Lee Jong Seok Models for MVIO and Turns Down Multiple Personality K-drama Beautiful Mind
I think Lee Jong Seok may have dodged a bullet here by passing on in development K-drama Beautiful Mind (formerly Dr. Frankenstein). Last week came the surprising news that Beautiful Mind/Dr. Frankenstein, the project that was being touted last year in late 2014 among the multiple personality glut of dramas, was still being shopped around and that red hot young actor Lee Jong Seok was in talks to headline. His agency confirmed the project as being one of many offered to Lee Jong Seok, leaving room for him to walk away as he’s just done now.
Lee Jong Seok has officially declined Beautiful Mind, and his agency added that he’s leaning towards a movie rather than a drama as his next project. That’s a polite way for Beautiful Mind to save safe, but does make me sad if he does pick a movie and stays away from drama land for a longer stretch of time. This summer has been busy for Lee Jong Seok with respect to the modeling side of his career, and compared to other actors who later land CF gigs, Lee Jong Seok is part of the model-turned-actor bunch who rock CFs with that je ne sais quoi model aura and presence. Check out his attempt to make stuffy suits fun in the latest MVIO pictorial.
I’m glad he turns down the drama yet I miss him so much…I really want him to do a movie for his next project yet I’d love to see him every week in my screen…but yeah no matter what, please comeback soon jongsuk-ah,,
For mvio pics, he is so gorgeous and handsome as always…
because he has no enough skills for multi-faceted characters in the same drama. than risk being criticize for poor portrayal, they would rather turn it down. that’s a more obvious reason for me why no one takes up the challenge of being cast on this role.
Altough I was sure he would turn it down cause he had said earlier that there is no merit in acting as a psycho anymore and he wish to act as a murderer but such a relief!
Hope to see his acting in a movie very soon!
That script must be horrible and how many people have turned it down now? Please just let it die.
I wonder if this script has anything to do with the old American movie of the same name, about John Nash. That movie was quite decent.
Not surprising that he will turn it down. It’s very hard to top Ji Sung’s performance in Kill Me Heal Me
LOL! Totally agree
Good thing he turned down the drama but WHY would he do so in favor of a film instead? If history is any indication, dramas are his strong point and his films have always been either mediocre or just straightup flops (hot young bloods & no breathing respectively.)
Don’t eye a film, just look for another drama to star in LJS!!
He needs to come back to dramaland soon, I miss him so much <3
Good he turned it down honestly, he’s too good for what sounds like another Hyde Jekyll in the making.
I was relieved to hear that he turned it down because it didn’t sound like a good drama to me. And as much as i miss seeing him, i would rather have him choose a good drama or movie instead.
Not sure about the script but I adore prouction team to choose actors who realy can act not just being popular or marketebale, It’s really easy for me to imagaine KSH, YAI n LJS act these kind of characters! Btw he is so hansome in these pics and his poses are even better.
Can’t wait to see him on my screen again, but i am somehow happy that he turned it down .
@lc on and how do you know that? perhaps you can see the future ..or you are kind of people who thinks they know everything?? ….seriously sighh
i actually want him to do Lee Kyung Hee drama. He has always been so good in crying scene. Imagine him in LKH’s melo as a tragic male character. My fav were Sang Doo and Ma Ru and both have gigolo record. Damn, that will be the best things ever to dramaland. Oh, or just pair him up with Jun Ji Hyun and see how much pretty they can create.