
Lee Jun Ki Attends Movie Press Event in Beijing for Korean-Chinese Joint Production Never Said Goodbye — 13 Comments

  1. I was squealing of his hotness when I saw his stills taking off his half-mask for K-BBJX and now, I am squirming over his cringe-worthy look at the press conference. The outfit sucks and the hairstyle, even gorgeous Lee Jun Ki couldn’t pull that off. And I find him too thin which makes his feminine features even more girly. Yes I know that Scarlet’s PD wanted him to lose weight to make his features more angular but in Scarlet, he was beefed up by the layers of clothing which still give him the much needed masculinity to portray a warrior but here, I just couldn’t get passed the horrendous look no matter how much I love him. Dear Jun Ki, put on some healthy weight and give us back the masculine look.

  2. I like Lee Jun Ki but I can’t understand his choice of doing this movie. I don’t enjoy the trailer and I was hoping he would take on meaty role for a movie comeback.

  3. I’m glad for Lee Jun Ki and us!! 😀
    lets see what will hapen to the other Koren-chinese cooperated projects!! it would sucks if all the hard work of the actors and the team related to those projects would be shelved just like that!!

  4. This is just my opinion. But a joint korean-chinese drama or movie is a win-win for both the chinese and koreans. Any sort of ban or what not is kind of ridiculous, if you ask me.

  5. You are right Krystal but international politics will always trump the entertainment industry . Hope this movie succeeds.

  6. I think the Chinese are going to be okay with things already scheduled because it’s all been paid for so Scarlet Heart and things on the schedule will proceed. I am interested to see if they (both the Chinese and the producers) proceed with dramas in production that haven’t finished or gone through the censors…Rain’s new drama for example.

    With regard to this drama, it looks pretty standard and he actually filmed it several years ago but I’d still watch it just because I enjoy LJG.

  7. Yeah the Chinese government is always so upfront and always want to do the right thing. They are totally in control of this industry. When I see Chinese dramas, I never believe this is how the Chinese really live, or maybe I am wrong?

  8. Zhou Dong Yu is such an excellent actress. I like the scene when she cried for Joon Gi in her dream (or maybe real). The love and longing emotion of her making it so real and makes me cried with her too. I can say this joint chinese korean are not too bad to watch. Nice scenery and beautiful song.

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