
2014 MBC Year End Drama Awards — 24 Comments

  1. New actress award for Go Sung Hee? HA!!!!

    I wonder why Ji Chang Wook didnt get any awards? Are you watching Healer btw, Ockoala? Its getting very good especially with the romance part. Their chemistry is so good!

    Happy New Year and thank you very much for your recaps and posts!

    • ahmmmm Healer just started few weeks ago, if the ratings will do good for their next episodes next year, expect an award for them in MBC Drama Awards 2015. lol

      anyway, i like Siwan Oppa’s speech! its like he is born to be an actor!!! SIWAN OPPA FIGHTING! if just tvN can have their own drama award it will be DAEBAK!

      • Healer is on KBS.

        Soo Young looked amazing!! Love all her dresses and glad she won. 🙂

        Jang Bori was all kind of crazy but Lee Yoori was the best part of that trainwreck (along with Moon Ji Sang) because they gave everything to their roles.

      • aww, Siwan’s SO adorable! I really do think he should contemplate on becoming a full-time actor. I LOVED 2014 for the number of male actors who shone – Park Seo-joon, Seo In-guk, Siwan, Byun Yo-han, and now Ji Chang-wook!

  2. I was disappointed when Go Sunghee won the rookie award over Sooyoung. Thanks to her performance in Miss Korea, I was at ease to continue on watching the awards. I was surprised when Sooyoung won the Excellence Award. Probably MBC was leaving that spot for her so they didn’t make her win the earlier awards. I keep on reading people praising Siwan’s winning speech. Anyone has the translation? I was touched reading Sooyoung’s winning speech this morning, I could tell how much My Spring Days means so much to her..

  3. He said :
    Never thought I would be winning. Be able to get such an unexpected gift I am very happy. I will work harder and more aggressively acting. To those who have helped and cared about me I will personally call to express my gratitude . But I do not know the phone number of the fans, so I would like to take this opportunity to tell all fans who have supported me “thank you”.

  4. AY Congrats to Choi Jin Hyuk and Baek Jin Hee for winning the Excellent Actor Awards! They have been MBC’s Go-To Ratings Golden Boy and Golden Girl this year and it’s great that both MBC and their audience recognized that. I couldn’t be happier for Choi Jin Hyuk since he was completely shafted last year for Best Newcomer for his role as Gumihot Daddy. FOR SHAME. But really, P&P has been super enjoyable to watch because of the actors. Everybody is killing it in their respective roles, especially CJH and Choi Min Soo (who rejected his award because of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy).

    Choi Jin Hyuk was aslo uber cute and nervous during his performance with the Royal Pirates.

  5. I actually did not like Jang Bori in the beginning. Usually I like the child actors and then am disappointed in the adults, but that is not what happened here. I didn’t bother until I saw some interesting recaps (okay hilarious recaps) on another blog and decided to jump back in. I mainly watched for Lee Yoo Ri’s MiJung, who was so evil that I actually started to be impressed by her evil ways. I stayed tuned to see what her next move was going to be and her fantastic clothes.

  6. Siwan is indeed a good actor but rarely people know him as an IDOL or SINGER. He is from ZE:A. and ZE:A’s songs are pretty legit. I can mention ZE:A’s song which will catch your ears after you listen to those songs: Someday, ONE, Only One 4 U, Aftermath Moon Leader version, Heart for 2, All Day Long, Man 2 Man, Ghost of the Wind, Phoenix. Just give it a try to listen to them. I am sure all of you will like those songs. Just search on youtube: ZE:A official youtube, you will find those songs there.

    If you want to see crazy siwan in woman clothes, search Osaka concert 2013. You will be loling so much.

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