Former You’re Beautiful Costars Jang Geun Seok and Jung Yong Hwa Snap Happy Reunion Pics Together
I’m sorry to say – this is one reunion that I wish wasn’t documented with selfies and then shared with the world. I like both Jang Geun Seok and Jung Yong Hwa, especially their work together in cult favorite K-drama You’re Beautiful, but the passage of time has transformed the young men into current versions that are a bit disparate when seen together in the same shot. That’s my way of saying that time hasn’t been kind to Jang Geun Seok, who visually hit his peak during the YB and later Mary Stayed Out All Night days and currently looks on the wrong side of worn out. Not sure if it’s his rocker lifestyle catching up to him, but seeing him next to Jung Yong Hwa at a recent reunion of the former YB costars just makes me miss the good ole days more.
This is probably the only blog that love MMM. It was a mess but I guess 2 of your biases were in there… you can’t see anything else
And time definitely hasn’t been kind to Jang. It’s a pity because he is one of the better actors in his generation.
This post is kinda mean. Most of the time koala would post something newsworthy and just sneak in something sly/rude in one of the paragraphs. But this post was straight up only made to talk about how bad JGS looks now, not even hiding it.
Maybe Ms. Koala is trying to wake-up Jang Geun Seok whom we used to love too, before he sinks deeper further… Sad such a talented guy all wasted…
Both don’t look good imo, after Yong hwa fixed his teeth, he lost his charm to me. And as much as I like Geun Suk .. his style is definetly not my cup of tea. He looked so good in the movie “baby and I” right after .. Mess :/ and MMM is a huge mess, the guy needs a talented stylist and a great script to get back on his feet again, his talent is so wasted.
The good side on this is that it feels good to see old co-stars still in-touch, and knowing that Shin Hye is also close to the gang makes it all the more memorable.
I blame You’re Beautiful for what happened to Jang Geun Seok’s career. Before that he was on the somewhat serious actor, but still popular track and then that drama gave him the music bug, the “Bohemian” styling and attitude. Since then, it seems he hasn’t been able to get on track. His dramas have been poorly received, low ratings, mindless drivel. And even before the scandal, he was losing a lot of star power in Korea. I am glad he was able to find success in Japan and Chine, but, he needs a career reset, as it would be a shame for him to get buried under the current cloud he is experiencing.
I don’t think you can blame YAB when you see someone like Park Shin Hye on the opposite end of the spectrum and especially since she and yonghwa also did musical dramas afterwards like Heartstrings. I think he just has very poor management that decided to pursue the hallyu dream in Japan and just ride out his popularity there and didn’t really look at the bigger picture. That sucks because he is capable of so much more. Attempts to regain his image in Korea like his other projects and Fishibg village got ruined from his scandal. You’re right about the career reset and I think the only way to do that would be to enter military service at this point.
totally agreed. He was offered the serious role of the emperor in Empress ki and he rejected it because it was too long a drama for him which interfere with his Hallyu events. Ji Chang Wook took the role and the rest is history.
I really don’t understand what he is waiting and not enlisting yet… It could help him change the image and start all over again…
It’s not easy to change his image now and I can’t see anyway besides a huge hit project and enlisting
You’re beautiful happened but I blame it on him than the drama… He changed and thought he was on top of the world… and kept choosing the same roles that similar to HTK
PSH wasn’t as loved compared to him and JYH back then… but look at where she is now…
KSH and LMH got big after a huge hit too but they are still at the top…
It’s him to blame, not the project
This article is rude and very strange. Shouldn’t comment on other people’s looks unless they’re professional models or in the Miss Universe pageant LOL Remember Koala: Inside thought, inside thought.
Lmao. I agree. I was so turned off by it.
Totally agree!!
As what Paolo Coelho says, “You can criticize if you can do better”
I’m with you on this one. Ew.
This guy is such a talented actor. If he didn’t become weird after you’re beautiful, he would still be up there.
i remember him in Hwang jinyi and Beethoven Virus. He is really handsome with acting talent to boot. Then suddenly after You’re Beautiful and then the super wth drama “Mary”, he never takes any good roles anymore. He is like addicted to idol dramas…also the way he dresses and that wavy hair is just > <
I think stardom went to his head in a bad way. Sad because he has so much talent. He doesn’t look good lately. His face looks terribly bloated.
good example of plastic surgery goes wrong and he has swollen eyes with uneven skin texture which may indicate unhealthy lifestyle. His best look was in beethoven virus, oh man I miss old days. I think he will never be able to reset, currently he is almost invisible in korea. Good luck to him anyways.
