
Gong Hyo Jin and Jo In Sung Lead the Cast of It’s Okay, It’s Love in Prayer Ceremony — 15 Comments

  1. Love the cast, love the writer even if TWTWB was flawed. I like the premise too. Let’s hope it will be liked by the SK viewers & there, I have no crystal ball…

  2. For some reason, I didn’t know Kwangsoo was in this drama! Between Gong Hyo Jin, Jo In Sung, Sung Dong Il & Kwang Soo – this has become must-see for me! I love all these actors…

    Hey—- you know, Gong Hyo Jin had a Running Man special where she and KwangSoo was “cast” as the leads in a rom-com…..and now it’s come to be true! (except for none of the things other than being in the same drama.)

    It seems like it’ll be a realistic sort of slice-of-life drama which is a good offset to the action (Lee Jun Ki’s) and the wacky romance-angst. (I don’t know much about Fated to Love You, but it seems like there would be a lot of yelling and crying mixed in with the cute & cheesy)

  3. This is the drama I’m most anticipating…now that my girl Yoon Eun Hye turned down the role in “Temptation”.

  4. I hope it’s more like Padam Padam than TWTWB or Worlds Within. Didn’t watch TWTWB, but it sounded like kind of a mess and Worlds Within was didn’t really go anywhere with the story.

    Padam Padam was pretty awesome though, but that might just be because I really liked the mains in it from Jung Woo-sung to Han Ji Min to Kim Bum.

  5. Romance drama is the safest choice if they wanna get a high rating.i wonder if both of them choose different genre,could it be a ratings winner?
    Just look at Yaas,A new leaf,3 days,golden cross n big man.,they are great but less romance.average ratings 11%?

    • The dramas you mentioned also have romance and maybe they’re great for you, it doesn’t mean all people like them and i think a reason for the low ratings is because all of them right now are modern action dramas.
      These dramas has action and romance and IOTL has a psychiatry and romance theme, is not only about romance.

      • It’s like 80% action or legal case n 20% romance for the drama that i mentions above.Thats why i said based on the ratings,viewers prefer love n romance drama like these 2 actors usually choose.,i just wondering if they still can hit high ratings if they act in action or legal dramas.thats all….
        N what about IOIL..70% romance n 30% medical

  6. What I really anticipated about this drama;
    1. I read, its a rom-com. If this is true, then it would be Jo InSung’s first rom-com. Since he used to play heavy dramas.
    2. Gong Hyo Jin. What else can I say about this actress when protraying characters? For me, shes the best out there.
    3. Chemistry between InSung and HyoJin. As what this article had mentioned, both created great chemistries from their former co-stars. In Sung with Hye Gyo in THAT WINTER THE WIND BLOWS. Hyo Jin with So Ji Sub in MASTERS SUN, ang Cha Seung Won in THE GREATEST LOVE.

    Looking forward for this drama. Hope July will come fast.
    I am watching You’re all Surrounded too. Good drama too. And CHA SEUNG WON! ♡

  7. Hi, May I ask where did you get Hyo JIn’s selfie picture? May I have the link of her real facebook account? Thank you very much.

  8. omg GHJ with that long hair!!!! Amazing!! I love her to the bits! i will watch this drama for her ! even my ship sank 😀 LOL And after reading some of her interviews and etc. i can say that this role is for her. I think she would choose this role for the profession of the female character also, i think she would love to be a people friendly psychiatrist in real life too. Aja aja!

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