
Darren Wang and Jelly Lin Take on Iconic Leads in Preview for C-movie Version of It Started With a Kiss — 14 Comments

  1. Hahaha ? Seriously? A 27 y.o. dude (who looks his age or even older) still in high school? What kind of recycled high school does the Taiwanese offer?

  2. Did the Korean had it with Playful Kiss? I only watched it recently. The drama was cute and the leads were visually great and compatible.

      • He gave justice to the called Baek In Ho. Besides this type of drama don’t need brilliant acting. The drama only requires one-dimentional acting, to appear cold but cute. Couples chemistry was great and most importantly… the visual. FYI, it’s a high school drama in case you forgot.

        The Korean version is more appealing and pleasing for me. It’s a personal choice. I only watched few episodes of the Japanese version from way way back but I find Japanese dramas boring in general.

  3. To me, nothing beats the first Taiwanese version with Aerial Lin and Joe Cheng. Can’t believe it’s more than a decade ago, in 2005.

  4. Lol… at this point this drama will rival Jin Yong’s novels in the number of screenplays this story will get.

    At the very least, it is allowing younger actors/actress to have more experience and exposure playing a character that is so well known to the public at large.

  5. Sad to say, I am not exactly looking forward to this. No one can act as Yuan Xiangqin better than Ariel Lin. She’s a natural

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