
My Secret Hotel Episode 16 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. Thank you for your recap, miss Koala..
    I have dropped this drama since episode 10 and have only read your recaps.
    Such a promising murder-romance story in the beginning but ended up to be such a mess.. I have never despised first male lead such as Hae Young and his male tantrum which is not romantic at all…

    • Same here. I watched all 10 episodes and was kinda disappointed by the way the story progresses. I thought i was lost or something.

  2. Thanks, Ms Koala. Agree with you that it is better to think of all the positive things in this drama than the negative ones.:)

    Finally, Sang Hyo decided to take a risk, listened to her heart and made her choice! If only she and Hae Young could talk like mature adults many episodes ago. In any case,I am still happy that they finally realised their misunderstandings and are now able to withstand any difficulties as a couple.

  3. thank you so much for your recaps, Ms. Koala! the one part that stuck with me is how on earth can SH be related to Manager Hwang, her biological father, no less?! that and many other parts of this drama don’t make sense, BUT I’ll just lock away in my memory the first few episodes of this drama, the Ost, and how well the entire cast acted and hope to see them soon in a much better drama.

  4. bwahahahahah! midway into watching this finale, I worried that Sang Hyo’s indecision might lead to a time jump and not make a choice after all! *cough* MHIYD *cough* I’m just glad the show still managed to give me a good scene with Eun Joo’s happy ending and that big, better-late-than-never, with-complete-abandon hug between the leads which brought me back to the earlier episodes I loved so much. 🙂

  5. I still think this is the worst kdrama I ‘ve ever seen.
    I change my mind wants to see this drama from ep 1 . Thanks God I only seen from ep 13 but the story is so shallow.

  6. Thank you for the finale recap. The entire cast did a great job though i couldn’t stand that crazy stalker. Why in the world did HY let her be near him baffled me. And what happened between soo ah and ki ho? The lovely visual/shot and awesome soundtrack were the reasons why i started this drama and bore with it till the end but it wont be the drama to go back and do a marathon for me.

  7. I find it weird:
    Who really was eun joo and was is she doing in hy’s apartmnt in new york and the nature of their relationship,
    How Manager Hwang was NSH father and how gm lee became nsh guardian…wasnt it an american adopted nsh?
    What happened to driver ki ho?
    I wonder how chadong min disposed managers hwang’s body for it to fall through the ceiling,

    The ending was kind of meh, i was kind of wishing nsh and ghy would have lots of heavy kissing at the end or have a baby or something.anyway how could they squeeze it in that last episode?

  8. It was all quite make sense the murder the romance even though some part was not making sense at all..

    Wish the drama had better writer to deliver the rest.. It could have been such interesting drama..

    Overall thank you ms k.
    i’ll watch this drama again for sure only for the first couple episode until Sang hyo and Hae Young remmarried again… They were all so cute back then… Thanks

  9. Thanks for recapping, Koala. But man! Has this drama been a disappointment or what? I was so looking forward to this for Yoo Inna (as lead!). Ungh.

  10. I loved this drama so much at the beginning, but then it got to the point where I just stopped enjoying it the same. I loved the 3 leads and they all had chemistry, the mysteries in the end were resolved in a poor manner.

    I would have liked if they had reconcile sooner and see if they would have start again where they left off or see how the changes they’ve been trough would affect their relationship now. At the end it felt sort of like – seriously? that’s it?? – That’s all I get for waiting 16 episodes for them to get together?

  11. I guess I’m in the minority in liking this drama but… I did watch it in a two day marathon rather than from week to week. I loved your recaps, even if I didn’t agree sometimes, and enjoyed your opinion. Thanks so much!! :):)

  12. Second Screenwriter Joins ′My Secret Hotel′ After Original Writer Passes Away— this maybe the reason why the first few episodes were so much better than the rest of the series. I cannot stand Namgoong Min but love Jin Yi-han and Yoo In-na. As mentioned, this is one of the better endings…

  13. The problem I have with this drama is that I cant stand those scenes where Hae Yong is pining for Sang Hyo.I tend to fast forward them.There are too many of that scene. And, in case I missed out, what is the reason Hae Yong left Sang Hyo in the first place? I thought he said he had some reasons that he couldn’t tell her? Is it even resolved?

    • HY left SH because his friend/co-worker called him back to NY to work on a project. He disappeared for 3 months and kept delaying to go back. He tried to ask SH to go with him, but she refuses. So he left an address and plane ticket for her. He was busy working on his project and he thought SH never went to see him. He tried to finish quickly (6 month project in 2 months). He thought SH would be waiting for him, but she left. Her friend told him she ran off with another guy who actually loved her. He searched all the hotels for her but couldn’t find her so he drank himself to a stupor.
      SH on the other hand did go to see HY in NYC but she saw Jung Eun in HY’s shirt. JE sarcastically invited her in but SH declined and told her not to tell HY she went there (as if she would). She went back to Las Vegas all upset and sad. She fainted and ended up at the hospital. I guess when she came to, she decided to leave the country because when HY came back 2 months later, she was gone. She was nowhere to be found in the US.

  14. Thanks for the recaps Ms koala.. I love the stories eventhough the OTP are taking sooo long time to resolve their problem. And finally our hero and heroin be a couple again hehe

  15. My favourite part of the entire episode was the last two final lines:
    Hae Young: Jo Sung Gyum-sshi, I missed you.
    Sung Gym: Whatever.

    In the end, I’m just glad I finished it. Pretty actors but not the best story line.

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