Hallyu Ban Escalates as Cruise Ship with Thousands of Chinese Passengers Refuses to Disembark in Jeju
The reason I’m covering the Chinese beef with South Korea over THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system) is twofold – the escalation is making immediate impact on Hallyu and if it keeps going will likely have long term ramifications on the industry that could change how and what Hallyu products are produced. China’s fury over South Korea installing THAAD isn’st just limited to government to government, the Chinese netizens by and large support the ban on Hallyu and the government’s position, while conversely the South Korean netizens feel the same with their right to install THAAD and look down on C-netizens.
THAAD installation is starting this week and with it the Chinese ban has increased from closing down Lotte Duty Free stores last week to cancelling over half the flights between Mainland and Jeu, and now this weekend a cruise ship with over 3400 Chinese passengers docked on Jeju and every single passenger refused to disembark and left over hundreds of buses and tourist catering Jeju businesses empty handed. This weekend also saw all the top Chinese weibo sites with over millions of subscribers covering K-ent stop updating with an open announcement that they support China’s rights and will halt covering Hallyu news.
THAAD is a tricky balance between national sovereignty, South Korea’s right to install their own defense system to shoot down missiles, to the tipping of power in East Asia as the sophisticated system is equipped with radar that will allow the tracking of all missiles in the region including Chinese missiles in China. There is no right or wrong but I don’t see South Korea caving to Chinese economic pressure because if they do it basically means China can now dictate SK policy by using its economic might. This boycott is actually making SK citizens support THAAD even more because they don’t want to be bullied by China, and in the process they are being even more nationalistic and insulting the Chinese, and on and on this situation escalates. Sigh.
Oh my! Thanks for your article cos I was wondering what THAAD was all about. Why can’t everyone play nice and compromise. Both sides are valid in their stance and I just hope that it doesn’t escalate any further. What is happening to the world these days….
I agree. Both sides have different stands and it doesn’t make one more valid than the other. China is a big country and with her negative public image it’s easy to label her as the “bully”. But imagine China/Russia getting Mexico to deploy THAAD near the US borders. I’m pretty sure the US Govt will go ballistic too.
The problem is that South Korea doesn’t believe China’s claims that North Korea isn’t a threat, whereas China obviously won’t compromise its own military prowess for South Korea’s national security. I don’t see any way around this really. It depends on how far China is willing to go when it comes to pressurising SK’s economy. Clearly, if China wants do, she can do more.
If i were living in SK and had NK as neighbour, yes, I would be pro installing THAAD. Would you believe NK is not at threat?
@Rhumball: Would you want an anti-missile system with a radar that can track missiles originating from 90% of your territory? Clearly both sides are valuing their own national interests more. Since we are all third parties, why on take the stand of South Korea? People here have a bad habit of not looking at both sides of the issue. SK have their reasons for deploying THAAD, but China have their reasons for opposing it as well.
It is pretty clear that those who commenting here don’t even have that much idea about THAAD. It is easy to tell that they sided SK due to their own biased opinions than anything else. It’s like, kids talking about other countries military and politics.
Every country has their own rules and regulations. China is big market, sure but fans of kpop and kdrama isn’t only from China. When hallyu wave wasn’t exist, kpop and kdrama still being loved by their own country (and even if I could say better in quality). Then spread to all over the world until now. It’s not like Korea push China to like their dramas/ music but Chinese did like kdramas and kpop music. So, looking at how suddenly China act like this is a bit strange but it’s the country regulations. Anyway, I’m sure Korea will be okay same as China. So, lets enjoy whatever we like without being overdramatic about it.
It’s true what they say : People all over the world never learn from HISTORY … They tend to repeat the same errors… What i see is that we live in a world where peace is not ” à l’ordre du jour”. Sigh…
The US will move to get THAAD situated before the election of what will probably be a more pro-China president (given who is ahead in the polls right now….not that polls can be trusted). Given that the No. Koreans love to play with their missiles with no indication that the Chinese can really control them, I imagine if I was living in So. Korea I’d be ok with THAAD but that’s just me.
