
The Casts of Scholar Who Walks the Night and High Society Get Busy Script Reading — 14 Comments

  1. Gah… excuse the young girl squeal from this ahjumma.

    It’s not just the visuals, they have the correct lock and age group for the roles. I am sick of the writer making young actors be old. Or older actresses, yes I know they can act, being with this super young male acting an older age. Or vice versa with a male actor and a super young actress acting 10 yrs older than her actual age.

    Now I can just watch the drama…

      • Lee jun Ki will be inuyasha of course, think changmin is koga? Lee Soo Hyuk as inuyasha half bother (can’t spell is name) lmfao Lee yubi was kagome and kikyo was kse. This plays in kse favor because I preferred kikyo over kagome lmfao I can’t

      • Oooo….i love Kagome. She was short-lived but badass and had a spine till the end. Now i can’t unsee KSE as Kagome.

  2. Is the girl in the yellow shirt from the SWWTN pictures, the same girl who plays Lee Joon’s sister in Heard It Through the Grapevine?

  3. Can’t wait for Scholar Who Walks the Night because LEE JUN-KI!!!
    It’s embarrassing to say that I just finished watching Arang and the Magistrate recently and because of that, I’m in desperate need of fusion sageuks so I guess it’s a blessing in disguise to have watched it late since I have a follow-up now with this drama! It’s also a bonus that Lee Jun-ki is also the lead here.
    I can’t contain my excitement!! I so cannot!

  4. Yay, lots of eye candy coming to our screens this summer!

    And who are the 2 cuties at the bottom right hand corner of Scholar Who Walks the Night?

  5. Don’t know why but i get some Sungkyunkwan scandal vibes from scholar Vampires XD.4 beatiful young joseon man and 1 scholar girl.

  6. Hilarious.. brave people are putting themselves on the line considering the furious K-netz comments in these days.. Kudos to them!

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