
Shin Mina Makes a Pastel Summery Appearance at Cosmetic CF Event — 17 Comments

  1. I consider her the most gorgeous korean actress lol. When it comes to aesthetics, she’s just perfect… there are a lot of beatiful k-actresses but no one has a body figure/proportion as beautiful as hers. Lol. I miss her!

    (after typing this I realized I’ve commented the same thing on her past article lol)

    I hope you post news about Yoon Eun Hye officially joining the chinese fashion variety show 🙂

    • The only one that rivals her is kang sora imo. Both have the most beautiful faces I have ever seen, mina is cuter with her dimples, sora is perhaps more beautiful in a “serious” and more sophisticated way. Sora wins in the figure department for me because of her chest, her proportions are just perfect. But mina truly looks good in literally anything.

      • idk but I kinda do not appreciate Kang So Ra’s figure… I mean, it’s beautiful but not as Shin Min Ah… Maybe it’s the height… and KSR seems to be bigger on the upper..

    • Annie – I agree, Shin Min Ah and Kang Sora are both stunningly gorgeous but in different ways.

      Also, Kang Sora may be more va-va-voom with that figure, but SMA has a beautifully proportioned figure too, slim but with nice curves.

    • After watching her short reality show in Milan for a photoshoot, I envied her alot.. She’s so beautiful with great body proportions and I remember the photoshoot put emphasis on her S line.. So envy..

  2. She looks like a pastel jellyfish, in a good way.

    Also, it looks like pills are popping out of her vagina in that giant compact photo. SUCH an awkward placement.

  3. to me, she’s one of the two most beautiful Korean actress born in the 1980s (the other is Moon Chae Won).

    I can’t believe she committed to that drama for a fall comeback and then SBS pushed it off the schedule, at this stage everyone would understand if she just dropped out.

  4. That jumpsuit is awful and for a person who advertises cosmetics her skin isn’t really that great. Oh well we’re all humans after all, although humans with a lot of money and fame should try to look better.

  5. She is a great actress and one of my fave. Yes, she is stunning, but I must say that outfit is a piece of work on a good day. Pastel flags and a waistband that is not, however with her face, body, and hair – she looks beautiful. If she is paid someone to pick this outfit – she needs to fire them quick. I am looking forward to her next project.

    • Gosh I really hated her outfit it looked cheap and the frills were so awkward and didn’t accentuate her figure. But yeah, she looks totally gorgeous and natural even in such an ugly outfit 😀

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