Whatever it is, I think South Korea should go ahead and maintain their stance over the installation of THAAD. Once they caved in to China, the big bully will continue to dictate how their country and policy is to be run. I really don’t understand why China is so sensitive over THAAD (I know the whole US related thing) but SK’s concern is actually their national security especially because of the unpredictable neighbour in North Korea. Sure, Hallyu won’t be able to pocket as much money with China gone but long before China entered the picture, Hallyu has pretty much left a deep impression to various regions all over the world. They should be doing fine though no longer than lucrative.
Exactly, thank you for your wise comment. And those who choose not to see Jeju are really hurting themselves, not only the economy in Korea. It is magical island.
Absolutely. If SK takes one step back, China would just keep pressing forward with their agenda and where will it all end? Instead of having a go at SK, I wish China would put more effort in reining in North Korea…
Yes exactly. Why don’t they try to control crazy North Korea instead of blaming South Korea for trying to protect itself from the crazies next door?
North Korea is its brother. China is so furious against SoKor since the former is one of its allies and if they control it then they will lose their biggest costumer in arms and war equipment.You don’t fight your brother right?
Do you really think NK is controllable tho? That’s pretty naive to think..
Since it is universally known that North Korea is uncontrollable, don’t you think that South Korea has a legitimate reason to install THAAD? This is their national security we are talking about. If I know my neighbour is some crazy psycho, I would have done the sane and beefed up the security regardless that my snobbish rich neighbour demanded me to not do so because of her own paranoia. China is always a bully, and just because they are rich, they think they can exert their ways into everything. I am so supportive of SK’s stand not to backdown regardless the pressure. As pointed out here, with continous supply of great dramas, Hallyu will still make money though not that luxurios anymore.
Do you even know why China is opposing it? As @Kitai pointed out above, I think both sides have reasonable stances. South Korea for it’s own national security (although I have read somewhere that THAAD is designed to shoot down long-range missiles, so whether it will actually work against NK remains questionable. But I guess better something than nothing), and China as well for opposing against the system as it can basically serve as a telescope with it’s tracking radar. And with the US offering the system to South-Korea, it is no wonder that China is flipping. Russia is not liking it as well. But there is a whole China in between Russia and South-Korea, so I guess the installation is a bigger threat to the Chinese than the Russians.
But I guess because of China’s bad reputation, people just automatically assume that they are the bully, while in fact, both countries have valid reasons for how they are reacting in this case. If it was China who is going to install a similar system near the US borders that can track their missiles, you would have them (the government) flipping as well. It’s just that East-Asians (citizens of China, Korea, Japan) are much more nationalistic than Western people, so they would actually boycott one and another. Nobody here is saying that SK shouldn’t install THAAD. If they think it will benefit their national security, then why not? However, if Chinese citizens (not speaking of the government’s perspective) are not in the mood anymore for anything related to Korea (whether it’s tourism, entertainment, cosmetics etc.) I think it’s a personal choice of the consumer. The anti-Korea fever is huge in China now. Not only because of the THAAD thing, but also because of several other issues (including offensive remarks that are going viral on Weibo, against Chinese people refering them as lowly, uncivilized dogs that is screencapped from Naver/Nate and being translated in Chinese). They can decide by themselves whether they are interested in Korean entertainment or not. They can decide by themselves if they want to spend their money on Korean idols/actors or anything else (for example, move on to J-dramas or Lakorns). This will directly affect supply and demand. The demand for anything related to Korea has dropped to lower than low now in China. Even if there was no official restrictions at all, I still highly doubt whether the Chinese people are willing to spend their money on Korea or not. So speaking from a consumer’s point of view, how is that being a bully? Should South-Korea take the Chinese money and high-demand for granted? Are they obligated to book a trip to Korea or to buy loads of Korean stuff? Vice versa, if South-Koreans are pissed off with the Chinese and have decided not to buy Chinese goods anymore.. that would be their freedom and personal choice as a consumer as well. Which by the way they are doing already. Apparently a boycott against Tsingdao bear is taking place. Are Korean people “bullying” Chinese people now?
Totally agree with you.
