
Black Comedy Heard it Through the Grapevine Premieres This Monday — 12 Comments

  1. What a chameleon. I didn’t even know that it was going to be this week already. Monday and Tuesday are happy times for me again. This and Ho Gu’s love, which coincidentally somehow shares a theme are (going to be) one of the better shows out there right now. It’s a double header treat for me.

  2. I can’t understand Korean so I can’t be sure, but there hasn’t been any humor in the trailers I’ve seen. They’ve seemed very melodramatic. I wonder if a lot of the comedy will be lost in cultural translation. I’m not looking for a rom-com, but I don’t want accidental makjang.

  3. Seriously cannot wait. I don’t think I ever saw a black comedy on Korean television, but with this cast and Ahn Pan Seok this drama just can’t go bad. Will it be ‘my cup of tea’ is another question. Monday/Tuesday dramas have been realy awesome lately: first Healer, than totally unexpected but completely awesome Hogu’s Love…I wish I could say the same about Wednesday/Thursday dramas, but I haven’t seen a good one in months. I mean Ji Sung is fantastic as usual, but I am already over that split-personality trend. Boring.

  4. I like the vibe of it
    will check for 8 ep, hope it good
    and hope the acting is good, but 32 ep is too much for me
    usually I can’t stand that long

    the only long drama I watch saeguk (Jewel In The Palace, Dong Yi and Seon Dook) but I didn’t finish Empress Ki

    Hope it is a good drama

    • Black comedy is where humor is used in the bleakest set-ups. It can be subtle or slapstick. Also called gallows humor. Finding what is funny in the face of death.

      In other words, it isn’t supposed to be funny, and you are told you really shouldn’t be laughing at this, but you can’t help it and laugh anyway.

  5. i thought kill me heal me got some of black comedy especially during shin se gi scene. But yeah… black comedy is hard to make. But PD ahn pan seok may found success for it.

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