
Pinocchio Episode 18 Recap — 7 Comments

  1. I cringed throughout that attack scene. I don’t know, I know that it was probably not the intent of the writer but that attack was not to long ago. Yeah they toned it down with the nail gun but still they should have omitted that scene.

  2. So I’m enjoying very much the final moments of Pinocchio and I hope the final episode does good for me.

    Tragedies happen every day in my country so small things happening in very rich and superior countries do not make me feel anything. Yes, what happened in France are not big things at all.

    • While I most certainly have the deepest sympathy for you and your country, given your comment on daily tragedies, and wish for much better days in the future for you and your countrymen, your comment regarding the horrific event in France as “no big thing” is appalling and callous. Any time people are killed for expressing their right to free speech, regardless of whether we agree to it or not, the world’s population should join forces to honor their passing.

      I’m saddened by your insensitive comment and wonder if you’d be brave enough to make such a comment with the families of the deceased standing in front of you.

  3. That fight scene was………. -__-

    I mean, how come no one even bothered to help KHM fight the dude??

    And I find YYR and the captain cute….

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