Seems like most of the commenters here already have formed a judgement towards China and without real understanding of the situation, just calling them bullies. It is within one’s right to decide how and where they want to spend their money. Like someone below even mentioned that she/he have banned China products for 2 years and called China a bully. So, what makes her actions different than China? Lol.
What makes it Bullying, the China gov’t imposed the ban. For all we know, those Chinese tourists didn’t have the choice but follow their gov’t.
No. The government did the ban but it is their (citizens) choice not to spend their money on Korea. I’m speaking in general. It is all over the weibo with people expressing their sentiments of why they supports their government.
The Chinese consumers have the right to boycott businesses deemed to be against their national interests. However as businesses closely associated woth the ruling party eg media companies are also involved, it is seen as state-sanctioned boycott. Their big bully image is further reinforced by their expansionist moves in the South China Sea.
Conversely others can boycott China made goods (iPhones anyone?) to make their stand. @Quoka, you need strength in numbers.
A better analogy than THAAD in Mexico is a nuclear-armed Taiwan. Just as China expects others to ‘accept’ a nuclear-armed North Korea, would she be sanguine in that scenario?
No country will accept a nuclear-armed Korea, China included. Do people here really think China will be okay with that herself? The best analogy will be if North Korea is sandwiched between US and Chinese territories instead, then perhaps the two can both deploy their radars and “happily” spy on each other.
Furthermore, if you guys read up a little on the issue (WSJ), you’ll know that SK has chosen to deploy THAAD in a location such that Seoul will not be protected from any missile attacks from NK. This is one of the reasons why some South Koreans are against THAAD themselves and it also contributes to China’s thinking that SK is merely installing a listening post for the US.
Who knows for sure what exactly is going on behind the scenes? We should just stop with the persecution and take a neutral stand in this whole issue. Plus, what is perplexing is not just SK’s location of deployment, but also the fact that this issue is only escalating now when it’s been in the plans for quite a while.
I don’t want to pretend to be an armchair expert, but I feel that a lot of opinions here are influenced by an irrational bias. I do agree, however, that with China’s handling of the issue, South Korea cannot possibly back down because of national pride. And that’s why I say it depends on how far China’s willing to go, because they contribute more to the Korean economy than the US, and with an outright sanction South Korea has basically no choice but to yield.
@kitai Apparently the southern site was chosen so that THAAD is beyond the range of North Korea’s missiles while providing coverage for half to two thirds of the South. It has to be supplemented with Patriot missiles for Seoul and the border regions. Does it make sense for South Korea to deploy a system that offends China, bringing with it economic pain, without having her security enhanced?
To outsiders, it’s a David vs Goliath battle. China is paranoid that her military capabilites are impacted in a future war with the US. Her ‘concerns’ over a nuclear-armed North Korea are that it gives the US a chance to entrench herself in a neighbourhood China considers her turf. To a third party, the Davids’ existential concerns Goliath’s geopolitical ambitions. If only China spends half that effort reining the North in…
Going forward, South Korea has to diversify her economy. This is a warning to others not to be over-reliant on China, those RMB comes with strings attached.
I think there are many S Koreans who oppose the installation too, just that you don’t see them on your news. My personal take on this matter is that, basically China n S Korea were played by the US, as only the US had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
S Korea may be duped into installing this thing, which also put them under the mercy of the US, who knows if the US may just back stab them in the future…
When you mentioned that it is naive for me to think that NK is controllable, I really feel bothered of where does that come from since I did not in any way imply that NK could be controlled by China.
For the reason that NK is uncontrollable, South Korea certainly has valid reason to install THAAD. I don’t give a damn that the Chinese not in a mood for anything Koreans for whatever sentiments they have but imposing a ban to put pressure on South Korea so that they could bow to China’s demand is equal to bullying. It’s like how my neighbor ran over my cats with cars just because she does not agree that we are keeping cats, just to exert pressure on me to give in to her demand. For what reason should I accommodate to her preference? It’s the same case here. And for what China has done to the South East Asia region, China rightfully earned the title of a big bully.
I wasn’t replying to you. I was replying to a person who commented on your post. Sorry, should have @ that person.
