
Joseon Gunman Gears Up for Premiere this Week with Press Conference and More Teasers — 14 Comments

  1. Sighhh..why do I keep seeing Arang & Sato instead? I hope by the time the drama airs, I can ‘unsee’them. I need to enjoy this drama and Lee Jun Ki!

  2. How is it possible that this gorgeous man can look good in any genre and era and look authentic like he belongs there?!

  3. Urgh! That narrator just grates my ears! But apart from that everything looks gooooood! OMG I’m so stoked that it’s airing this week! I actually marathoned through “Time Between Wolf and Dog” this weekend and can’t wait to see the Lee Jun Ki and Nam Sang Mi reunited as the OTP <3 <3 <3 More I need MOAR!!!

  4. I happen to love “Three Days” and “A New Leaf”, but to each his own, I guess. I am looking forward to “Joseon Gunman”, hopefully, it’s exciting enough to relieve my Summer ennui with kdramas.

  5. Watch out for Jeon Hye Bin. She is not a noobie to sageuk and she rocked her role in Queen Insoo. Too bad she is the 2nd lead.

  6. I think KBS tweeted that 4th teaser as the preview of Wednesday’s episode.

    Anyway, LJK looks oh-so-handsome in that suit and spectacles! *swoons* OTP’s chemistry looks definitely much better than it was in TBDW.

  7. It’s great to see Nam Sang Mi and Lee Jun Ki being so comfortable with each other. She seems shy while he is bubbly and protective of her. I like how she looks at him – a good sign of great chemistry on screen, I hope.

  8. Yeah me too…arang & satto couple keep stucked in my head!maybe bcoz i just finished AnM few days!and i’m still not ready for another kdrama couple -,-
    i don’t know why i can’t stand to watch junki in modern drama.but junki in sageuk??yes i’m in!so i’ll try to watch Iljimae instead of TBDaW 🙂

  9. Can’t wait..Junki is one of my most fav. Korea actor ever since watching him in Iljimae. Hope his character won’t suffer too much here. I really want him to do a ROM com for his next project!

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