
KBS Releases First Stills of Iron Man Lee Dong Wook with Leading Lady Shin Se Kyung — 25 Comments

  1. I bet the character will have a drinking problem to help him with his condition… Mixing Ironman’s name & wolverine’s mythology in a kdrama is such a weird move. Now I want to see the faces of the fans who will Google their fav comic & then fall on this.
    Back to topic: Underwhelming almost black & white pics with 2 actors who look like lifeless statues: This is going to be a snark fest.

  2. Chinless wonder. Hahaahaaaa. I seriously wonder how the two get leading roles all the time. Lee Dongwook is just a cardboard cut out. While Shin Sekyung …is Shin Sekyung.

    2014 hasn’t been that great in dramaland. They start off great… but then they just falter in the middle and I deck out. I’m still waiting for an epic historical drama. I just keep rewatching Queen Seon Deok. And I keep hurting myself each time.

  3. Honestly, if one day knives started sprouting out of my body, I would run to the hospital and then pose at the entry wondering if I would be locked out at some place if there is no solution or be an experimental person for the Army. Guh. But I’ll absolutely not think of finding a boyfriend or even believe it’s the ultimate solution. Can’t help but facepalm.

    I know I already dislike this drama. Why ? Because the sole point of Shin Se Kyung’s character is to be some human the hero can cuddle with. I can foresee some angelic dull Candy character already and a ~hero full of pain and angsty~. I guess if they put like 2 shower scenes per episodes, I can make it through this upcoming mess. Besides the plot, I’m worried about the special effects. Apart from Iris, I can’t remember any kdrama with good specials. They’re just good at making fake background or crowd (like in Goong).

  4. NOOOOOOO!!!! Why Shin Se Kyung?!!! She’s the reason why I couldn’t watch When a Man Loves as much as I adore Song Seung Heon. There aren’t too many K actresses I find unbearable but she’s definitely one of them!!!!

  5. Shin Se-kying is like the opposite of “warm”. I have nothing against her personally but whenever I see her, she looks either constipated or depressed. Like in that last pic of the three top pictures.

    • Haha!!! I know right, in all her photos promotional/candid she looks as though she’s holding back a fart, even smiling;it’s that awkward ‘thinking in’ look. And yes, warm should never be a descriptor for any character she ends up playing.

  6. Hahaha forget about her acting and her looks. Look at her warm expression in the shots.

    I can tell this will be a warm- hearted drama already. From all the anguish and suffering.

  7. Wow I thought they meant it literally about the knives but no, they were serious. maybe this will do wonders in rating haha idk, ratings surprises us sometimes

  8. Damn it, I can’t believe Lee Dong-wook took this stupid project. Why?! I want to like him, but he makes terrible choices to choose his projects. He just needs a good role for me to fall in love with him all over again; he’s got the looks, acting abilities (well, mostly), and the potential. Gahhh!

    Shin Se-kyung, ugh. I don’t like her. The girl can’t act and move her face to save her life. I don’t know if her plastic surgery-ridden face is responsible for her flat expressions, but I think I can conclude from the promos that she has made no effort to improve at all.

  9. Damn it, I still can’t believe Lee Dong-wook took this stupid project. Why?! I want to like him, but he makes terrible choices to choose his projects. He just needs a good role for me to fall in love with him all over again; he’s got the looks, acting abilities (well, mostly), and the potential. Gahhh!

    Shin Se-kyung, ugh. I don’t like her. The girl can’t act and move her face to save her life. I don’t know if her plastic surgery-ridden face is responsible for her flat expressions, but I think I can conclude from the promos that she has made no effort to improve at all.

  10. I know that most, if not all actresses, would portray candy-type characters in their careers. But most of them would try to switch it up entirely as they progress in their careers, some would alternate per projects; but Shin Se Kyung is the only one that I can think off who’s pretty consistent in accepting and doing Candy-type characters in all her drama projects as of date. And the interesting thing about it is, she keeps getting offers to play these type, when its pretty clear that she’s not cut-out to play these type of roles. I know most actresses get type casted for these candy-types because they have really “soft features”, or are good “criers”, or able to convey subtle emotional scenes that is needed it these type of roles. But I don’t think SSK has any of those 3 qualities.

    Well, if its any “consolation” Lee Dong Wook is tailored from the same cloth in terms of emotional or subtle acting.

  11. ” so much emotional pain that it manifests in having actual knives sprout from his body”

    I’m actually curious how they’ll write out and film that scene without it being extremely cheesy and cringe worthy. Unless he’s been injected with something, bitten by something, born with defect in genes, I doubt any of us can swallow the fact that emotional pain can cause knives to sprout from our bodies. I’m already a fan of superhero genre but even I’ve gotta admit that’s ridiculous.

  12. I usually don’t pile on…usually, but I have watched SSK in everything she has acted in recently. Not on purpose, it just happened that way.
    She was good in TBDW, OK in that movie with Song Kang-ho Blue Salt – but I actually couldn’t recognize her in that. Mostly she just sucks.

    It makes me mad that there good actresses losing jobs to her. Though that she accepted this turkey carver is good, however. She deserves its badness and the ensuing criticism.

    I am hoping this will be a good snarkfest that I can sit through like Fashion King. I really enjoyed watching that one in all its stupidity.

  13. With the right cast, I would have definitely tuned in to this one. Definitely not liking the cast at all. Lee Dong Wook is lousy at picking roles.

  14. I love Lee Dong Wook so I’ll probably give this a chance regardless of anything else.

    But I really don’t like Shin Se Kyung. I can’t understand how she gets roles. What is her secret? She is a bad actress (opening one’s eyes to their limits is not acting) she is not pretty, she doesn’t have chemistry with anyone. Why is she still getting roles, lead roles at that?

  15. Oh dear…a bad pairing for the main leads! Though Dongwook is a visual attractive actor, but main actress SSK is a total disaster.
    So far all the dramas she’s done is dragging down the main actors as well. This young lady has no acting abilities & skills.
    I’ll probably give it a pass even though I’m a fan of Lee Dongwook.

  16. I was excited to know that LDW is yet in another new project. But the excitement diminished to see the name of leading lady. Don’t know if I will want to watch. Sigh!

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