
The Faye Wong-Nic Tse Reunion Story Gets Even Juicier with Pregnancy Rumors — 33 Comments

  1. I’m not familiar with these two but this is such a romantic story. It’s lovely to see some happy news after all the awfulness we’ve seen in 2014 so far. I wish them all the happiness in the world, and if she is pregnant, a safe and healthy pregnancy. Thanks for sharing.

    • And noona-dongsaeng romance! Don’t forget they are living yet another K-drama trend.

      Nic has been in a phenomenally good mood the last two months as he’s been promoting the romance movie But Always with Gao Yuan Yuan. Some media have speculated that he had a crush on Yuan Yuan which got her hubby Mark Chao all riled up, but know we know now Nic’s just happy to have Faye back. Also Mark and Yuan Yuan have been trying to get pregnant so the Nic has a crush on YY rumors were just really insensitive considering she’s a newlywed.

      Some have even made the connection that Nic cast Yuan Yuan in the movie because she strongly resembles Faye in style and aura, both aloof epic ethereal beauties. So basically Nic was making a movie about his love for Faye and cast Yuan Yuan to play Faye and make the reel an ode to the real.

  2. In addition to Mani Fok (Nic’s manager) backhanded confirmation that they are back together, Faye’s manager confirmed the relationship but has denied that Faye is pregnant. I think they’be been back together for months and are ready to go public hence the pics. They are both seasoned veterans of the industry, they know with the curtains open like that – the pics will come. Anyways happy for them, a romantic story! I find it so sweet seeing how Nic can’t wipe that smile off his face and everyone knows how ‘cool’ Nic is all the time!

    • There was hardly a dry eye at his concert way back when when he sang “Making Love Out of Nothing At All” and barely looked like he was hanging in there keeping the tears coming, when we all know just a month earlier Faye married Li Ya Peng. Oh Nic, when he does stuff like that is why the Nic-Faye ship never died in ten long years.

      • ^ Thanks for that clip! But yeah no doubt who he dedicated that song to. But I do hear the detractors though, he basically cheated on Faye with Cecilia, leading to their breakup in the first place. But when you watch his “Telling Maria” interview and hear him talk about Faye (the important snippets in this clip), (6:25 on) you can’t help but sigh and root for Faye-Nic. And I have to agree, the Nic now in his 30s is much more attractive than he was in his youth. I have to say he matches Faye more now with his maturity.

      • Also I have to say, I’m quite surprised by some of the netizen comments on weibo? Some of them are feeling sorry for Li Ya Peng and for Cecilia? Not to be insensitive to their feelings..but it’s not like Faye and Nic were cheating on their spouses with each other? They clearly reconciled wayy after their respective divorces…

      • @Solar – Perhaps because of the 2 boys that Cecilia is taking over parental duties on and Nic claims that he doesn’t have time to visit his own boys, but yet have time to fly over 20 times to meet Faye. Clearly, priorities for Nic is not his sons.

        In a way, I think both Nic and Fay are pretty messed up and really I think they deserve each other. I am by no means a Cecelia fan, just another Mom who kinda feels what Cecilia might be going through. She knows that she and Nic will never reconcile, however she is probably why Nic can spend so much time with Fay, but not with the boys. Regardless, I hope Cecilia finds a man who can raise the 2 boys with her and leave Nic with Fay. I think Nick might have actually loved Cecilia since the way he proposed to her was very romantic and they actually have 2 kids together. Too bad, Nick can’t grow up and be a father but instead act like a kid himself.

  3. And despite the denial that Faye is pregnant, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was and they are being extra careful. With her age, she might be rushing to be able to have a child with Nic. And Nic loves kids! And if they do, gosh what entertainment royalty the child will be – even more so than Lucas and Quintus!

    • If they are having a baby, expect BUMP WATCH HONG KONG the likes to rival Will and Kate having baby George. And yes, it would be the new HK-ent royalty. Quintus and Lucas are ADORABLE and Nic loves his boys.

      Apparently the sleazy paps who were staking out the condo for four days said they saw Faye rubbing her stomach gently from time to time while the two were canoodling, plus she’s apparently gained a bit of weight lately which is noticeable since she’s so thin normally.

      • I can’t imagine another baby aside from a Sammi Cheng – Andy LAU (not Hui) baby (which obviously will never happen) that can rival a Faye-Nic one in terms of HK ent royalty. But I doubt Faye will make the trek back to HK, seems like she’ll remain in Beijing.

    • I don’t think Fay nor Nic should have another baby. Combined together, Nic and Fay already has 4 kids and those 4 kids will grow up in a dysfunctional family. Nic is really not Father Material, and Faye (well never really like her as a person but do like her songs, the old ones) doesn’t seem like a mom who would stay at home. It seems like Nic’s kids are growing up to be him having Parental issues which is why I think he can’t settle down really. Perhaps he wants an older woman like Faye to take care of him who seems like he still acts like a kid. He seems more mature, but still I really don’t want them to have another kid, just so that kid will grow up in another broken household. I doubt they will last long, I give it 2 years or less.

  4. 🙂 Wow. I admit to not paying much attention to all of these entertainers personal lives. I liked Faye when I was really young. But I must say that this sounds as messy as some hollywood stories out there. But as long as the ending is happy and those involved are happy – that’s all that matters. May the reunited couple be happy!! Lots of late in age babies, so it would be very exciting for them 🙂 All the best. May it be happily ever after.

  5. I used to follow HK ent avidly (pre kdrama). Funny that i realized i shipped him more w Cecilia than Wong Fei back then. But srsly, Im happy for them.. always give love a second chance

  6. I love Faye and Nic, and this’s a fantastic news, but people seem to not approve of this reunion. Alot of them are siding with Cecilia (Nic’s ex) but they forgot she was the third person in Faye-Nic relationship all those years ago. she posted some pics in the hospital looking exhausted and suddenly people’ve blamed her downfall on Faye-Nic?!

    • Cecilia may be the third wheel but didn’t Nic had a part in it too by deciding to let her have the chance to get to him? I think both are at fault. I didn’t have good impression about Nic after the whole child-fiasco with Cecilia, both aren’t any better. But Nic seems really happy with Faye so I hope he’ll do a better job and stick with her this time round.

  7. Hey Ms. Koala
    Have you heard of the new tw drama The way we were (aka 16 summers)?
    The FayeNic romance is pretty much the essential plot of The way we were where the lovers are get reunited after 10 years and such. It’s pretty good!

  8. While happy for the lovey dovey couple, I can’t help but feel sad for Cecila, Nic’s ex. What about his neglected boys tucked away from the media glare.

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