
Jang Geun Seok Lights the Torch for the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games — 15 Comments

  1. Beautiful looking man…One of the real original and true heart throbs and best actor of his generation and so multi talented. So adored.?

  2. Yes…He looks the best he is ever looked. He has matured but still retains his youthful look.To be the ambassador of his countries olympic games shows how highly regarded he is at the highest level.

  3. He is very patriotic ! He did advertise to sale the tickets for the Winter Olympics Games in his Country very hard! The tickets sales increased ! He deserves to hold that torch! He was not just posing!

  4. It’s probably none of my concern but I really, really want him to go to the military ASAP. I don’t want him to have any scandal or trouble surrounding his enlistment.

  5. Its nice to see nice sensible comments without those same vile disgusting people making unecessary personal attacks on the other comments or the person in the story.Those who are propergating hate know who they are and lets hope they stay away so this can be the nice patriotic sensible article it is meant to be with respect for SKorea and its own.?

  6. About time he gets recognised. He’s held up so well despite being thrash by own Koreans. He’s the few authentic ines who works really hard. Not like the other famous ones who have lowly character flaws and eventually revealed to kill their stardom- Yoo Chun, TOP, Hyun Joong… all were foolish with their lifestyles and got themselves into shit.
    He just continues working hard and oroving himself. Well done oppa!

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