
Written and Video Preview for Episode 9 of The Girl Who Sees Smells — 8 Comments

  1. For a brief moment today, I got confused and thought it was Wednesday already– I was so disappointed when I realized that I have to wait another day for my Smelly Girl fix. But I know it’s not good to wish time would pass more quickly just because of a TV show, so I’ll attempt to gather some rosebuds or something… but I don’t promise not to sulk.

  2. Thanks for sharing the preview with us. It’a great to have Smelly Girl to look forward to get through hump day. The OTP are just too cute together. I look forward to seeing Moo Gak directly tell Eun Seol what she has come to mean to her. He might need a push from those around him.

  3. cho rim is soo cool..she managed to won the heart of mu gak’s colleagues, plays with them, even hanging out wit mu gak’s boss (det yeom)… and tonight, she is talking about personal issue with his boss..

  4. Thank you for sharing the preview! Looking forward to 2 back to back episodes this week. Love, love LOVE Mu-Rim couple. ❤️

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