
Hu Ge Revealed to be Studying in the Director’s Program at NYU’s Tisch School for the Arts — 8 Comments

  1. Nagasawa Masami will be taking a break to study in New York too so many Chinese fans have jokingly said it would be interesting if she bumped into Hu Ge or if they end up being classmates.

  2. Other reports stated that he’s currently enrolled with San Francisco’s AAU (English-language course) and will be making his way to NY after completing his study there.

    Wishing Hu Ge all the best in his studies.

  3. I’ve really enjoyed discovering Hu Ge this last year. Nirvana in Fire is a great drama. I don’t know why he reminds me of old Hollywood. Like a mix of Jimmy Stewart and Gregory Peck. Is it just me? Not just his looks but the way he carries himself. Like his aura is all gentlemen. I don’t know just a thought I had.

    Also I would love it if he were cast in a Hollywood movie. I mean I know that martial arts seem to be the only way an Asian actor can get into Hollywood. But what if they like they did a Sherlock Holmes movie again and HuGe would be Sherlocks Asian counter part just as smart and just as addled with emotional/mental issues. Or Hue Ge could be a Marvel super hero from the other side of the world that protects Asia cause all the Marvel super heros are busy protecting like New York or whatever and they all interact together and like Iron Man has a bromance with him and self aware jokes abound about them not knowing there were asain super heros cause they live in a white bubble. Excluding Black Panter obviously. He’s all like…uhhh….yeah there are other super heros of other races….duh!

    I’ve only heard Hu Ge speak English a couple times but he seems to have a slight English/European accent going on.

  4. NYU students are so lucky! Asian stars always go to California or New York, but they never come to Atlanta… But at least I’m in the same time zone as him! XD

  5. he’s so freaking hot on that 2nd pic ♥ i wish him all the best~ cant wait to see what he can offer after his return 🙂

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