She Was Pretty Showcases More Colorful Posters and Drama Stills
It’s basically 50/50 right now on whether upcoming MBC Wed-Thurs drama She Was Pretty will work for me. I gave its predecessor Scholar Who Walks the Night so much leeway and lowered my expectations significantly, and that still wasn’t enough to keep me interest from flagging midway. SWP does have smaller shoes to fill by coming in as a light frothy rom-com, but drama history has shown that even silly fare needs to have some heart to keep the viewers caring about the characters.
I think it’ll be easy to root for ugly duck Hwang Jung Eum to find her happy ending, so long as she’s not too stupid and sacrificing. She does give off Lucille Ball in I Love Lucy vibes and that show is such a classic nostalgia treat for me. It’ll be nice if Park Seo Joon‘s character doesn’t mistreat her too much initially before finally admitting his feelings. The two second leads Choi Siwon and Go Joon Hee appear to have their own love line which will be a welcome trajectory to cut down on the tedious love triangles that clearly only have one logical ending in the OTP.
Except for Betty Lafea, I don’t like all of the dramas/ movies which had/have theme about beauty or appearance.
it’s getting uninteresting.. emm.. okay, one or two episodes wont hurt.. siwon looks so fine!
Siwon sure looks good as usual but I need an ‘Armando Mendoza’ for keeping me watching till end (lol) or at least Go Soo-Eric Mun handsome_hottie_alpha male lead. Don’t mind me dear…keep watching if you like it^^
haha.. go soo juseyo.. but betty is a smart girl, while this, they said she’s ‘ugly’ in everything, i hope her mind isnt ugly
handsome_hottie_alpha male lead? haha.. you named it well!
OH how much i loved betty la fea..i rewatch it once in a while..
it could be nice if there would be someone like armando mendoza haha..he was so funny lol.
anyway looking forwad to it.
yeah, I also like Betty La Fea whereas other ugly duckling stories kind of don’t work as well for me. I think this is because Betty was an ugly duckling I didn’t have to pretend was ugly since, even if the actress was pretty, the styling for the character was really unflattering (even if extreme). I mean:
I loved the first couple of seasons of Ugly Betty (American version).
Lol siwon the guy who doesn’t want to acknowledge homosexuals, refuses to accept any roles in which the character may be sexually ambiguous.
Furthermore he is a kim Davis supporter, did u guys see his retweets? Something like “Joe Rigney on Kim Davis. Obergefell is not constitutional; so-called same-sex marriage does not exist. Therefore?”
Was really looking forward to this drama tho
I saw his tweets and I accept/respect whatever his opinions. It’s his rights though.
Are you planning to recap this Miss K? Also, I assume you’ve checked out Twenty Again, what do you think of it? I was neutral about it at first but quickly fell in love with it. I hope this is also a great rom-com too.
Right now, all I’m watching is Last and Twenty Again. What is everyone else watching?
i just want my fill of park seo joon on my screen!