Suzy and Lee Jong Seok Wear Couples Outfits in BTS Pic From While You Were Sleeping
Hopes are high, and usually that’s where dreams go to die but I’m inclined to give this one a shot at bringing in viewers. Upcoming SBS Wed-Thurs drama While You Were Sleeping pairs together successful screenwriter Park Hye Ryun of Pinocchio, I Hear Your Voice, and Dream High fame with PD Oh Choong Hwan who directed Doctors and You From Another Star, and adds popular Lee Jong Seok and Suzy on top of that team as the leads. Neither of the leads had a big hit with their last dramas, W: Two Worlds led its time slot but only got as high as 13.8% AGB ratings and remained in the low teens while Uncontrollably Fond was legit a ratings disappointment for the high profile names attached. I’m hoping for more chemistry from the leads this time than their previous drama pairings, and nicely fleshed out characters with a romance trajectory that really hits a home run with audiences.
In addition to Lee Jong Seok and Suzy, the supporting cast of While You Were Sleeping includes Lee Sang Yeob, Jung Hae In, Go Sung Hee, Shin Jae Ha, Kim Min Jae, and Park Jin Joo.
Lol…but W still a hit drama..and it s wildly populars among kd fans.
You don’t expect a 20% from a drama like W unless its by Kim EunSook or her like, the ratings were really good,not to mention the buzz and respone
I am glad that it got the Houston international award as well!
Suzy just keep rising these days. Here profil is so high now. She is both a top level singer and now A-list actress
What? Suzy is A list actor? Korea has low standard for an acting then. She is popular. She has many fans but the skill of her acting is low and her singing skill is so-so. There is a different between popular and qualified one. Seolhyun, Suzy, Yoona are the same.
How about Secret Song Jieun? Been watching secret romance. Chemistry is good between the leads.
Lol how cute 🙂
A-list actors are the likes of Choi Min-sik, Lee Byung-hun, Park Hae-il etc. and A-list actresses are the likes of Sohn Ye Jin, Kim Hye Soo etc.
Suzy, Seolhyun and Yoona are all in the same category, which is the bad to mediocre acting depending on the character and project, but immensely popular and overhyped especially by the international kpop fandom full of rabid delulus 🙂
watta joke!! A list actor ! hahahaha you’re funny
just curious, how she is a top singer? her voice so so, compare her with luna, eunji or alee voice, she’s nothing and for acting, we all know how bad she is and now sz A-list actress? JOKE OF THE YEARS.
Ailee’s voice is really awsome.
‘ A list actress’???
You must be joking right.
She is only C grade singer
(Honestly I can sing much-much better then her)
Suzy cannot sing. Suzy cannot act. She is popular bcoz of her looks… actually her looks is only average imo, but in her country, she is considered “pretty”… I wonder why?
its because of glutathione, you know Korean, they are obsessed with white skin, western colonial mentality what else!
lol W was a hit drama and created a lot of buzz whether you like it or not
It was no 1 in its time slot even though it was competing with another powerful drama
But more importantly for a Kdrama with such a different content, the rating is actually good( coz majority prefers dramas more ‘mainstream’ like Doctors, and so on, with W attracting an younger audience )
I wonder who is better at manipulating narratives according to their whims, Koala or netizenbuzz?
Doctors mainstream? Eh??? I’d say Uncontrollably Fond was mainstream with it’s early 2000s plot. No way teacher-student romance set in a hospital with every week different case is mainstream, at least in Korea. It was like Grey’s Anatomy of Korea. And yes, among online communities and international K-drama fans W was wildly popular. And lol, it ain’t manipulating. It’s true that even if W was winning in it’s time slot 13 % viewer ratings in a year that produced several over 20% rated dramas isn’t exactly too great. But W did well considering it’s more unique concept and characters that aren’t exactly relatable.
LOL So Doctors was mainstream? That’s why most ifans think it boring but love W?
It’s not hard to accept W isn’t a huge rating hit without dragging others, ok?
