
Ji Chang Wook and Song Yoon Ah to Collaborate on tvN Political Thriller Drama K2 — 38 Comments

  1. Τhe original story of Yong Pal perhaps? Without lots of A-listers and all the SBS rating frenzy (minus one thread of a law suit?). Reset was a promising project for a newcomer though.
    SYA needs to gear up for this drama since it’s on tvN. Her acting in Assembly was mediocre, especially since the leading man was this great film actor called Jung Jae-young.
    Good luck to Ji Chang-wook!!

  2. Ji Chang Wook seems to gain momentum after Healer. I like him in Healer and he is good looking which is why I think he appeals to so many but not until I watched him in Running Man that I was basically turned off by him. Now I couldn’t watch any of his drama because of his RM appearance.

    • really? i thought his running man appearance made him more relatable-it turns out not all celebrities are posh with big egos! he was just cluelessly his innocent and humble self 😀 i found the contrast between his RM performance and the character healer to be hilarous-sort of like how the discrepancy between bong sook ya and healer was funny…

      • No offense to anyone but may be I am the type that easily turned off by clueless guys even when some portrayed that as innocent and cute. I prefer guy with more wits. But that’s just my preference. Sometime appearing in variety show make us audiences affected by the real life personality. But Ji Chang Wook still is a good actor, only that I can’t bring myself to watch him on-screen anymore.

      • yeah, each person has their own preferences. but perhaps a major factor that contributed to jcw’s persona on running man was nerves. after all, you’re expected to be spontaneously funny on that show, which definitely does give the guests a lot of pressure. some may find the pressure really stifling, while others blossom and take on the challenge. i mean, even joong ki was really really quiet when he first began x)

      • Well, I saw in an interview, that he said he didn’t know he was supposed to lie and trick people to play the game. His honesty made him seem slightly clueless, but I thought it was endearing. Unlike many entertainers, at least he’s finished college.

      • every time kwang soo tried to negotiate a “deal” with another team, jcw gave it away that kwang soo was lying (what an honest chap LOL). but he did find a secret stash of numbers/symbols that helped him/kwang soo out in the game later on! also, he received directions to look for the “R” flag, but he thought that the PD said he ought to look for the “Ahl” (egg) flag…and while riding a rollercoaster, he called out for his mom LOL 😛

      • @wookie123, Aw I recall watching a clip of the roller coaster part. That was hilarious. LOL.. He’s cute in real life, as he mentioned his real self was more like Park Bong Soo than Healer. Healer is a fantasy. Who would so naively take a fictional figure for real?

    • I thought the whole RM thing was just another performance: He was feigning ignorance or at least exaggerating his cluelessness to cover up awkwardness or to create humor. Based on his interviews, he’s actually pretty intelligent and savvy. The fact that people cannot see through that, tells you how good of an actor he is.

  3. healer ya!
    He will be good in this role- call me shallow but I’ll watch healer – it will never get old for me – LOL

    • Yup! I love all his action scenes and parkour on rooftops, never get tired of those stunts without doubles. I’m shallow. LMAO.

  4. Oh goodness! He finally show his face on Korean screen again but DAMN IT! Why does it have to be with Song Yoon Ah?!! She’s one actress I can never feel warm to.

    • Maybe try reading the article before commenting. It clearly said a younger actress is yet to be casted as another main lead supposedly his partner. Song yoon ah’s character is a wife of a presidential candidate.

  5. I hope they will cast a younger actress to romance with Ji Chang Wook. He totally deserves it! Like Kang So Ra perhaps?

  6. As far as I know Song Yoon Ah won’t actually play the candidate’s daughter, she will play the candidate’s wife. So Ji Chang Wook will have a love line with a younger actress not her

  7. I was praying Park Min Young would finish filming her current Chinese drama in time to be JCW’s female lead again in this drama before he enlist…LOL.

    Indeed, their chemistry in Healer was HOTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

  8. I love the cast. I dislike the writer immensely. His work start out so good and promising and fall apart in later episodes. Both Yongpal and Reset are good examples of that. I do not wish that on either of these excellent actors.

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  10. I just learned that JCW is now starring the Chinese drama Whirlwind Girl 2. Why Why Why???? WG 1 was like a school drama, sweet and sentimental, not a serious one in my book. Why did he take such a project? Also WG belongs to Yang Yang. LOL

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