
SM Confirms that Lee Seung Gi and Yoona Have Officially Broken Up — 38 Comments

  1. Its bound to happen anyways… even if its not now, it will be when Lee Seunggi enlists. Most entertainers seem to marry late, mostly with partners they date after the army…

  2. They just look and feel so cute and right together! But there’s a chance that the initial spark of interest they had for each other on shows could’ve faded on getting to know each other on a personal level, but somehow I doubt that. Rather seems like the stated reason could be correct, just no time to date!

    Oh well, hope we at least get a few couple pix of them together now that they’ve broken up, they made such a cute couple (though don’t think we’ll be getting any seeing as how they are private about their umm, private life)

  3. From the beginning I always think that Lee Seunggi lovesYoonA much more than she loves him. Anyway, just wish all the bet for them.

  4. I’m surprised, but then I’m not. They are both too career orientated and he’s going to the army soon. I doubt the two ever got to really date like normal people either. They are too young as well. If they were older and it was after his MS they might be more open to taking risks (being seen in public together), but right now it won’t work. When you spend so much time trying to hide your relationship so not to upset anyone it’s going do some damage.

    Anyway, I’m a bit sad since I know he liked her a lot. Then on the other hand I’m kind of happy there will be no more silly gossip anymore.

  5. thats y im not that excited reading news about dating between stars before they reached 30. because of of busy life,they dont have a chance to date properly…

    err it might be out of topic but that is the reason why i dont want my Solim to date now.. i know jaerim is 30 y.o but he should wait Soeun to become 30 first. only few years left. 😛

  6. he will go to army, and they need time to think about their relationship. i really like this couple since i like both of them. but yeah, they are still young.
    i hope, they will reconcile after army, hehe.. i keep shipping them. just like sooyoung and kyung ho. ah, this couple doesnt follow each other on IG, i wonder what happen with them. while some couples show off, they keep calm.. im curious

    • yeah, that’s obviously. it’s not a tough prediction to make. lmh/suzy will break up soon too. he has army duty as well and she’s like 20 years old.

    • IKR it’s pretty much the norm for people their age and especially in the industry. Hope they ended it with no bad feelings because baggage sucks.

  7. What a ridiculous reason. ‘I have no time’ means ‘I have no desire to find time’. Basically, not ready for relationship.

    • in their case it kinda works. she wasn’t even in the country for 6 months out of this year. he was busy and it’s not like he can fly to China to date her. Well, I do guess he could if he wanted to. So, you are right in a way.

      And his agency declined the reason for the breakup. SM is the one who said no time.

  8. Tiffany and Nickhun’s break was announced before “Party” was released. And now Yoona and Seungi’s before “Lion Heart” release….hmm,hope its not a reoccurring pattern. 😛
    Fingers croosed for Sooyoung and Taeyeon’s relation to pull through.

    • my guess it will be taeyeon next or yuri. sooyoung bf is in his mid 30s. so they might last a little longer.

      feel bad was hoping seung gi/yoona will last longer.

  9. Well, I did kind of expected this to happen. Both are still young and they are still career-oriented. So, I’m not surprised that the relationship ended. Good luck to both of them in their career and their love life. I’m sure they will find that someone special. 🙂

  10. Since LSG is going for MS soon, it’d be better for Yoona if they break up now. She is still young. Noone knows whats gonna happen in 2 years. if someone else comes along, it wont look good on Yoona.

  11. Lmh won’t be going to the army because, he’s the only male in his family so i guess his relationship with suzy will last long

  12. Girls’ Generation‘s Yoona and Lee Seung Gi have broken up and SM Entertainment has now confirmed the news, stating to X Sports News, “It’s true that the two are no longer a couple.

  13. Why do soon after these entertainers advertise their relationships they end up breaking up? Are these really publicity stunts?

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