Plastic surgery? Pardon me, but he never got such thing! The “swollen eyes” are typical for all koreans!
you call yourself a fan and you did not notice? does not require a rocket scientist to figure that out. I’m ok with plastic surgery as long as it make you look better and does not impair how to emote, but he is getting worse by day.
Looks are important but behaviour and personality is more important. I don’t find (take example) Yoo Jae Suk that much handsome but his attitudes makes him so charming. My point is, no matter how bad Jang Geun Sook looks nowadays, he still can be loved by korean or international fans again by good attitude. About the dramas, how can you predict the ratings will be good or not? I saw many of super stars had low ratings dramas nowadays, but still loved by many such as Ha Ji Won, Hyun Bin, Han Ji Min, Kim Soon Ah. There are impossible to give high ratings all the time by actors even though he/she super duper popular. But again, the attitude will make people respect you forever.
I think somebody needs to tell JGS that he looks 1000x better with a buzz cut, 100x better with no hair at all compared to this slobby mess.
Ummm…what kind of article is this? Lol. Are you seriously calling out JGS for his looks? What’s wrong with it? Maybe he just likes the shaggy do. Lol. I am by no means a fan of his, but it’s a little low of you to be attacking someone’s looks. Sure he has aged, but it’s a bit shallow even for you to stoop this low.
He IS ugly. lets get real babe!
Calling people ugly IS ugly!
No, your personality is ugly. Sure he may not be the best looking guy out there, but he certainly isn’t “ugly”.
i think, they’re close to each other since they are in the same friend-group with heechul and hongki. i forget their group’s name… i remember other group such as Kyu Line etc, but forget Heechul’s. and Park shin hye also a part of Heechul’s group with Beast’s Junhyung…
Choco something. Choco ball? Choco pie?
the chocoball group!the members are hongki, geunsuk, heechul, beast junhyung, jungmo and few others. yonghwa and park shin yee is not in that group. but i know psy very close with hongki, heechul and junhyung too.
correction *psh not psy
too much plastic surgery too soon. Yes i agree the peak of his good looks for me was on YB.
I totally loved him in Love/Rain and he got fed up with k-industry for not recognizing talent so he moved to Japan. U can’t fault a guy for that. The selfie is poor as be has looked better the. Again, dont all sefies are poor just like DL pictures? ?
He is one of those actors where I’m still waiting for him to get his second wind and come back and do a drama/show I can enjoy. (Like YEH)
Reading all the comments above makes me wonder if those people really know something aout JKS at all?
Yes, the selfie is not good, but saying he’s ugly – wake up, people, soon he will be on screen every week and I will be glad to read your comments then.
Of course, Ohkoala could add the info that Jang Keun Suk become a MC and mentor on th MNET’s show Produce 101, which starts airing on 22th of January.
And there will be a drama soon.
And a new album with ED music.
And he become a sharing professor of Hanyang university.
Reaaly the most important thing is his look? Or that he is not the same like in Beethiven virus?
Of course he is not!
I don’t reaaly get why people are mocking You’re beautiful! After this drama he become famous and made things happen in his way! No big companies supporting him and of course not recieving money from his fame. As a foreigner I can say – if he was different and did everything koreans wanted him to do, he would be one of the many good korean actors that nobody outside Korea have heard.
Leave him to be what he wants nad he will surprise you!
His latest look, if someone really wants to see
haha..He looks pretty good. Nothing like the picture above, but people here are so hmmm…not very perceptive let’s say and probably not that hot themselves but quick to call him ugly.
I don’t see where Koala is saying he is ugly– he looks worn out, as in too much partying or drinking can get to you. It doesn’t make him ugly, he is still beautiful, but you can tell he doesn’t look “healthy”. I’m not saying he is an alcoholic but I have friends who drink too much and party too much and yes, unfortunately it reflects on your face and your body. Especially when you are young, it ages you, like Lindsay Lohan. So much talent, and she is still beautiful, and I am waiting for her comeback, but whatever she’s done is taking a toll on her body, including her plastic surgery. There are probably other idols whose lifestyle is similar to JGS, but they don’t look worn out… Or maybe camouflage it with Botox! I am also waiting for JGS’s comeback. I like him as an actor and singer!