Anyway, people can still fly over to Korea, eat Korean barbecue, go to Lotte Mart, watch Korean dramas or shows (albeit not on streaming portals, but you can still download them, subtitles are still updated daily), refresh your daily K-showbiz news on Sina Korea, buy K-pop albums or Samsung and in this case, board off the cruise. That’s a personal choice. Chinese consumers and citizens don’t owe Korea money. You won’t be dragged to jail if you eat bibimbap. If the interest is low, it will directly affect the demand as well. Just like the person commenting below, she/he decided to boycott Made-in-China.. Well, that’s her free decision. The anti-Korea sentiment amongst citizens is actually going hand in hand with China’s restriction policy. A major reason why the anti-Korea sentiment is so huge now in China is because Chinese people are legitimately pissed off. So regardless of whether there are official bans, the demand and enthusiasm in Korea and Korean goods has hit rock bottom. It’s pretty much “you install your THAAD, we will love our country”. Also, when inappropriate comments regarding the Chinese people/tourists describing them as “filthy, stinky China dogs who better not take a step into Korea anymore” are widely spread on Weibo.. It is no wonder that Chinese people are turned off and unwilling to visit Korea. Same goes the other way around, Korean people have the right to be pissed off as well.
Just as some other people have pointed out already, South Korea certainly has valid reasons to install THAAD, but China also has valid reasons to oppose it. I keep seeing the wouldn’t-you-do-the-same-if-you-have-a-psycho-neighbor-next-door theory popping up here.. And that’s true. But from China’s perspective the same question could be asked: wouldn’t you flip as well if your neighbor installed a camera with a telescope next to your window that can see through your curtains, detect every corner in your house, and spy your private movements in your house as far as peeking which password code you are using for your safe? And on top of that, your neighbor is setting this up with your biggest enemy.
Both countries have reasonable points (for installing it and for opposing it), but people here fail to see it from both sides.. or maybe they just deliberately choose to see it from one side.
China is supporting north Korea and nobody is bullying them for it. Why are they bullying SK in this way?
Incredible really!!!!!
I wonder how many passenger really ‘refused’ to disembark…. Really, not one out of 3400 had an alternative or more moderate stance?
Having observed closely the occurances in my native Hong Kong, now under China’s rule, people’s freedom of choice and rights has seem to have seriously deteriorated. Which is why I question if alot of the passengers were somewhat ‘persuaded’ not to disembark. Hell, I wouldn’t put it pass China to put those people on the boat just so that they won’t disembark, just to make a political statement that gets picked up by the media…
The excuse that China is upset that SK will now be able to track middles from its region is interesting for a country that is always crossing boundaries. HK, Tibet, Taiwan, Philippines, African countries are just a few that will talk about China placing their nose in other people business.
So why did these Chinese tourists board the ship to SK in the first place??
It was a company cruise and stopped off in many cities. It was sailing from Fukuoka to Jeju for one of the stops.
Lol, did the Chinese tourists refuse to disembark at Fukuoka too? South Korea has assumed the hot seat from Japan as best target for wiping up nationalistic sentiments.
In the long run I’m confident that South Korea will be okay. They have a pretty stable economy even if Halley revenues sink a little. Hallyu has also been growing in the west and if they work hard enough they should be able to reach a level where they no longer depend on China.
China in the other hand seems to be a pro at loosing friends and alienating their neighbors.
Unfortunately it’s the numbers that count. Hallyu has lost a huge lucrative market. The business from the combination of other countries are not enough to cover the loss of the Chinese market. The big talent agencies like SM and YG have lost half their business because of THAAD, I read it somewhere correct me if I’m wrong. Just think how much business they lost for not being able to market their movies and music to the Chinese market. It is what it is.
Yes, but those are sacrifices that need to be worth their freedom to amp up security without needing consent from other governments. I’m basically saying that it’s a good thing the Korean economy as a whole doesn’t just depend on their entertainment market. They will definitely feel the hit from the drop of its revenue but a atleast their gaming, sports, technology, food production markets do well enough to keep them in the first world even with a declining hallyu market.