W is the kind of drama that should be well received more than Doctors. People anticipated for it since the news came out…
Doctors was mainstream in korea. Korea loves medical dramas. Diesnt take a genius to figure out they prefer cheesy romances to scifi and no not dragging just telling the truth. W is a hit whether you agree or not. Any articles on 2016 dramas call it a hit and popular drama
Um no doctors started at 12% whereas w at 8% coz mbc did not promote it well, lets not throw random facts .
wow they look like a twin in the photo, similar smiles and postures
For me W: 2 world was really good and cool, it was by no shape perfect but it was different, and for that lets give this drama a round of applause. It was a different flavor from all the other dramas at that time. Now this new drama I’m a little nervous stills are not giving me the vibe yet is not making me want to watch or impatience to see it but I will give it a shot when it does air. I really like the writter and PD previous work and LJS specially in Pinocchio, so for these reason I will like or hope that this drama hit the right spot in plot, directing and acting so it can be successful domestically and internationally.
Seems to me that Koala is comparing almost every drama with KES’ ratings standard. KES is in a different league. She could churn out rubbish (The Heirs anyone?) and Koreans will still buy it like a piece of masterpiece crystal crafting.
I say for last year, the drama aired towards the later half of 2016 and early 2017 seems to enjoy great ratings namely Doctors, Romantic Doctor, Moonlight, Defendant and Chief Kim. So generally, I consider “W” did relatively well and the drama was generating insane buzz for the out-of-the box plot.
I have partial faith in this drama. Faith in the writer and LJS but skeptical because of Suzy. She is horrible. She could not act. At least, please just settle with supporting roles for now. If her popularity and pretty face is what secured her the lead role in the first place, she should have at least the decency to improve her craft by settling with minor roles before taking up the lead role and let audiences suffer.
koala didnt like W bcs of HHJ. thats no surprise.
Well, she was the dullest part of the whole drama, and I like HHJ so… 🙂
In the k drama world the young twenty something chickens are shown holding jobs like doctors, lawyers, reporters, professors, CEO of mnc etc. Looks like they don’t need a college degree and experience to shine in their respective fields because they have shiny faces (effect of BB cream lighting etc).
I’m glad that recently many drams with matured leads got great ratings. Mature people have more stories to be told.
I’m saying this young twenty something college student and I’m bored as hell of k dramas and their unrelaistic settings and seriously age is a huge issue for me.
And I even not started about the acting skills
It’s not an official BTS photo released by SBS, it’s from an instagram user.
I’m sure TV station does not want to take a risk casting an unknown actress. Suzy is perfect to ensure early buzz and high rating, subsequent rating will depends on progress story, if it suck it will have a downward trajectory like that snoozefest UF. But in this case the writer has shown that she was capable of bringing engagging storyline, which is a plus point for this drama
same goes to LJS, who has been shown to have consistent rating successin his earlier drama.
C’mon, Park Hye Ryun is a really good script writer. So far I’ve loved the way she writes her female characters. LJS was good in IHYV (I’ve hated him in everywhere else and I dunno why). So maybe PHR can make even LJS likable character. And Suzy will do fine because PHR obviously knew what she was doing when sending casting offers
It’s really interesting that you liked LJS somewhere, no matter you hate him anywhere else! Hope he can prove you he CAN be likeable for second time.
I think she/he is bipolar
Come on, let’s respect each other, of course I don’t like her spreading of negative feelings towards LJS in some other posts, but I really like her ability to like someone somewhere while she/he hates him anywhere else, unlike me, I can’t watch the best drama there with the ones who I hate in it, while I NEVER express my dislike about them, unlike her.
Thankyou GS! I really can’t explain why I can’t get into Lee Jong Suk. But the worst thing is that if I say it out loud, some of his fans will come at me say that I’m insane or something like that. This is why I sometimes have expressed my dislike for him more explicitly and openly… But I liked him in IHYV and I think it’s his best work so far. I survived Hot Young Blood because of Park Bo Young, and even if Pinocchio was written by PHR, somehow I just couldn’t stand Dal-Po and survived through because of the kickass female character In-Ha (I totally shipped her with Yoo-Rae). I tried to give W a chance but the most memorable thing in that drama was Kim Ui Seong… I will give this drama a chance because I trust in PHR. Maybe I’ll be able to root for LJS
Oh and @aimi… 🙂 hopefully I don’t have it for real..
@prettyautumn Everyone has different tastes, of course it’s your right to not get into LJS 😀 while I silently like you will 🙂
What made me his fan wasn’t his looks or dramas but his interviews, I like his overload honesty and humbleness! You can see in all of his interviews that he doesn’t believe himself in anything related to his personality, acting, looks or popularity, while I sometimes feel sorry for his under-confidence, I like it at the same time too!