Please, be clear!
Too much party and drinking??? You know for sure? Also comparing with Lindsey is not appropriate – she has a history of troublemaking, JKS NEVER made such a scandal.
Plastic surgery? No, he doesn’t have one. Even koreans admit that.
Botox? This is really stupid, he is an actor, such thing would killed his mimics.
Making supposition is even worse from just badmouthing, you indirectly blame him of many things based on a bad selfie.
And finally – it’s pathetic to you to call him an idol!
Jang Keun Suk is an artist-an actor, a musician and a film director. Anything you say cannot affect his achievements.
What I love is their permanent friendship JGS,YH,PSH and LHK
They support each other and for suk I hope he will comeback with awesome project he deserves the best .
k-net hate this guy cuz most of his drama is for japan fangirl.
hope his next drama will not be like his last 2 drama were it more for his jfan then k-fan.
It seems petty to criticize an actor just because of his bad looks. It would be more appropriate to criticize JGS for ruining an otherwise interesting drama. Case in point: his weepy, obnoxious conductor “prodigy” in Beethoven Virus. Should have ended his career…
I see so many people here are quick to agree that JGS looks like crap. A comment here and there…I’d say fine…even though no intelligent, sophisticated person would ever publicly comment on someone’s looks in a negative way. But this blogger lady, who is no Song Hye Kyo herself by the way, just dedicated a whole article to it on the pretense that it’s about else. Then she says he shouldn’t take selfies because it pretty much pains her eyes. That’s mean girl territory, even though another word would be more appropriate. Yuck.
Damn I’m not even interested in the guy and I want to protect him lol. I hope he can find his niche in whatever industry that’s best for him and it doesn’t have to be Korean entertainment just because he’s Korean. From what I’ve noticed of him, Korean entertainment standards and practices can be wayyyy too rigid and he doesn’t seem to want to conform and is rejected for it. It makes him really interesting to me honestly. Anyway, he is incredibly lucky to (seemingly) have real industry friends that are there to support him through highs and lows.
His looks have changed and hopefully it’s just aging and not because he’s not taking care of himself. It honestly doesn’t look like partying and drinking but who knows. Anyway, wish him luck with his career ambitions and I hope he takes more selfies looking genuinely happy.
Are we seriously making judgments about a selfie taken with bad lighting among close friends? I mean, when I hang out with my close friends I don’t care much about dressing up either. I don’t really pay attention to JGS or his works, but he keeps getting mentioned on this blog for the most superficial reasons. It’s not like he’s hideous either; the middle part doesn’t look good on most people. In some of the other pictures where he’s properly dressed up, he looks fine.
This is the type of article I would expect to see written by some tween on OneHallyu. But hey, whatever gets traffic for page hits.
I love the pic…you can genuinely see how happy they are to be together again after 6 years/YB days.
I’m sure we’ve all had those pics where our ‘selfies’ wasn’t to our liking. who doesn’t
Merry Christmas everyone!
shallow & ridiculous. yes you can say what you want, but you can check your credibility at the door with something like this. wow. happy to see this talented fella has stuff coming up & the professorship is very cool as well
Yeah I agree, Koala is sometimes very mean with her comments on people’s looks. It’s probably disparaging, shallow words like this that make actors feel such a pressure to resort to surgery to preserve their looks. I think he looks fine, and it’s mainly the styling plus lighting that’s wrong here. Fix that and he’ll look darn better than the average guy his age.
I suggest JGS cut his hair clean like before, dye it back to original color, not sure if its black or dark brown. Then have a come back drama with PSH and that guy who is going to be a future pharmacist in YAB. I think that guy doesn’t look bad. JGS doesn’t look old at all, its the hair that became flat and part in the middle, and the light brown color too. He looks like a wasted housewife with that hair.
No matter what.i Love you as a fan mom. Ups and downs , I’m here for strong always and God will continue bless you and your family bec. You have a good heart.i’m a loyal fan of yours here in Chicago , Illinois.