
China Remakes Miss Granny with Yang Zhi Shan, Bolin Chen, and Luhan of EXO — 8 Comments

  1. Luhan is the grandson but since the casting news my eyes only see Bolin Chen…YAASSS

    Off topic but Luhan’s sasaengs are so over the top they put a camera in his hotel room and posted photos…so his fan union bought expensive gifts and food for the cast to create a better impression. Fandom is serious business.

  2. seriously I am so happy happy that Bolen chen is in it… but this drama was just so awesome because of Shim Eun Kyung. I just hope the girl who will be playing her would not mess it up!

  3. oh my god this news makes me want to throw my ipad across the room. Luhan is a terrible actor who acts with emotions so plastic it’s like watching a boring documentary; he can’t even carry his weight in a 10 min-long mv, what makes him think he the ability to act well in a movie (albeit in a minor role?)

    • Hey!Who are you to judge? this thought of yours is crap, don’t you ever underestimate our Luhan, maybe you don’t know him well. Just sit, wait, and watch the m0vie and see how good and precious he is, and maybe we don’t know, you’ll fall for him too whaha

  4. This reminds me I need to see the k-original. J’adore SEK and NMH.

    Bolin Chen was pretty freaking amazing and raw in Buddha Mountain. Haven’t seen him in anything else yet.

    I don’t think Luhan being a sensation across Kor/Jap/China is entirely unwarranted, he’s so much more than just a pretty face but when he’s nervous he’s a timid mess lol! I think he’ll be much more comfortable on home turf though and it is a smaller, relatively less-challenging role I guess.

  5. Can’t wait for this m0vie to watch.. Em super excited to see Luhan on m0vie. *preparing myself to be in love for him even m0re. πŸ™‚

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