
Joseon Gunman Episode 3 Recap — 4 Comments

  1. I love it… Watched ever second of it. Yes, I love the OTP but I love the nice setup too. I know separation and a lot of pain is coming up next episode for all our characters and part of me just wanted to linger a little in happiness before it all becomes despair. Watching tpm like that was tough. I definitely think this has the most potential. I just love the repeat pairing but the other characters are nice too. I really am not liking the baddies.

  2. Love reading your comments! I agree with the summer fling idea – he just seems to be having fun, and she seems to be going along with it. Although, now that I think about it, they’ve been in two life and death situations now, so there’s something tying them together that’s deeper than teenager hormones. I think I’m actually more invested in the revenge part of this right now, so I’ll just take the romance as it comes.

  3. Thanks for the recap. You did two in one day?! I am impressed.

    I liked this episode – laughed and sighed and fretted.
    Your comments at the end made me realize why I am drawn to LJK as an actor. He does the transition from zero to hero very naturally. He doesn’t seem to worry about playing weak or inept.
    This is in contrast to lead males that start off as strong and jerky a-holes – which is most of the TW and K dramas out there.
    I believe that he wasted his life so far, but I can see the potential.
    Can’t wait for tonight.

  4. Tq for the recap and your hard work! I love this drama and am starting to get addicted to it! The only minor quibble I have is Nam Sang Mi’s acting. Y’all probably won’t recognize it and it could just be me being irrational or something. I felt like she seemed detached from her acting at some points in the drama. Lee Jun Ki is acting his all and seemed really present and I think he is summoning most of the chemistry between them atm. No hate. It’s all great (although not as dark as I’d like it to be), and I hope NSM continues to rock her character and improve. I don’t even know I just wish for more enthusiasm on her part..

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