The writer knows very well that if they make it too obvious who the OTP is, they will loose the other half, hence stupid things like the back hug between Hoon and Soohyun.

    I know I’ve lost interest in the show already…I hate it when writers “play” with my emotions.

    On the other hand, BIG MAN rose almost 2 points and it just 1 point away to catch up with DS.
    Now this is a show for which I’ve had the second lead syndrome from the 1st episode… but although I know it will not happen, I like the fact that the writer made it clear from the get go who the OTP was.

    • About the ratings, I don’t think it’s so much of the writing. I’ve seen the live ratings and in fact it looked higher than the previous episode. I’d probably account the drop in ratings to the fact that SBS aired DS 5 minutes earlier (and ended 5 minutes earlier) than usual and people weren’t aware, and that probably brought down the average ratings. And there was a very big jump in the Big Man ratings in the last 5 minutes (after DS ended) – the DS viewers probably jumped over to Big Man then – and that probably brought up the average ratings.

    • It’s actually the first time in my over 10 years of watching Korean drama series that Im shipping for the 2nd female lead and the 1st male lead. I dunno but the 1st female lead doesn’t give me that feeling that she’s the OTP. I’m rooting for Hoon and SooHyun to be together. (:

  14. Still not feeling Seung-hee/Jae-hee. Maybe with a different actress I’d feel different. I see Hoon’s conflicted emotions for her, but I just don’t see any from her. With her, it’s all about the mission. Maybe whatever her motives are would be justified in the end, but that’s a little too late for me and so I don’t want her to end up with Hoon. Hoping for a sacrifice and a final, lasting, real end for her character. It also doesn’t help that Sora’s Soo-hyun is better written and better acted. I can’t help but to root for her and hope for a happy-ever-after for her whether it would be with Hoon or Jae-joon. On paper and with any other kdrama, I’d definitely root for the first love, but this is the rare instance where the actress fails to convince me time and again that what’s good on paper would translate well onscreen. Though JSY’s not entirely to blame. No matter how much I love this PD and would follow his work anywhere, the writer is clearly to blame for Jae-hee being so lifeless even though there’s potential in the Seung-hee alter ego compared with the other female characters. I even like Dr.Eun.

    Interesting viewpoints on why H/JHSH would win out. But I haven’t shipped wrongly before from all the kdramas I’ve watched. Though there’s always a first time if my ship sinks.

    I really couldn’t care less about the conspiracy at this point. I just want success for Dr. Han’s revenge and progress for my H/SH ship.

    • I can totally relate to how your feel. Same here. I watched like hundreds of Korean drama series already but this is the very first time in history that I’m not shipping for the OTP. Im rooting for Hoon and SooHyun that it would really disappoint me if they won’t end up together.

  15. thanks Ms.Ockoala for your opinion and recaps on DS ..I’m so happy that you can also see the depth of JH/PH love relationship…they definitely went through lots of hardships together and they love each other so much that they can risk their own life to protect each other …and most importantly is , what they have currently is not one sided love…

  16. Did someone already mention that everytime there’re a ‘sweet’ moment between Soo Hyun & Hoon is to emphasis other party point of view too (besides we saw it one-sided from SH’s POV)?

    1. When they talked & drunk together, then SH stroked H’s cheek, JJ saw it jealously.
    2. After drunk H unconscious, then they rolled on the bed, HSH/JH saw it with menacing eyes, jealous.
    3. This latest episode, H teached SH, both parties (JJ & HSH/SH) saw it with sad expression & jealously.

    Did writer-nim write it to show each of their lovers reactions with those formula? I wonder… :p

  17. best scene is the back hug between soo hyun/park hoon
    the writer better start giving these two romance scene soon. just cant seem to like JSY char at all.

  18. Plotholes aside, what worries me most about this show is that Soo Hyun is regressing towards the pit of second lead obscurity slowly and steadily ever since her arc wrapped up. She is an easily rootable character and a great part of that is owed to the fact that her character arc was introduced early in the show, however, it got wrapped up expeditiously just as well. The obvious benefit is that we get to see a lot of Soo Hyun and understand her psyche which made us love her, the drawback though is that once her arc has summed up she stopped being relevant to the entire overarching plot. Had she actually have stronger and genuine feelings for Jaejoon or had she been more prominent and proactive to her role as Myeungwoo’s heir, then we could entertain her presence some more as accessory to Jaejoon’s arc. But both plotpoints have seemingly been a bust. Now, most of her screentime is devoted to fan(shipper)-service–a little back hug here, a little exposition there, pining and acting all dithered around Hoon and so on and so forth. Had I not known better, I could have mistakenly placed her on the same side character category as Changyi, who at this juncture, might even have more relevance to the plot. It’s going to be really unfortunate if she’s going to end up just being another side to the love triangle. Maybe it’s tolerable in a romance-centric story, but in here she’s not even competition to Hoon’s affection, much more, her background and story seems to be the odd one out of the rest of the leads.

  19. Arrggh…Is there a history in Kdrama series that the writers were moved by the fans that they decided to twist the plot and make the first male lead and second female lead the final OTP? I hope this will happen. Haist…

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