And about his dramas I like his character and acting in Doctor Stranger the most, the one that he got his most prestigious award for,IMO There is a big gap between his acting in DS and W! If you don’t mind I’d like to recommend you the first two episodes of DS, everyone believes that the first two episodes were really great, besides it somehow has a complete story in a way that you can cut out its first 90 minutes and watch it as a movie, although his acting shines in some other episodes more 😉
@GS, I’ll check DS out. I’ve been avoiding it for so long because I heard so many bad reviews because of the female lead. But I guess, I have to step out from my comfort zone someday
@prettyautumns Even though I’m really curios to know your review about DS, but I think I should take back my words, because I read your comment on movie “Real” later and I found out unlike me you are not interested in Noir movies! while the first 90 minutes of DS is about action, policy, war and North West Korea’s conflict and a little love which you may not like :d 😉 All in all The first 7 episodes were really good and had a great potential while it is a reality that itsd female lead acting skills are horrible!
Oh.. I’m not too into gangster action noir because they are almost always about money and sex and too much unnecessary violence and they have almost always very sexist portrayal of female characters. But I can watch political thrillers though. Imma still give this a try because I read more comments saying that LJS and Kang Sora had good chemistry there, gotta check it out for that at least 🙂
And what do you think about AOA Seolhyun with Jo In Sung in a historical movie ? SK casting entertainment is like DTrump’s diary ! Everyday they continue to impress us !!!
It’s a movie about war, even if they choose her, I don’t think she will have a big role. Seolhyun never had lead role in a big drama or movie. I don’t think her agency push her like JYP pushes Suzy.
JYP pushes Suzy, no doubt, but it was Introduction to Architecture that put her in the spotlight and the label Nation’s First Love plus her subsequent upward popularity & CFs that put her on the bullet train that led to today, where she gets so many opportunities because of name-demand.
JYP can only do so much. If they were that powerful, why aren’t they doing that for their actors?
Right. I’m not seeing Suzy is ugly by anyway. She is considerably pretty. But compare her to genuine acting talents of her age lije Go Ah Sung, Kim Go Eun, Park So Dam, Nam Ji Hyun and even younger ones like Kim So Eun, Kim Yoo jung, Kim Sae Ron etc where does she stanf? She is even not a hallayu star or rating magnet.
All of the above ladies can do infinitely better than Suzy. But some of them can’t get decent mainstream roles to play. Why?
Seolhyun has not been acting coz she has concentrated on her idol group thing with AOA the past years. their group is really sexy, cool and cute; and I hope the road is long good ahead for them. but I guess her mgmt is giving her chance now to do some acting. but my personal take on AOA, its a 7 lady members, you only need 4 gorgeous ladies in that group to make it real big in KPop hallyu, just too bad only 3 girls in that group are considered pretty, while the rest are just average but sexy. but who knows, the market is fickle and shallow, they need real luck!
Yes, @cahill I would like to know what Ms Koala thinks of this casting combination also. This is how unfair the world can be at times. Whilst pretty girls without any major talent can get a pass at anything, the less pretty girls have to fight for their roles in a production. However, this situation has been going on forever.
@Abc, so true ! and i should add everywhere (Hollywood, South america ‘s telenovelas,…). But i must say that in France we have a lot of successful actors, singers,… who are not “beautiful” and not that Young either. I admire a lot of things in South Korea but the “obsession” about beauty till the point that some stars can’t even change their haircut or gain some weight without provoking hard comments ,it’s a bit dreadful. Just my opinion.
Maybe S Korean find Suzy ‘pretty’ but me and all of my friends who watch k dramas she is very average looking girl. Add good make-up,styling,dieting,lighting and viola everyone can look beautiful onscreen. It’s more like people are made to believe that a particular person is pretty.
Seriously there are umpteen number of young korean actresses who are prettier and much more talented who could be casted as lead role but all we have to take is ‘Suzy ‘Suzy’ and ‘Suzy’.
@Rarr, totally agree with you. See my comment above, I find her average too, a lot of my friends with makeup look just as pretty on Instagram 🙂
@candycane I’m really not bragging at all but I sincerely think even I look as much pretty as Suzy is without make-up and nobody consider me a beauty here in my home-town.?
