
My Secret Hotel Episode 14 Recap — 14 Comments

  1. Finally ppl are calling her out for her indecisiveness! You are right though it should have been done earlier and she should’ve asked herself that around the wedding time. At this point I’m watching to finish it, glad it’s only 16 episodes but I don’t care much.

  2. Haha, that’s why I started disliking Sang Hyo after the part where she slapped Hae Young at their honeymoon place because that part was a bit too much. She didn’t even confirm it with him before jumping into her own conclusions. She was totally avoiding the truth. I don’t care if she was scared or afraid of starting anew with Hae Young or not, but she should have never married him in the first place. Hae Young was the better of the two in the marriage even though both was at fault for the marriage falling apart, but now he clearly knew what he want and he went for it. I feel like in their past marriage he did sacrifice for her, but I haven’t seen that from Sang Hyo.

    It was very evident in the first few eps that Sang Hyo clearly still loved Hae Young, but after the wedding, it totally got butchered down to just stringing along two men that got me so annoyed that I even unrecommended this drama to my friends because of the stupid love triangle. I’m totally sad that she even gave a chance to sung gyum when she hasn’t even cleared away her past. This is one reason why I steer away from dramas when the female lead is torn between two guys all just because she can’t choose. That to me is totally selfish. Just choose one, stick with it, and don’t regret your choice!

    Sung Gyum’s character was very lovable too at the beginning until I felt like he started to become a third wheeler in this complicated yet not complicated relationship between Sang Hyo and Hae Young.

  3. thanks for the recap.. todays epi came 2-3 epis too late.. but i am glad things r moving somewhat.. but i am kind of irritated that SH did not know that HY’s feeling were sincere.. i mean he was saying it every 2 mins and he was very serious when he said it.. so i find it difficult to accept that she knew about it only now..

    also i was irritated that she promised HY that she will not go out with SG but still went with him and also for dinner..

    i do not know Cha is the murderer.. y do i get the feel that it is Ghung Hee ?

  4. Thank you. For the funny recap.
    Didn’t know you speak French. 🙂

    After episode 10, your recaps are the only way I keep in touch with this show. Looks like it’s about time I start viewing it again.

    Thanks again.

  5. “Episode 14 was the best episode so far since the fantastic starting episodes” talk about damning with faint praise! As with 13, I FFd through all the OTP stuff to get at the mystery bits. HY is now a truly repellent first lead, so archaically bullying and chauvinistic he almost makes Rain’s character in Full House seem likeable by comparison. His behaviour at the hospital was the same as its been ever since the new writer started “I own you, do as I say, no questions asked, no dissent tolerated”. If SH were still a sympathetic character, I’d be outraged, but she long ago lost any claim to support. All in all, another unengaging mess, except for the (LONG overdue) advancements in the mystery.

    • HY is a male chauvinist that why he deserves the indecision SH toying with his obsession toward her. Usually, kdrama makes me hate the third wheel by trying to break up the OTP, but this drama manages to make me so annoyed with the supposed OTP to the point I can’t see them as OTP. The drama should be ended on how the cool detective would solve the murder mystery in a cool quirky way many episodes ago.

    • It’s not the owning but the jealously. If she met with other people, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind or care. He just doesn’t want her to meet JSG because he’s jealous. Would you want your BF/GF to meet up with someone they have feelings for and still let her go see that person alone and without you knowing about it?

  6. A very few things I am happy about in this episode:
    1) HY setting out the conditions for NSH to live with him
    2) SG’s mother’s visit to the hotel and a somewhat reveal of NSH’s birth secret
    3) HY/NSH scene at the hospital where HY finally defended himself and asked NSH to really reflect on whether she was not also at fault for the breakdown of their US marriage

    Since I have already watched all the episodes to date, this is better than nothing, right? Only 2 to go and we will have the whole murder mystery revealed. As for OTP, it will be HY and NSH.

  7. Finally some development! Just like the recapper and commenters said, it came a little too late to save this flagging show. Many of the middle episodes were just fillers and if removed would have little or no impact on the drama.

    It’s unfortunate for a show which started out with such promise, but Ockoala hit the nail on the head, if the first writer had just mapped out the destinations of the characters, the second writer would have had less trouble filling it in, and wouldn’t have resorted to derivative tricks such as the “fake marriage”, indecisive female lead and male leads squaring off each other at every opportunity. There were no surprise reveals in the murder investigation which is personally, a huge disappointment for me as I was really looking forward to it.

    I can’t wait for this drama to be over so we can move on to the next tVN drama – what is it? Liar Game?

  8. Yeah not all dramas have to be 16-20 episodes. Heck, MOST of them do not need to be that long. I pray that becomes a kdrama norm one day.

    I bet if YIN was not in this, it would have been cut to 14 or 12 episodes like Nine Boys and Surplus Princess. That move definitely hurt SP but it was probably NEEDED for this drama.

    I feel I have lower standards for the show after the last couple of episodes and any development is good. We will probably find out who the killer is in the last few minutes.

  9. Has HY really done anything to suggest that he is the one? Besides manipulate and demand, what is he doing exactly to gain trust or show the relationship to be better the second time around.
    no matter what the breakup issue was in the past, he is the only one actively trying to be in the relationship when she has claimed and shown to have grown and moved on.
    Feelings or no he already agreed to the fake marriage with the hope of living together would rekindle something. Perhaps he should calm down and go with that plan. It seems he’s either yelling or crying in every episode and sometimes both.

    All he’s doing is making SG look like a more mature choice, weird might be killer vibe aside.
    I think they may be heading towards the two being brother and sister, why else have they not had a kiss scene….well no one has really in a while.

  10. Thanks for the recap, Ms Koala… I still love MSH!! I don’t mind that it drags on and on… 😛 cos I enjoy watching/rewinding Tal Tal’s adorable sweet puppy scenes with Sang Hyo

  11. Oh another crazy imagination/speculation that I hope I’m dead wrong!!
    1) Sang Hyo’s mom died during child birth
    2) Sung Gyum’s dad and GM Lee loved Sang Hyo’s mom. (that explains why GM Lee acts like a dad to Sang Hyo_
    3) Hence Sung Gyum’s dad wanted to adopt Sang Hyo. Sung Gyum’s parents had a big fight cos mom never like Sang Hyo’s mom. This lead to Sung Gyum’s dad accidental death

    Sigh… I hope this is not the writer is going for… that would be too easy for Sang Hyo.. to choose HY.. though I shipped HY-SH..

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