
Han Ye Seul Signs with KeyEast and in Talks for Weekend Drama Birth of a Beauty with Joo Sang Wook — 7 Comments

    • Not sure she really had the choice. She doesn’t have the most wanted profile for an actress these days… The fact that she has a 2nd chance in the industry is a little miracle in itself after what happened. I hope she will use it wisely.

  1. the only KeyEast actor I’m interested in these days is Lee Da In, who was the star of the adorable miniseries Twenty Years Old last year but hasn’t done any acting jobs since. What a waste of rookie talent.

  2. Good for her. Agree that she’s not the best actress but I’ve always had a soft spot for her since Fantasy Couple. Hope the drama will do well seeing as this could make or break her career as an actress. I’m looking forward to the drama even if the storyline isn’t anything new, it could be great if well executed with an entertaining story and a heroine you’d want to root for.

  3. You definitely should write more often ok k-celebs having gone “MIA” – just in case a k-ent CEO regularly checks your blog. How about Kim Seon Ah for starters? 😀

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