People are brain-washed my media to think and feel in a specific way.
@Rarr I really think all the hype about Suzy’s looks is just media brainwashing.
She looks just like Jung So Min, and you don’t see Jung So Min getting hyped for her looks even though she has some acting talent.
@cahill, idiot, what’s Seolhyun got to do with Suzy here?? Btw, Seolhyun is a good actress, an award winning director has complimented her, watch “Gangnam Blues” before blabbering nonsense here. she just stop acting to concentrate on her idol girlband thing, but seems she’s got more time now. I didnt know she has a movie, I’ll go check it asap, yahoo!
just to add, Seolhyun had to undergo screening and competed with some 500 actresses for her role in “Gangnam Blues”, its not the same case with Suzy’s luck where roles are given to her on silver platter! I cant believe your stupidy are getting ahead of you just to add other actresses and carelessly put them on the same boat with Suzy. just plain fools!
Do you have to be rude just because someone else has a different opinion to yours? Just because an award-winning director compliments your idol you think she is a good actress? Naivety at its best. Gangnam Blues was a male-orientated film. Seolhyun left no impression whatsoever.
I have same feeling with @prettyautumn. I also only like him in IHYV. I don’t hate LJS as a person/an actor, but I just couldn’t enjoy his characters/acting in his other dramas/ movies.
I haven’t seen any of his interviews and I only get news about them from k-drama/k-pop sites. No doubt he is at least a decent actor even if I’m not into him. I just can’t explain why hated nearly all of his characters that I’ve seen him acting, and I really don’t get the fuss about him or his looks… but I guess I have also fave actors whom other people probably can’t tolerate either…
suzy is pretty no doubt about that.,she can sing too..but she cant act,.she’s kinda boring.and there’s many actresses can do better than her.
It’s obvious by this point that Suzy is not fit for lead roles and has no interest in acting other than to have the image of ‘actress status’.
JYP tried to buy her credibility as an actress with that sageuk movie (which flopped) and then a drama with Lee Kyung Hee (who is known for launching rookie actors’ careers) that also flopped, and now they are back to Park Hye Ryun who is the only drama writer to successfully write around Suzy’s lack of acting ability.
Heck even SBS knows she has a rep as a crappy actress, but they need to justify why they waste a prime time lead role with such a good writer, on her.
I am not a fan neither a hater.
Just facts from observation due all the hip hip around her, and I want to understand and not be unfair:
Conclusion: subject of study: Bae Suzy.
Talent: goofy. No talent either as actress/singer
Suzy’s daddy:
– National Olympic Coach(?) Tae Kwon Do= Political connections= Skorean netizens feel thankful to him=popularity.
Suzy’s agency:
-JYP – big agency: instructed to make Suzy successful and be used when need by the government.
– Boyfriend= Lee Min Ho( mission to make Suzy as popular international as him, so he could gain the SKorean netizens love and be as popular as Suzy in Korea= ordered by the SK government) ?!? Actors and actresses are revenue for the country economy. Most sale each other. Their love relationship? “Yes No Maybe”, “Pretend” ?!?
Suzy’s “beauty”(I do not see it)?!? Plastic surgery, no doubt about, same surgeon as many others actresses in SKorea entertainment, just look at their face.
Most her Cfs, if not all, looks like soft porn promotion.
The rest Media Play, media play and brain wash.
Currently: scandals keep the hip of the career, to continue in entertainment business, after the cuteness of youth was gone.
Interesting analysis… but SK Economy sucks now, just went to Seoul, department stores empty without those Chinese tourists. We could walk freely everywhere without getting bumped… but of coz we didn’t spend much money there either… K dramas so boring these days, no big stars can save it… ?
Saturated drama market, no quality, creativity at zero. The production team is trying to please the viewers by reading the comments and trying to fulfill different point and wish of the viewers. A messy. Used to have some class, but it lost all, and they are desperate, pretty soon you will see them doing the same thing as in the idol world, soft porn or more, even on drama for teens. I hope , the Chinese market will stay close for longer, so they can reflect and work on quality like in old times.
LOL your whole comment is a joke! You’re definitely a hater!
She should go back to school or
Should join Kardashian’s clan.