Bolin Chen and Jing Tian Confirmed for C-drama Adaptation of Taiwanese Fantasy Romance Manga The King of Blaza
I did double take when I saw both the casting and the adaptation announced for an upcoming fantasy C-drama. The King of Blaze (Fire King) taps into an old school manga well in adapting the same name Taiwanese manga from the early 90’s (1992 to be exact) by writer You Su Lan. It’s the sequel manga to You Su Lan’s debut The Melancholic Princess and continues the loves and lives of 7 ancient gods who control various elements of fire, water, air, etc. The King of Blaze was actually groundbreaking as the first BL manga in Taiwan as the female lead turned up reincarnated into a young man and the male lead could care less and still loved her as a him in modern times. The drama adaptation will likely change that element as Bolin Chen plays the male lead the titular Fire King and C-actress Jing Tian as the female lead. It’s fantastic to see Bolin back in drama land and Jing Tian has charismatic onscreen presence so I’m excited to see this one even if it’s digging nearly three decades into the past.
Omg this sounds amazing. I haven’t heard of the manga before but I love Bolin so this is very exciting news!
Bolin Chen is such a Great Actor. I’ll be watching this drama because of him. Woah i could get a Sequel of In Time With You.. Or just a drama reunion with Ariel Lin ???