Carina Lau Leads Taiwan Acting Stars in Fashion Ensemble at Fendi Event in Taipei
There was a whole fashion mixing going on at the Fendi event this week in Taipei but I’m cool with it because everyone was just so on point in attitude and vibe. Tons of well known stars attended the Fendi 10 year anniversary event for the Peekaboo bag, the aughts answer to the Baguette bag from the 90’s. HK-superstar actress Carina Lau was there along with many of my fave Taiwan stars including Roy Qiu, Alice Ke, Alyssia Chia, Summer Meng, Annie Chen, and more. The Fendi fashion look for the event appears to be a combo of black and white sleek and colorful hobo/flower child. Everyone actually looked thrilled to be there and the cute selfie later in the night was the perfect nightcap to the event.
wow wonderful design .. such a beautiful collection of women dresses i really like it ..nice color choice ..
Why is it that they look super slick and not try hard and everything on them looks in sync and fabulously cool whereas their Korean counterparts look like they’ve just rolled out of a jig saw factory for seconds and end up looking like characters out of Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme and we’re trying to put them together again? I’ve said this before- Taiwanese; Chinese and Japanese are the fashionista leaders in brands and the Koreans are the distant poor cousins with no idea on how to dress with swag. Annie Chen beautiful as ever
I still prefer the Korean over them
in time, they will too. Elegance and chic can be learned like the Chinese