Lee Seung Gi Shares Filming Pics in Morocco for K-drama Vagabond
While attention right now is naturally on premiering soon high profile K-dramas Memories of Alhambra and Encounter (Boyfriend), coming in early 2019 is a fully pre-produced drama that I’m also excited for namely Vagabond with Lee Seung Gi and Suzy. The leads have been filming in Morocco over a month and Lee Seung Gi posted on his SNS pictures of him on set to commemorate the wrap of the location shoot portion. He looks fantastic and Morocco is an exotic to K-dramas locale with so many gorgeous sights to incorporate into the narrative. Lee Seung Gi looks great playing a guy swept up in a dangerous conspiracy and on the run from baddies.
The plot kinda remind me of k2.but i hope it will be better than k2
Uhmm.. I think it’s completely different cause’ JeHa was like that ever since the 1st ep til’ the end. Cha Dal Gun (LSG’s character) was just a normal citizen here at first but I believe with skills in fighting (martial arts), who got his niece killed in a plane crash. It turns out its not an accident so he investigates and found more dark secrets in the gov’t.
Plus the female lead’s character here is not as weak as Anna in K2 🙂 So it’s definitely different. Probably just a same action drama.
Let’s all watch it this 2019!^^ #VAGABOND
The plot reminds me of what happened in SK, from the Sewol ferry accident to the president impeachement > a plane crash leading to discovering political corruption. I hope the drama delivers.
Arf I want to watch it for LSG but Suzy always disapointed me in her dramas…
I like him very much and hope that this drama succeeds 🙂
LSG is amazing and he looks remarkable here. I’m going to try to pretend Suzy doesn’t exist in this drama lol I hope the writer can work around her strengths like the writer in while you were sleeping .
I hope it’s as good as the budget says so
i still wonder why Suzy keeps on getting Lead drama roles despite her acting
her agent JYP?
Suzy is always the ? when cast in dramas so I’m hoping that she pleasantly surprises and wows us as the secret agent role that she has been tasked with. Fingers crossed that the storyline does justice and the two leads keep us intrigued. If not then okay it’s back to the drawing board but I’ve got faith in this drama and that she’ll hopefully be able to hold her own. I’m nervous to say the least but excited for them both at the same time.
His caption on the pic that looks like a poster is so cute, he was bragging that he made it (fake poster) AND added by “me” lmao. I hope this drama delivers, Seung gi plssssssssss!