A Few A-list But Mostly Aspiring Korean Stars Attend 2018 Fall Seoul Fashion Week
The level of star power at the 2018 Fall Seoul Fashion Week shows really hammered home the strata of star power. While the A-listers have been hitting up overseas couture shows in Paris, Milan, and New York, this week the home show in Seoul saw a less glittering but recognizable enough gathering of stars in attendance. Kim Yoo Jung as the rising popular starlet made multiple appearances and kept to the fashion trend of the Seoul show which felt patchwork and more sporty than the couture progenitors from abroad. There was volume, asymmetry, bold colors and patterns, and general anything goes vibe. I like Oh Yeon Seo and Clara‘s styles but most everyone made me raise a slight eyebrow to the sartorial combination.
Are they competing for the most mis-matched outfit award?
Oh my goodness, I have never seen anything like this in my life. Honestly, the clothes are so ugly, I hope this trend dies soon. I don’t think I used the word ugly in 20 years but my god!!!!!!
LOL! Also, my favorite look is the “I forgot to wear my pants but at least I’m wearing coat to keep me warm”.
B-list, Starlet. Kim Yoo Jung? ? ok I’m done here.
Where was B-list mentioned? As for starlet,obviously, she’s still a starlet when it comes to fashion choices because superstars won’t be caught dead wearing these dreadful outfits.
Models are models for a reason…. I saw how these outfits looked on models but when celebrities wore them it looked terrible
I love LJS outfit <3 the others seriously if this the fashion I quit
Yep, he’s definitely the winner here. He looks classic.
Why do I think they look (size) bigger than when I watched them in drama? Most of them or should I say all of them look super bad. Period
As always only pics and no name of the celebs
if you don’t know them, they are not important… B-listers, what do you expect, pal?
Kyj looks like a walking quilt. Someone fire her stylist! Irony that fashion week lacks fashionable outfits. So done.
It’s not the stylist they have to wear the designers clothes. I saw the same outfit on the model and it actually looked good.
Her body proportions to match the dress. The stylist is responsible for picking a dress that matches their celebrity.
I meant ‘don’t match the dress’
KYJ is too short to carry that outfit!
The only ones who don’t look terrible are Kim Yoo Jung (even with those too-long sleeves on the blue dress) and Lee Jong Suk.
That blue dress looks horrible on her and doesn’t even fit well. The black one is much better but the shoes are meh.
I keep telling myself that KYJ is an actress, not a model… with her fat short legs, even black color and platform shoes cannot hide her weakness… She looks like my cousin who is 14. It’s ok, most young girls look like that in black tights… This just tells us that celebrities are just like one of us, not model-type… LOL…
Yeah she really ain’t got the body type for high fashion clothes. Most people don’t. It only suits tall and slim people with high cheekbones and angular faces. She looks like a child playing dress up in that dress but then again mostly everyone looks bad. It’s more like a circus than a fashion show.
Few girls forgot to wear their pants… The guy in the 5th pic was wearing a hugh labcoat! It’s ok… Halloween coming… Have Fun!!
One of the worst celebrity fashion display I have ever seen. Lee Jong Suk is the only who looks decent. He is smart to go for the timeless jacket with jeans look instead of blindly following trends. Must be his instinct from his modelling days.
“timeless jacket” means grandpa’s jacket… those jeans are so out-of-style! And who wears white sneakers with black socks? He may look like a model with his height, but his outfit sucks…
? I totally agree.
Each and every single one of the outfits don’t match these stars, they’d only fit models. And some outfits are outright terrible with no excuses. Such a shame that fashion nowadays is onetime usable, tacky and synthetic instead of being beautiful, timeless and ecological. Also, what’s wrong with Lee Ddochi’s face, did someone smash it with a frying pan?
Your hate on this poor guy is examplerary. Be careful you may suffer from hypertension.?
Take a chill pill. You rock by the way.?
Well, I could also ask what happened to Jin Se Yeon’s mouth. Her smile always looks so weird and forced. Just my observations
OH MY GOD! What were they thinking? Everything is bad. It went from bad to worse. OMG…..
Kim Yoo Jung has been in the industry for over 10 years… I guess she is passed the b-list status, Koala. But it’s okay. Everyone can make a mistake.
So what? Lee Se Young has been in the industry for over 20 years by she’s barely a B-Lister. KYJ only has one drama to her credit as a lead and even in that she played a teenager. Not to mention the success of the drama is credited 90% – PBG , 5% – direction and writing and only 5% – PBG-KYJ chemistry. She is still a rising star and not an A-lister. She has a long way to go before she ever becomes an A-list actress.
