
Visually Stunning Period Romance Lady and Liar with Hawick Lau and Tang Yang Premieres This Week — 11 Comments

    • Indeed. She seems to over or under act.

      p.s. thanks ockoala for your coverage of all Asian entertainment, this site has become one of my go to sites for C-dramas, especially since Kdramas have lost their hold on me.

  1. This looks so exciting. I am watching My Sunshine now, but only for Wallace (who is acting circles around everyone else; it’s like he’s holding a Master Class!), but this looks like the story and the visuals will make up for any stiff acting on TY’s part. It looks like she will have more to do here. I get the feeling in My Sunshine that she is stifled in the role, playing the grown up version as a much meeker/scarred version of her young adult self.

  2. Kinda disappointed with tang yan’s acting in My sunshine. I watch it for wallace, he’s freaking smexy!
    But then i’m curious about this collabs.. The picture of tang yan and tony looks good but then they are not the OTP! I’ll give it a try.. One or two episoded before judging..

  3. Oh I was already planning to watch her next perfume drama with Li Yi Feng which premiers in February. Now that this is showing, that’s like 3 dramas back to back of hers I’m watching. LOL.

    Anyway, my impression is TY have kinda limited range. She’s actually more palatable now that Mo Sheng is done being morose. Wallace is smexy and hot but LOL everytime his Yi Chen gets praised for his good looks.

    Well she always get casted in dramas I look forward to, so let’s hope she does better in her next roles.

  4. I believe Tang-Tang breaking up with Roy is the greatest feat that has happened to her. Yes, it may have been one of the most crucial experiences she had come upon, but look where she is now. She’s excelling in her career, has opened herself for new opportunities and is still high up in cloud nine. My God, I’m so happy for her and is so glad she’s doing well!

  5. Am I the only one that finds Hawick Lau’s role as Bai Zheng Ching sexier than tony’s role? I am really looking forward watching this drama. Actually i ve never watched a chinese drama but this drama seems so hot. Maybe the “liar” makes me feel that way… anyway hopes best for a 45-episode drama

  6. This looks like a cross between Gaksital (Bridal Mask) and Inspiring Generation. Please let it be more of the former and not the latter.

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