
Light and Dark are the Contrasting Drama Posters of Lee Jong Seok and Han Hyo Joo in W: Two Worlds — 24 Comments

  1. This drama better deliver, cause UF is a damn editing mess in it’s first two episodes , no wonder ratings dropped. I hope this couple has a good chemistry cause just from previews you can’t really see that.

    • from what I heard the didnt drop at all, they stayed exactly the same. I guess theres two diff ratings and the one that every one is counting is the 12.5 one. I really hope W does really well tho or atleast is good plot wise

  2. I think this drama will do well judging that it has promising storyline from screenwriter that has so far done very well and with the return of Han Hyo Joo who has been absence for quite sometimes.

    I am watching UF though I dont quite enjoy it for the most part being Suzy’s immature and animated acting. Maybe if W plays simultaneously…. I will finally give up on UF.

  3. Han Hyo Jo is love.. the scandal she has doesn’t change the fact if she’s a versatile actress. I agree, that W logo looks so outdated, yet can’t wait for her comeback and LJS as well.

  4. So looking forward to this! And is it just me, or does it seem like MBC is promoting extra hard for this drama? Probably because (1) they are up against UF, and (2) LR isn’t really doing very well now.

    • Actually they don’t promote it well, they release some stuffs but they don’t feature them on special bars for hot news on Naver or Nate, so just the fans & the ones who search this drama get the information but general public doesn’t know about it a lot…
      These days I’m on vacation so I surf Naver & Nate a lot, I can say the hottest news about this drama were the ones they put KWB vs LJS on the title & featured it on naver homepage & most of them were there for promoting UF… One time they put a low quality picture of LJS, next the journalist wrote wrong information about W & LJS, the other time they rearranged the comment ranking obviously, at last fans were too angry by these process… Thank God I didn’t see any comparison article in the past two days.

      • I prefer that way @noona. I dont want it to be superhype and then it crush and burn. Looking forward to this drama for my love to both leads. I know UF is leading currently in term of rating but I confident W will beat it.

    • Notable work of writer is Nine: Nine times nine travel, Queen Inhyun’s man, The tree musketeers. For PD She was pretty.

  5. It seems.. if you gave money and connection.. everything will be all right. I used to like HHJ, but now I just disappointed with her and family (why their cover up the big scandal like that? ). Another family still suffering until now. HHJ, how’s your dongsaeng right now? He is in a good live, isn’t he? -_-

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