So you mean a love story only works with help of the male lead? Then you’re wrong. This drama could’ve gone wrong completely with the wrong cast and crew. Luckily MDBC had both. It’s completely unfair to put all the good reception on PBG’s shoulders.
I like PBG but even he wouldn’t say MDBC’s success happened solely because of him.
Who cares what he says? He’s a humble child so he would never take the credit. It’s what makes him so likeable. Truth is media play before and after the drama gave most of the credit to him. It was his fabulous acting as the crown prince that got praise to heaven while kyj was just given a pat on the back. He was the one nominated for a daesang. If they were equal contributors then it would have been like dots and yongpal and doctors where both leads were nominated for a daesang not just one. I agree with the comment above that kyj is not yet an a-listen and the success of mdbc lies strongly on pbg shoulder not her. Delusional kyj fans need to chill and realize who the real hallyu star of the two is. If not for pbg the drama would have never pulled in such high ratings. He’s not called the nation’s son-in-law for nothing.
I’m not the one who calls herself pbg_oppa. ROFL I think I know who the crazy fan here is.
As for DotS: I think we can agree that while SJK deserved the Daesang – acting-wise, not for the DotS – SHK only got it because she was part of a rating-hit drama, not for the acting. Her dead eyes aren’t worth a acting award but she gets them anyway due to her popularity.
@pbg_oppa LMAO PBG was NEVER nominated daesang, neither were the main actors of Doctors. At least get your facts straight. I won’t gauge into the reasons why MDBC, an underdog drama, got so popular, but it definitely wasn’t because of KYJ. She’s still a rising star. Some KYJ (and the other Kim fans) really think that their unnies are best actress a-listers when they are just child actresses and have a long way to go to reach the a-list status.
Who the heck would call KYJ unnie? ROFL If anything I’m her unnie.
Nobody here said it was solely KYJ’s doing but everybody working on MDBC, making it a success.
Also: MDBC = not a underdog drama. Get YOUR facts straight. At least it had a plot unlike a certain rating-hit-yet-no-plot drama aka DotS.
@Jasmi, I don’t think you understand what underdog means. It means that nobody believed that it would become a hit but it became a hit against all predictions
*rolls eyes* People love to discredit actresses. Yes of course oppa gets all the shine because of fangirls who see through rose-tinted glasses like you. Please, Kim Yoo-jung is a A-lister whether you like it or not. Her popularity and acting cred built up from all her years of experience makes her one, especially among actresses within her age range.
You say she only has one project? But PBG is the same! Reply cannot be counted because why? 90% – WRITER. 5% – DIRECTION and the other 5% is due to the chemistry between the leads.
Seriously istg, people on this blog loves to downplay Suzy, Park Shinhye and Kim Yoojung. It doesn’t matter whether you think they are “bad” actresses (Suzy), “overrated” (Park Shinhye) or has “bad reputation” (Kim Yoojung); they are at the top. And Song Hyekyo has dead eyes? Puh-lease, your eyes are the one that’s dead.
KYJ may only have 1 leading role under her belt, but she was and still is one of or the top sought after child actresses of her generation With a high number of successful dramas, she many not of had the adult leading lady but for her part as leading lady as a ‘child’ she has done excellent and I for one am one of her fan I remember seeing her in one of those roles and I vowed to keep a lookout for her, because I saw the talent as meny have. Don’t go after an actress or actor for their leading roles but judge the body of work before u talk.
@Nova, KYJ isn’t a-lister like Sohn Ye Jin or Kim Hye Soo. KYJ is a rising star and beloved child actress. Also, I wouldn’t put Park Shin Hye and Kim Yoo Jung in the same category with Suzy. The first two aren’t bad. Suzy is mediocre and time to time a bad at acting. Popularity doesn’t necessarily equate good acting so.. Also, I agree that dumb Bogum fangirls love to discredit KYJ. It’s always like that. Oppa fangirls love to discredit the actresses.
If these celebrities took the advice from fashion experts they should all be fired, except for the actresses in the first and last picture (don’t know their names , I think the last one is currently in ‘my golden life’) the long coat over shadowed the outfit a short one would of made a big difference. I can replace one or two point of clothing and those actresses/actors would have looked carpet ready and I’m not a stylist, I see a lot of celebrity warning the asymmetrical clothing but pairing both top and bottom Or a statement blouse with it takes away the appeal and the 2 are now fighting for supremacy (an outfit only needs one statement price, too much and then the bystander doesn’t know what to focus on, so one is distracted and can enjoy the experience of observing, it then becomes a study of what doesn’t fit). If I had more time I would of commented on every picture, seriously these stylists needs to be ?