
Dispatch Breaks First K-ent Dating News of 2016 – JYJ’s Junsu and Hani of EXID — 28 Comments

    • Well since he’s enlisting soon this would be a great way to dispel gay rumors after-all the army isn’t a forgiving place if surrounded by people gossiping about your sexual identity. Apparently he was the one to approach her first.

    • Lol, the pictures look SUPPPPER stage. She’s hidding while him is clearly NOT!? I love him either way but can’t help to think this is done for a different purpose. Imo

    • I am surprised that you think Junsu is gay. According to my San Francisco gaydar, he is a straight hetero. He strikes me more as someone who is very comfortable with his sexuality, so is not afraid to express it openly.

  1. I have no opinions on this couple, but the reveal was not as big as I expected. I was thinking Dispatch was totally going to out a top actor like Ha Jung Woo, Hyun Bin, So Ji Sub, etc.

    However, I feel bad for couples that get revealed where the guy has yet to complete his military service. Couples like that are basically doomed from the get-go and have an inevitable expiration date. And all the couples Dispatch has revealed in the past year are all young couples in their early to mid twenties, with the guy yet to have served in the military which doesn’t bode well.

    Anyway, I’m more interested in the dating status of the past couples revealed in 2015, KWB-SMA, LMH-SZ, and LJS-PSH.

    I’m really want to know if they’re still dating or not, I’ve heard mixed rumors from some of these couples k-fans/c-fans so I have no clue.

    • The first 2 couples you mentioned are apparently still going strong, while the latter was already denied not only by their agencies, but by PSH herself during a fanmeeting. Also, her mother revealed that she’s dating a guy a few years older than her and LJS doesn’t fit the description since he is almost her age.

      • I figured as much for SMA-KWB, but I thought I heard rumors that LMH-SZ were done but also recently read some other rumors that pointed to them still dating by some c-fans on Weibo. But the rumors seemed to be super vague and sketchy tbh, plus LMH-SZ shippers are on some next level crazy so I take their supposed “rumors” of meeting up/dates together with a grain of salt.

        But when did PSH’s mother ever say she’s dating a guy two years older than her? I think her mom once said she would prefer her daughter to date someone older, not that she was, but I could be wrong. LOL…it doesn’t seem like PSH or her family to reveal any information like that at all…plus her k-fans/i-fans I follow would have had a collective freak out if her mom spilled that tea.

        I never bought the LJS-PSH denial, Dispatch might be slimy, but they’re accurate. I’m still surprised at how many fans bought that denial, the pictures, couple items, and staff accounts were pretty obvious. I heard they were also going pretty strong, but the last sightings I read about them was from late November, so who knows at this point, maybe they’re done or their ninja skills got better.

        I’ve heard LJS-PSH were a thing as early as Nov./Dec. of 2014, which I totally believe based on all the things I’ve heard from k-fans, but whatever I guess.

      • @NotThisAgain I just wrote what I read on a forum, I don’t follow any of these people closely tbh, so it could be wrong.

      • @NotThisAgain Back in mid November Suzy gave an interview and she was asked if she had talked with LMH about working with KWB, she said “we haven’t discussed that (because) we haven’t started filming the drama yet” and then she changed the topic. That’s the only ‘clue’ in months that they’re still together.

      • PSH never denied anything at her FM. Media made up shit since she blocked everything… That’s why she canceled all her press and interview for the FMs after
        There is rumor that we have no FM this year either.
        And her parents never revealed anything either.
        Stop make up rumor!!!

    • @FerG Oh, I’ve seen that article about her answering the question about what LMH thinks of her being teamed up with KWB, but that’s not really what I was referring to. A couple weeks back a Suzy fansite translated a rumor from C-Minoz on Weibo/Naver that apparently LMH went to visit Suzy on the set of Ardently, Fondly and that they had a “date/appointment” that day as well. LMH has been incredibly quite about his relationship and hasn’t even directly made any statements about dating, much less SZ. So, the fact that people said he visited her set was very strange because that’s a pretty public declaration of your relationship.

      K-celeb couples usually keep an INCREDIBLY low profile, I haven’t even heard of married couples visiting each other on sets much less young couples like this. Plus, if he visited the set wouldn’t there have been 454989 fan accounts and articles LOL? I mean LMH-SZ are one of the most high profile couples in Korea, I really doubt they could keep a set visit a secret.

      Anyway, the rumor seemed super far fetched, but at the same time I don’t know why fans would make up a rumor which is so easily noticeable and fact-checked, so who knows at this point.

      I don’t really follow LMH or SZ that often, but it was all over twitter when the rumor was translated.

      • Yes, I saw that rumor as well and tbh I doubt it even happened. I do follow Suzy and she has expressed how uncomfortable she feels just being outside her apartment and her only respite is driving around her block or something like that, so I doubt she’d have her boyfriend over to her set when she sounds so paranoid. She probably knows that publicizing her relationship can only hurt her career as well. My best bet is that they’d end like Yoona-LSG without anyone knowing what happened before, during or after their relationship ended.

    • @FerG Yeah, I really doubted the rumor when I read it as well because it seems so unlike them. Plus, I kinda got the vibe that they were done because of SZ’s awkward reply to that question. I mean he’s her boyfriend, she could have easily said something super benign like “Oh, he’s looking forward/supporting the drama well” lol…or something similar, yet she says they haven’t discussed it? It was just weird considering she was open to discussing him during her comeback, yet she’s changed her tune all of a sudden. Also, I read a Korean BI which said a famous couple broke up, yet are still acting as if they are together, which I think is heavily pointing to them.

      But, I kind of assumed they were still together after that rumor got around. I just still don’t understand why fans would make up/spread around a false rumor like that. I honestly don’t get it, but I guess whatever will happen, will happen.

  2. Who needs private investigators when you’ve got Dispatch. They could take on sidejobs lol.

    Congrats to Hani!. The Honey-Hoppang ship has sunk lol. Hope that if there’s a Crime Scene Season 3, she’d be in it. Miss her and the gang. 🙁

  3. as a fan YAY Junsu <3 He is such kind hearted talented puppy and I hope he and Hani are happy together

    I'm glad the boys are confirming relationships now because the fandom has grown up and will take the news calmly (no Baekhyun-Taeyeon craziness!)

    Hani living the ultimate fangirl dream. If you are as pretty and nice as Hani you too can date oppa ;p

    • Haha, I’m not sure about pretty, since beauty is objective, but I’m super nice. Lee Seung Gi, where are you? I’m waiting for you!! xD

  4. His outfit in the pic with the shopping bag is so…..hmmm, how should I put it nicely… Interesting?
    The wide brim hat, the sunglasses, earrings, feminine way of holding of the wallet, bias-cut blouse, flowy pants and Greek sandals in the middle of winter…
    I don’t follow this dude closely, but I’m not surprised to read other commenters say he might be gay.

  5. I’m a JYJ fan since they broke away from DBSK and was happily surprised to read first thing in 2016 about it in K-ent news. I quipped “oh my baby Junso has a girlfriend already!I consider them as my sons! Congratulatioss and be happy Junso and Hani!

  6. *sob* Junsu…my Kpop crush of 10years, I can no longer stay in my fanatical delusions…

    Congrats to the couple, I wish them much happiness.

  7. Oh Hani the Babe. Damn she’s gonna get so much hate from rabid oppa fan girls. Cassies (TVXQ fans) are known for their you-know-what-I-mean.

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