Descendants of the Sun to Wrap Up Filming by December and Still Aims to Air on Schedule February of 2016
One thing I’m looking forward to with respect to upcoming KBS drama Descendants of the Sun is the sure to be glorious location shoot scenery porn. One of writer Kim Eun Sook‘s drama specialties is baking in a dedicated location shoot in most of her dramas – Heirs had Southern California, Lovers in Paris was of course in Paris, Lovers went to Indonesia, On Air featured Taiwan, Prague was the location of choice for Lovers in Prague, and so forth. DotS is being filmed in Greece, standing in for a civil war torn country that experiences an added national disaster, which might be insulting Greece but these days any country can stand in for most anything when it comes to location shoots and filming money pouring into Greece can’t be a bad thing. The latest updates on the drama are as follows – DotS will be wrapping up filming in Greece by early November and will complete drama filming fully by middle of December. That makes this big budget high profile drama fully pre-produced in the span of six months as it started filming in June of 2015.
In addition to DotS filming on schedule with an on track filming complete date of mid-December, that gives the drama plenty of time for post-production to hit it’s currently schedule airing date of February 2016 on KBS Wed-Thurs. The network and production still want to make that date but also want to simultaneously air in China, so it will be the latter holding up DotS if the drama ends up being pushed back until May of 2016. No overseas drama can air in China, online video streaming or on TV, without being completed in filming and pass through regulatory approval. Turns out regulatory approval takes 3-6 months, so when DotS airs will depend heavily on how quickly the approval license is handed down.
DotS will be wrapping up filming in Greece by early November
They’ve already wrapped up filming in Greece: most of the cast & crew are back in Korea and the remaining (incl. the lead couple) will leave Athens on Tuesday local time.
it will be the latter holding up DotS if the drama ends up being pushed back until May of 2016
If it does get pushed back, and that’s a big if, it’ll be April, not May.
It seems you know alot about their schedule ….Do you have any idea if the gonna film in Italy ..cuz I’ve heard they are searching some locations in Italy …is that true ?
Omo! I have no idea that Lovers was shooting in Indonesia! Loved the very few first episodes of that drama but turned to progressively hated it with each episode towards the end.
Praying that DOS won’t fail in writing department as it has lots of time to think things through.
this is big budget project but the sory doesn’t seem interesting n song hye gyo is popular actress since korean drama booming era but i heard early casting for lead role getting difficulty n many big name reject the role, i’m curiouse to know how this drama end up success or fail
You’re mixing up dramas. The dramas that were casting at the same time with DotS and had problems were that Jeju cozy one and Scholar who walks the night. This one had its leads cast in one go. It was actually one was one of the very few dramas that didn’t have any problems casting actors. Now let’s hope they were right about casting them and the writing doesn’t disappoint either. As for whether is succeeds or fails we’ll just have to wait and see. Koreans can get very peculiar with what dramas choose to watch nowadays.
fighting dots, im here because of SHK
I’m so exciting about this drama. And I kind a fans of writer Kim Eun Sook. hahaha….. Hopeful this story will be take a lot of awards and trohpys
Fighting dots and SJK…. Hope this drama is a hit!