As of YG, SM, JYP I can’t feel bad for people who are richer than me. The Idols will probably suffer the most.
China is picking on South Korea just coz it’s the weaker and more convenient target…They would ban all things South Korea/ Hallyu, but won’t take any action against US which is the one installing the THAAD. Why don’t they ban US and Hollywood too if they are so convinced about their stand? China is one country which doesn’t have any consideration about concerns of other smaller countries when it comes to its ambitions (like South China Sea issue), but expect other countries to give in to their demands coz they have the economic might. I hope S Korea doesn’t give in and continues doing what it feels is right for its national security.
I’m witb South Korea, just ignore what China think. The safety of your country and people is more important.
SK can do what it wants and China can do what it wants.
They are sovereign countries with their own policies.
It is what it is.
As a Citizen of another country, it is hard to pass judgement.
Nope that’s not the way it works. Especially international politics affects a lot of countries, not only the ones involved. Of course it is hard to pass judegement but based on the informations you are able to optain, you should have an opinion. They are sovereign countries, yes. But if there is going to be a military conflict, alot more countries are going to be involved besides those two.
I humbly think that the problem is beyond china and south korea cause the THAAD is sppose not just to protect the south but also neutralise the missile power of china and north korea incase of USA or Japan assault,for the south it won’t protect the south that much incase of a ground invasion, because between china the south and north korea there is land border, but towards japan and the USA it is impossible, cause there is no land border so the THAAD is originally sppose to protect the USA in the first place and then Japan.
If North Korea wasn’t crazy and a real threat with the missile testing, no need to agree to THAAD. China is just a bully in this matter. Instead of dealing with North Korea, they just want South Korea to roll over and be a doormat.
good for china korean star been stealling too much money from them.
Lol. Stealing?! Such a ridiculous comment.
Well, I have banned anything made from China for almost 2 years now. I am not Korean but I don’t agree on China’s bullying tactics not only to South Korea but it’s neighboring countries as well.
Bullying? They have their rights to decide where they want to spend their money. Just as you also decide to banned China products and that’s your right.
So, in this matter, what makes your action different than what China is doing?
It is my personal choice and stance.
Difference? There is a big difference. China uses its big force to scare it’s neighbors. I don’t. I don’t even have a muscle.
For all we know there are hundreds or thousands of missiles pointing at South Korea. Otherwise, why China would react like that.
For all we know, there are hundreds or thousands of missiles pointing at other countries.
Are you absolutely sure you didn’t buy anything made in China for almost 2 years?
Not 100% but almost. It’s now progressing to at least 90%. 10% are for those raw materials that we dont know where those actually come from.
But for labeled, I can say 100%.
supporting korean government / netizens on this one. besides it’s good for china’s economy that this money will be directed toward its own economy instead of leaving the country. the only people who might be losing in this process are the korean entertainment companies and stars, but they are already relatively wealthy. so this is a win win for both countries.
USA is the country that really gains from SE Asian countries having diplomatic rows or even going to war with each other which I hope it never does. There are still many Chinese in S Korea either working or studying. If China calls those citizens back that is when the real war may start. I have a hunch China will install its own THAAD system in the future for a tit-for-tat system which seems to be happening all over the world right now.
It’s not the same thing though. China regards South Korea’s THAAD system as a listening post for the US. China can’t do a tit-for-tat because she doesn’t have the same influence on US’ neighbours. Installing an anti-missile system in their own borders only neutralises threats from potential US allies (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) whom they don’t care much about anyway.
I believe the Russians are the smartest because they actually have gone into cyber warfare.
All of the big three are pointing fingers at each other for supposedly carrying out cyber warfare, but it has been denied time and time again too. Really, as average people we have totally no idea what exactly is going on. Everything we see is what the media (whoever controlling it) wants us to see.
Of course they will deny it. But it is so easy for them to rig online votes.
I will now ban all China products. This is my personal choice.
I’m not sure how to break this to you, but it will be extremely difficult to ban all Chinese products especially since I assume you’re commenting with some sort of electronic device. Even looking past the more conspicuous products made in China, China has a monopoly on rare earth minerals, so in order to not buy any Chinese products you would need to be part of a particularly conservative Amish household. It is good to try your best to support the American economy though. I highly encourage those wealthy enough to buy only American goods to do so.
