Ji Chang Wook Captivates in New Black-and-White Spread in JLook Magazine
It’s two winning K-drama roles in a row for Ji Chang Wook, harder and harder to come these days when dramas feel more mass produced or a vehicle for PPL. I loved his character in Healer and felt like he made more than he was given in the recently finished The K2. I’m sure plenty of his fans also liked him in Empress Ki which had both high ratings and buzz but that nearly turned me off him so different strokes for different folks. He’s in the pages of JLook Magazine for December rocking three different vibes, all perfectly impeccable. There’s quietly thoughtful hottie, dapper gentleman, and cheerful boy-next-door. I love the choice of black-and-white for this spread, the lack of color only serves to heighten all the beautiful lines and angles on his face.
Ji Chang Wook is ♡.
A class act…Wish he’d do another k-drama before enlisting.
Well I loved him b4 ..fell in love with him all over again ??????
Ji chang wook

I always thought it was Tae Hwan you hated in Empress Ki and somehow you translated it to hating the actor too. A lot of people do that of course, it’s almost normal. But JCW has always been such a strong actor and EK was definitely amongst his best works despite me not even being in his ship. I was with Tal Tal <3
I’ve loved him since Healer and since have tried to watch all his rookie dramas as a lead albeit never finished any one of them. LOL…Some actors almost rely on onscreen explosive charm to earn ratings and favor of audience. But JCW is a solid actor who has accomplished through his hard work and accumulated experience for years with a great variety of characters. His resume is a bit like Song Joong Ki in terms of diversity of the projects including crappy ones they’d worked on. That’s one of the reasons I appreciate these actors very much, in the way of their work ethics as actors. I like hardworking and highly disciplined professionals, work horses sorta like. And they are ones in their field. Hottie JCW, wish you the best with all your projects!