Breathtaking First Drama Stills of Lee Young Ae and Song Seung Heon in Saimdang: The Herstory
It’s not a stretch to say that K-actress Lee Young Ae is in a league of her own when it comes to onscreen presence. There are certainly actresses prettier than her, and maybe even more well-known that her, but her style is so unique and memorable that the decade away from the screen has only made her return more impressive and impactful. She’s gotten even more radiant with age, marriage, and twins, so the only thing left to assess is how her acting may have changed without sharpening of the technique knife.
The first drama stills are out for her currently filming sageuk Saimdang: The Herstory, chronicling the life and love of real life famed historical personage Shin Saimdang. The drama will be fully pre-filmed and is scheduled to broadcast on SBS in 2016, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s scooped up for live-airing in China at the same time. I love these two drama stills, the backdrop is mesmerizing and the two leads look so beautiful my eyes hurt. Now if only my Heon oppa has learned how to act better since his last sageuk foray in Doctor Jin.
Semi(?)-related, but if Song Seung Hun and Liu Yifei get married I wonder if they’ll live in China or Korea.
And Lee Young Ae is gorgeous as always. She doesn’t seem to have aged from Da Jang Geum.
I have ALWAYS wondered that about couples where each work/live in a different country, especially celeb couples. I guess someone has to make a compromise down the line.
Frankly i havent seen any korean actress who looks like timeless beautiful Sas Lee Young Ae looks in saeguk roles. I think only Song Hye Kyo comes close.
She is a big movie star in me eyes this actress see i loved her in Lady Vengance. Maybe i should see her classic kdramas before this one.
First of all I apologize for talking about something not related to this particular post, and my request probably won’t be answered either, but I can’t just not ask, dear Koala, would you please consider translating the book ‘Nirvana in Fire’ after you’re done with ‘Lost You Forever’? There was a kind soul who translated the first few chapters of the book and then probably stopped because of personal reasons, but even just the beginning chapters were so intriguing and interesting and I loved them so much that now I’m having a hard time accepting that I would never be able to know the read the rest of book.
I know it’s a tough job and you only translate books you love but I just wanted to try my luck.I’m watching and loving the drama but you know..the book is equally great
I’m not going to deny or try to defend him if someone starts the critique about how bad of an actor he is -which is almost guaranteed to happen when his name and a drama/movie is mentioned in the same sentence- because it’s true, but the shallow me love this beautiful man and long for a day when I can simply happily cheered and gushed for him again like in My Princess.
I still haven’t watched Dr.Jin and am not going to because of the very bad reviews and I don’t like how the story ends. Praying that this one is going to be good.
I totally agree with you but jin was a terrible terrible adaptation of a superb japanese original series and everyone’s acting was unbearable to watch, I watched most of SSH movies and I know for a fact that he can act and frankly kdramas are a reference in acting, it is insufferable most of the time but this show has quality written all over it and I’m sure SSH won’ disappoint. I think he’s by far the hottest kactor and I dn’t buy the assumption that he can’t act
lol I meant to write: most kdramas are NOT a reference in acting
Thank you for this!
I agree with you completely about SSH 
Thats because she was born a goddess,it might be true that there are some actresses that is prettier than her… but facial feature wise she has everything, perfect nose, small lips, beautiful brown eyes. No other korean actress has this perfect face package. The only thing that makes other actress prettier than her is that they are much younger lols.
I have faith in song seung heon, his acting was terrible in last two dramas but I’ve seen him act well in movies and in my princess, if this series is good then he’ll be goof too
It’s good too finally meet someone who openly loves SSH ^_^
Yes, the drama will be shown simultaneously in Korea, China and Taiwan at least. Song looks good in this still but in others from this drama I am not sure the period look with a beard sets him to advantage. He certainly looked younger without a beard in Dr. Jin.
Lee is now filming in Milan, Italy and Song will soon follow. So does that mean that Song will also feature in Lee’s modern-day storyline and not just in the past? I certainly hope so for Song’s modern look would be much sexier.
I have been always a fan Lee Young Ae and really missed her in drama role and SSH is my first crush but really hope for a comeback and long awaited drama for LYE she should be paired with more capable actor like Jo Jin Moo or Kim Min Joo.
i think they cannot live together forever as they are both very busy for their respected career unless the girl she give up everything for the man she loves.
i wonder what happened with this drama, when will it be airing?