Agree. Not to mention, don’t forget to check the labels of every item we wants to purchase. Because tons of them are made in china. Eventhough they are not Chinese brands.
I read that a lot of the rare earth minerals that China sells actually come from North Korea.
Best to grow your own food and make your own phone.
As what the rest have stated, it’s easier said than done. I came across one 2014 article which revealed that South Koreans imported 98% of their beloved kimchi from China. Shocking, isn’t it?
Hehe that’s how naive some people are. They probably think that they can just ban those products that have Chinese characters written on them or those of Chinese brands. But don’t realized that most products we are using now.. tons are made in china. No matter what the brands are.
In due time, all the made in China stuff will disappear in my country. Some car manufacturing plants have now been slowly moved from China to Thailand and some SEA countries. Clothing manufacturing have been moved to Bangladesh and India. Iphone manufacturer will moved to India by 2017. I am asured all my food items are locally grown and manufactured. It’s a matter time and we are getting there.
Having said that, I think China will thrive on their own considering the have the population and resources.
korean just lose most of their money maker. now pd will be careful casting sux actor actress. now that china wont invest in thir sux drama. didnt one actor trun his back on his own people just so he can still get money from china. hear he th only actor that china still not ban. LMH an kiss his china money goodbye. PSH too.
GY LJK hav no luck just when they start to get money from china skorean just have to piss china off. feel bad for those two
LMH and PSH are not only popular in China, they are popular even in non-Chinese speaking countries. LMH is off to military anyway so he doesn’t care. It’s the k-stars that have just started that will be earning less RMB such as KSH, KYJ.
LJG has been popular in China since his shoot to stardom for TKTC. Even after military, he a guest on Happy Camp variety. He was the sole guest which was very rare for that show as they usually invite group op guest but LJG was their only guest on that day.
He did sold out fan meeting in 2014 in few cities. He did a movie. His drama Moon Lovers was sold for $400K per episode which become the most expensive korean drama ever sold.
Surely he would be missing a lot after this political tension. I think that was the reason he didn’t do the Thank You fan meeting which is unfortunate. At least, his fans supported the Resident Evil even he was just on a small role. The movie to date is now grossing $155Million and counting. The last RE movie was only sold $17Million despite having Lin Bing Bing in it. Logan on other hand, though a better movie but no Asian actors in it only made half of the RE box office. I think they have to thank LJG fans in China not for watching the movie but most importantly for promoting the movie.
So I think LJG would be missing from now onwards.
LMH missed for LOTBS. GY for Goblin. I think SJK and JJH had few of their CF cancelled. There are also few star who had shoot dramas and movie but being cut out or won’t released.
I think it would be sad for Hallyu Stars and Korean economy in general. But I think their National interest is more important than the dollar I guess.
Good. Kdramas were depending way too much on Chinese hallyu fans anyway. Good luck getting those big budgets Dots had for the dramas and MVs now. Everything is going to have to be cheaper and low budget. It’s a pretty good time for the Chinese government to do this too because Chinese entertainment has gotten soooo much better over the last couple years that people won’t even try to use seek out hallyu the same way as they might have 10 years ago. They will just shrug, watch 3L3W or gush over Yang Yang or listen to some more TF boys.
There is Japan which is a much stable market. Remember they were the second biggest economy of the world only until recently when they were taken over by China.
LJG & JGS still have good market as they are the most popular k-stars in Japan. LJG has been doing concert fan meeting there since forever. His drama AATM in 2012 was sold for $200k per episode, the most expensive at that time. Only recently it was surpassed by DOST for $250 K per episode and the most recent Moon Lovers for $400K episode. But these are in China though. However, Moon Lovers have been shown 3times already in Japan in 3 different media plus the release of Bluray/DVd which currently on numbers 1 in sales among kdrama. Even LJG SWWTN Bluray/DVD release is currently doing well too.
I’m in Seoul now and there is just a lot of dissatisfaction regarding China, knetz are angry that Chinese are coming in to their country buying properties and setting up businesses and competing with locals. Unfortunately china has a really bad rep in regards to its neighbors and its greed of claiming territories. It’s not only SK that has a tension with China right now. Lots of its neighbouring countries are just dissatisfied and resentful.
It happens everywhere with foreign investors. Governments tries to attract investors so that it help boast the economy. It is silly to hate Chinese due to that. Look at the E.U.
It’s not only about economic power and playing with money, but also a matter of mentality. Neighboring countries (also smaller countries) hate Chinese govt for the way they gravitate to bully their weaker neighbors in every aspect. No wonder Taiwanese citizens used to pledge a referendum to request the island to be part of the US territories. LOL…It’s the hugest sarcasm to the Chinese govt sharing almost the same ancestry as Taiwanese.
that is quite true, especially their use of economic leverage over the smaller neighbors. look at the issue on Spartley Islands.
I always wonder at how the people’s lives in China, and how they are depicted in these dramas. I think it is China’s way of trying to influence the rest of us into beliving they are just regular people like everyone else. When actually, I have never gotten that impression. They are buying up our studios here. What better way to gain traction than through the media. I may be wrong. I personally like S. Korea dramas the best.
They are normal people like us. No different lol.
Why would the Chinese want to influence us into believing this? They don’t care if we believe it or not. I think the Chinese government is more concerned about how their own people think and are influenced than they care about foreigners.
I don’t watch that many C dramas but if they are in the modern setting, they are mostly set in the cities. Don’t forget that China is vast and even if we are talking about the ethnic majority and urban dwellers only, the lifestyles and standards differ from city to city.
Granted that S. Korean is a smaller country with a more homogeneous population, do you think Korean dramas depict regular Korean people?
I actually feel indifferent to the whole fuss. Those Hallyu stars will be doing fine. K dramas are expanding market to the regions other than China. They’ll be doing ok.
I too am indifferent because I like my Korean dramas to evolve with their own distinct flavor instead of bending towards the Chinese. Going by the quality of those ‘made for China’ dramas, I am not thrilled. However from the perspective of monetary rewards, China was to take over Japan as the money generator – higher salaries, better working conditions, lucrative endorsements, variety appearances and fanmeets. Which other markets is able to replace China and able to offer these? Indonesia? Thailand? Vietnam? Malaysia? Singapore?
I don’t really get this K ent will suffer immensely bcus of the sanction from China. Guys have to realize most of the investment in K dramas of Kpop in the massive Chinese markets came from the Chinese business side, with Chinese investors eyeing for huge profits from importing these SK products.
Of course both sides suffer – Korean and Chinese investors and related businesses but I don’t think fans care about them. They are worried about their actors and pop idols.
no those hallyu will suffer. china is were they get the money without china they will be making less money. china is so big that all those market cant conpare to them. those market are too poor to offer the big money china can offer hallyu star.
I think both sides have their reasons considering their national interests are at stake. South Korea clearly because of their crazy neighbors up north which is totally understandable, and China’s concerns about US system spying and monitoring their activities aren’t illogical either if you think about it.
It’s not like the US or other countries will be okay with a neighbor country setting up monitoring systems made by a rival nation or China either. You don’t think the US will clearly object either if Canada employed systems made by China that can track US activity just like that? However the Chinese government way of pressuring and exercising their concerns is the issue and why neighboring countries are grumbling about them being “bullies”.
Meh I’m not on this whole “China is the bully!!11!” that everyone is screaming here. K-netizens / Hallyu fans aren’t any better and I wish they’ll stop with this “holier then thou” attitude. Like I read super nationalistic bs stuff written by Koreans like ~Confucius is Korean~ and stealing Chinese culture as a whole despite supposedly hating Chinese people. Or as Bwear said, calling Chinese “dogs” or insults worst than that but to some people it’s no big deal because they are sinophobes at heart. Good luck boycotting Chinese products! LoL talk about needing a reality check.
Yupe. Too much hypocrites here.
You know the biggest “bully” of them all? America.
They just have a pretentious way of justifying all their bullying and sticking their fingers to where all the wealth and resource are.